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Man Kills Baby

Scarface 23

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A 25-year-old Brewerytown man who allegedly confessed to hitting his 17-month-old daughter in the face and tossing her against a chair after she unplugged his Xbox video game was held for trial on murder and other charges in Municipal Court today.

Tyrone Spellman, of the 1500 block of North 29th Street, is accused of killing his daughter, Alayiah Turman, in his home Sept. 7.

At Spellman's preliminary hearing today, Edwin Lieberman, a Philadelphia assistant medical examiner, testified that Alayiah died from blunt-force trauma to her head. The injuries, he said, were consistent with the baby's head being hit by a fist or on a flat surface.

In a statement to police, Spellman said he was playing one of Tom Clancy's "Ghost Recon" games on an Xbox console with Alayiah near him in a front bedroom that Thursday morning. The baby's mother, Mia Turman, 21, was in a back bedroom sleeping at the time.

Spellman said he gave Alayiah one of the controllers to play along, but since she could not, "she started fussing."

"She pulled the cord and the whole game console fell over," he allegedly said in the statement, read in court by police Homicide Unit Detective John Cummings. "I thought it was broken. I popped her in the face. I picked her up and tossed her in a chair."

Afterward, Spellman said in his statement, he put Alayiah on the bed, then told Turman that he was going to go to a store to get "something to smoke and something to eat."

When he returned, another person in the house, identified after the hearing by Spellman's supporters as Keith Walker, told him that "my daughter fell and had blood on her nose," Spellman said in the statement.

Spellman called 911. Medics took the baby to Temple University Hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 12:37 p.m.

Spellman's court-appointed lawyer, Bobby Hoof, argued that if his client were to be held for trial, the first-degree murder charge should be dismissed because there was no "intent factor" that caused the baby's death.

Assistant District Attorney Yvonne Ruiz argued that Spellman admitted hitting the baby and throwing her against a chair. "There was specific intent to kill," she said.

Judge Gerard A. Kosinski held Spellman for trial on murder general, which includes first-degree murder, and on the other offenses of endangering the welfare of a child and weapons charges.


I would'nt be stupid enough to do the same, I'd hate to lose my progress in a game. A human life is little to sacrifice when you think of the time you'd spend trying to catch yourself back up. And I know what you're all thinking... "Did he at least save the game file?" Unfortunately, no.

What kind of idiot chucks a kid at a chair expecting it to live? There's no way that defense will work.

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  Slayer said:
Just an un-reasonable pearson and some ammo for JT. Very sad... I actually have no words to express my opinion on this. It would be something like tragedy/anger.

I'm with you. what i can tell you is that If I ever got to meet that guy i wouldn't go so far as to kill him but he would regret what he did. not making any threats but I don't know if i could ever meet a guy like that knowing what he did and stay calm. not only was it a girl but a BABY girl. and ontop of that his daughter.

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A bit extreme. The game probably raised his tension level and so when a person just ruined all the progress he had made, may have caused him to be overprotective of what he had accomplished which let to him having felt a sudden outburst of rage.

Interesting to see if he gets convicted with murder or manslaughter though, as it appears he may not really had the mens rea (Guilty mind) for killing the child.

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That's pathetic.

I know it's frustrating, when you're playing a game and a kid comes up and unplugs the console, but there's excuse for killing them. Much less his own daughter. I hope he realises that he wont be able to attend her wedding now, because he killed here, when she was a baby from unplugging his XBOX.


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Wow ... just wow. If someone is that mentaily unstable that they get that violent over lost progress in a video game he shouldn't be playing and should taking some lessions in managing his anger instead.

When kids get furstrated with a video game, it is common for them to just unplug it. Personaly when I was fiveish I used to get angry at my brother and unplug his sega while he was playing. Yes I got a few slaps/punches but nothing bad enough to do more than bruse.

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