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Where are you buying your copy of GTA IV from?


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  Andrew91 said:
Either Target or Wal*Mart... We don't have any fancy game stores like GameStop or EBgames around here...

Yeah, any store does the trick really.

I only preorder at EB because it's kind of like a tradition, from way back in the day when game stores like EB were the ONLY place you could preorder a game.

A few years ago if you went into like best buy, and asked to preorder a game they would probably laugh at you... now that they realize major money is involved, they're all over it.

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  The Bossman said:
^ Are you hoping to get it on 1st May, then? Because that's the earliest they'll be delivering it. The message about the high amount of pre-orders is on the same page.

Ah well, it's only 2 days. At least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing that I'll be getting the game a few days later.

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  L-RiC said:
I'm gonna ask for it for my birthday, so it's probably gonna come from either Walmart or Gamestop. Doesn't matter, as they're effin' adjacent to each other.

Haha....not nearly as bad as by my apartment. There is a Gamestop next to a wal-mart, next to another Gamestop. Two Gamestops within like 300 feet of each other :lolbounce:

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