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Harwood Butcher

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Ps3 looks cool, my uncle got one, games sound good but sony is taking any dollar they can get off you. Blue rays arnt much better but they cost $15 more, you have to buy the cords seperate to use, and you have to pay extra to download software online, the games are good but the price really isn't.

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  Original GTA Master said:
  Jace said:
Since you own the console, is it actually already using Blu-Ray OGTAM?

What are you asking? If it has Blu-Ray? If that's what you're asking then yes it does...cause it kicks ass...

Assuming it also can play DVD's.

Are the games already burned on Blu-Ray discs, or still on DVD's.

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PS3 is way to expensive right now, but I think it's a pretty fair price because of the Blu-Ray. But I'm not really into that technology shit, all I really want is to play games on it, and isn't that the most important thing? And right now you can get a Wii and an Xbox 360 for the same price as one PS3. I'll probably get an Xbox 360 when the new CPU is released, you know the 65nm processor. And Wii, of course I gotta get one, ffs it has Twilight Princess. The best thing is to wait and see what happens with the price on PS3, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Original GTA Master said:

In this topic we will discuss the Playstation 3(PS3). This includes everything about the PS3; games, accessories, downloads etc.

The first thing I want to talk about is what you guys/gals thought of the PS3 when you first tried it out...the few of you on this forum that own a PS3. Well I was lucky enough to get it for Christmas and as soon as I plugged it in I was confused because it didn't turn on. I starred at it for 10 minutes trying to figure out how to work it, dumbass me not reading the directions. So after the 10 minutes I decided to try and find the button and tried feeling up the PS3 for some sort of reset button finding that the buttons were touch sensative. After that I felt like a real dumbass but at the same time felt releaf that I didn't have to return it, if were that it broke.

Anyways after I got it all hooked up, and on, I signed up for the online thing as "O GTA Master"..."Original GTA Master" doesn't fit...only got to "Original GTA Mas"... After that I downloaded 3 demos; Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm and some other game I didn't try yet. The games are really good and the graphics are amazing...and I have a shitty TV for a video game system this powerful and what not. I only had about 1 hour in total to mess around with it because I went to a whole bunch of Christmas parties and ended up staying over my grandparents with my dad and brother, still there, and can't wait to get back and try it out...just hope my brother doesn't end up having a huge hang over...ok lets hear what you people have to say about the PS3.

The price of the PS3 and its CD's are too much!

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Well yeah the PS3 is pretty damn expensive, believe me, but trust me, you get what you pay for. Blu-ray is expensive as hell these days and that's why the price is a little bit high, know what I'm saying. You get so damn much for a PS3, Blu-ray and all shit, so it's a pretty good price man. But the price will go down man, oh yeah, just wait a year or something, that's always a good thing to do.

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  GTAPlayer said:
Well yeah the PS3 is pretty damn expensive, believe me, but trust me, you get what you pay for. Blu-ray is expensive as hell these days and that's why the price is a little bit high, know what I'm saying. You get so damn much for a PS3, Blu-ray and all shit, so it's a pretty good price man. But the price will go down man, oh yeah, just wait a year or something, that's always a good thing to do.

You have a PS3? What's your name on there? I'm "OGTAM" if you want to add me.

EDIT: BTW, I added a table on the main post where all TGTAP member's PS3 user names could go. So if you have a PS3, just post your PS3 user name here and I'll add it.

Edited by Original GTA Master
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