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New Name

Spaz The Great

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I bought a name change. I was going to randomly change my name and think nothing of it, but what if I end up not liking it?

I wanted to use NinjaNugget, for this sig:


The main things I can decide on are:




Spaz The Great

Spaz The Disturbed/Demented/Deranged/Dominant/Anything with a D, as suggested by Tallow((Makes the initials "STD")).

Sonic The Hedgehog

Mr. Mister

What do you think? Please comment on them and suggest more while I try to think of some of the ones I thought of and didn't feel posting or remembering.

EDIT: I thought up more.

Spaz The Dictator((STD, HA!))

Spasdistic Egotist((Spas + Sadistic = Spasdistic. I'm afraid there won't be many people understanding that one))

Children Having Children((Don't ask, because I don't know. I got the idea from an abortion topic :rolleyes: ))

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  Spasmodically_Insane said:
  mr man said:
I think it's pretty great on this site that the admins, mods, etc aren't harsh on people like the other gta sites forums.

Was that sarcasm? And yes, I think we are actually getting more harsh... Me atleast.... On those damn spammers. Though, they deserve harshness.

That wasn't sarcasm, on the other sites, if you make one bad post you get banned.

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  mr man said:
  Spasmodically_Insane said:
  mr man said:
I think it's pretty great on this site that the admins, mods, etc aren't harsh on people like the other gta sites forums.

Was that sarcasm? And yes, I think we are actually getting more harsh... Me atleast.... On those damn spammers. Though, they deserve harshness.

That wasn't sarcasm, on the other sites, if you make one bad post you get banned.

That guy made three and got suspended.

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I don't like it when people change their names. I like to stick with one name forever so everyone will always know me as that one name. I've been using this name for at least six years now.

By the way,

Spaz Takes Drugs

Eee... Sounds too much like a try-hard name. Though, so does the word Insane. But I just don't like "Spaz Takes Drugs".

I did have my name as Blade, site went down, and Chris's backup was before I changed my name. So I have my name change, too.

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