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GTAIV Fourth Trailer Announced, -Gameplay scenes to be shown after 4th trailer


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The 4th trailer was announced to a German website cynamite.de. Also, the website claims that Rockstar also said they will reveal in-game clips AFTER the 4th trailer is shown to public. Take this news how ever way you do however, but this site looks much too credible to be bogus.

"GTA IV: Rockstar Games announces fourth trailer

Now official: A fourth trailer of Grand Theft Auto 4 will come.

Fourth GTA IV trailer.

A spokesman for Rockstar Games has over Cynamite confirmed that a fourth of GTA IV trailer gets. The trailer, like the previous ones, in the film's trailer-style "be kept and no direct game scenes. A video with live action from GTA IV to be until after the fourth Trailer published. The release dates of new videos adheres Rockstar Games, however, as cloudy as the release date of the final game. Wir gehen weiterhin von einer Veröffentlichung im April 2008 aus. We continue to go from one publication in April 2008."

Click here for the source, in German. Use Babelfish of Google Translate for help.

Edited by Stallone
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Don't know about you guys but cynamite.de looks of the same quality as a gamespot.com or a ign.com. It looks like a well known site, well at least for German people. Yeah I don't speak German so I just did a translation and posted it up here.

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I think it's fairly obvious that we will get another trailer, I mean the official site hasn't even been fully launched yet. Also if it was "soon" then Rockstar would put a countdown on the site and, low and behold, announce it.

I'm not sure how credible the site is but they just write out a quote and don't say who said it. It's foreign and I think they've interpreted it wrong to be honest. I mean of course another trailer is coming, they think it means in like a week or something when it's more likely to be in a month or 6 weeks or something, just before the game's release.

Thanks anyway, I suppose it 'confirms' a 4th trailer... not sure how newsworthy this is right now though.

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Yeah it's not really anything special right. It's just to put us into like a mode where OMG A NEW TRAILER IS COMING OMG OMG! Cuz when we think abou it as of now the ONLY footage we have of GTA IV is the trailers and most of the screenshots originate from the trailers so screenshots dont really give us much info. What im interested in is the "live in-game video" that they will release after the trailer...if you've noticed they did this with Liberty City Stories as well ;)

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Well, I don't believe it, maybe on 49% but on the linked page, i translated it into English using google. And it said this on it:

The release dates of new videos adheres Rockstar Games, however, as cloudy as the release date of the final game.

But I don't think Rockstar Games has said its the final Grand Theft Auto!

Have they? :(

Or have I just confused myself :)

Edited by mark866
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  mark866 said:
Well, I don't believe it, maybe on 49% but on the linked page, i translated it into English using google. And it said this on it:
The release dates of new videos adheres Rockstar Games, however, as cloudy as the release date of the final game.

But I don't think Rockstar Games has said its the final Grand Theft Auto!

Have they? :(

Or have I just confused myself :)

Yeah bro you confused yourself. The final game refers to the game GTA IV itself :P, in it's finished state.

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  Raymond said:
i hope the GTA IV fourth trailer is the great among the three :)

...So close!

On a serious note tho, I think given the supposed depth of the game I doubt, one more little trailer is gona blow the plot wide open. On top of that, curiosity is just gona get the better of me & I'm gona watch anything R* release between now & the game's release.

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