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Everything posted by MishoM

  1. Well, guess what? My PS2 broke two years ago and none of my PS2-owning friends bought the game. So, this is my only chance to play Bully. Better graphics? Do you really think I care about better graphics? I just want to play the effin' game without rebuying a console. I'm guessing you said the same thing when GTA 3 thru San Andreas was ported to the Xbox. Said the same old fanboy bullshit back then, didn't ya? Why is it when a game that originated on one console is ported to others, somebody has to shoot their fucking mouth off like a moron? Yeah, I never got to play it either. BUT, I think this game is coming out in like Sep., I've got enough games to buy this fall/winter so I won't be getting it now. I might get it eventually though.
  2. You could always just use headphones with your PC monitor I think.
  3. Holy crap, that sucks man. If I were you, I'd just go chill with someone you know with water and power. At least you have the internets I suppose.
  4. Welcome Back! (Even though I didn't know you from before. )
  5. They all work on regular TV's, the same one you used to play your PS2 will work with the PS3, the same you used to play your Xbox should work with the 360, the same you used with the GameCube should work with the Wii.
  6. Edit: I deleted this post. I don't care anymore. It seems I can't even like the product, and I'm not going to argue anymore. I like the iPhone, leave me alone.
  7. What?!?! I'm WRONG to like a product because its easy to use, looks nice, and has all the features I want?! (iPod, Internet, Email, Phone)
  8. 1. His phone doesn't look nice, its very ugly, especially when flipped into that full keyboard mode. (And I know I'm calling these phones "ugly" and "sexy", its just a way to describe how nice a phone looks. Jeez... 2. His internet browser maybe slightly better, but it probably takes longer to scroll through pages, etc. 3. I've never seen that in a cell phone. I couldn't find that anywhere at your Wikipedia article. 4. Typing doesn't seem faster. The iPhone has ".com" buttons to speed up your typing etc, I didn't see one on his phone.. :\ Dude, your not going to change my opinion of the iPhone. I like it, showing me a phone which I don't like isin't going to change my mind. I don't even want to argue, why does everyone ALWAYS want to start a fight. Jeez, just chillll.
  9. Well it's an iPod, and the iPod features are very cool in it. Cover flow works perfectly. Plus, it has a speaker, you can listen to your music through the speaker or through headphones, if you choose speaker its quite loud (which is good). Plus, it really looks nice in iPod mode. Especially when your looking at the song info, the album art is displayed, looks awesome. If your listening to some music, and you get a phone call, the music slowly fades away, and then you answer the call, when your done the music slowly fades back. Fuck yes. It has the best internet browser I've ever seen on a mobile phone. Pinching to zoom is works brilliantly. You can flip the phone horizontally and see the sites in landscape mode. They look great! I looked at http://www.GNRForums.com, http://www.TheGTAPlace.com, and http://www.ChineseDemocracy.com on them. The sites look fantastic man! Typing works perfectly two, its very easy and you get used to it fast. Much better than on those shitty SmartPhones were the buttons are so f'n small. It has visual voicemail, "rich" HTML email. The email bit is quite cool, it auto checks every so minutes for new email's, when it sees a new one you get a little message by the email icon at the bottom. Works with nearly all email services I think to! Maps, you can type in "sea food" in your area (like in the commercial), and it'll show you a bunch of places. Then from there, you click on one, and it'll show you the telephone number, name, address, and website. You can from there click on the number to call them, or click the website to open it in Safari. (You can also email them if theres an email available.) All of the app's work with each other two. Like in an email, if you see a phone number, you click it and it automatically calls that number. If you see a website, you click it and it takes you to that site in Safari. This is really cool! Making phone calls is awesome. You can like just hit a button and you can make a conference call, you can put people on hold, and talk to others while people are on hold and etc. Its all really easy to do to. Plus its fun scrolling through your contacts and stuff, its really easy to find peeps. Plus the fucker looks so sexy. It has the slider so you don't accidentally answer a call and turn it on etc. The interface is really cool as well, its just so cool. Its slightly big, but I'm used to holding an iPod in my pocket so it wouldn't be that much bigger if I ever got one. Its really thin and light two. Theres a bunch of shit I'm forgetting about it that makes it even better, but ehh. Its really cool, why hate it? Just because its expensive? Thats not a reason to hate it. If you don't want one, that doesn't mean you should say it sucks and stuff. The iPhone doesn't suck, just look at the way the fucker is selling.
  10. MishoM


    That's a good, well thought-out response defending why your game isn't sucky. Haha. Yes, very well thought out.
  11. Yeah but you guys have to look at the stuff it does have that other phones don't. Be a bit more positive, and yes I've known all about it lacking certain features.
  12. You don't know if that's an iPhone. There was a side view of something that resembles the side of the iPhone. It's not confirmed. Besides, even if a character in GTA has one, that doesn't make it good. Actually, it is bad. Maddox has a cheaper phone that not only does more, but is easier to type on. Same with the iPod. Sure it looks good, but the Creative Zen is cheaper and does a hell of a lot more. Dude, just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad. I like it just fine, even though I'll never get one. I think a lot of people hate on the iPhone just because they can't afford it.
  13. I actually never had one. My brother did though, and yes, he sold it. Maybe I'll buy one when an Animal Crossing game comes out on it and its cheaper.
  14. Is there any news on an Animal Crossing Wii game? I fucking love AC: WW and AC.
  15. Sure, its expensive, but that doesn't mean its bad. When my brother bought his $400 iPod Video (when it was released, the 60GB was $400), I thought it was expensive, but it still kicked ass. Same goes for the iPhone, expensive but it's awesome.
  16. I got to use one at the Apple store and it was quite fun. I actually really liked it. I turned on some music and then went to a few websites, the internet worked perfectly. It was so fun pinching to zoom in and out. Was really cool, no reason to hate on it man.
  17. If I still had my Wii, I'd buy Resident Evil 4, and Big Brain Academy Wii Edition.
  18. No, I never said that. You'll most likley be able to play LESS PSOne/PS2 games when this update happens. This only effects NEW PS3's, not old one. Your PS3 already has the Emotion Chip, so it already plays old games. The new PS3 will NOT have this Emotion Chip, and will have backwards compatibility through emulation (like the Xbox 360), so I think the new ones will play less old games. Not like it matters though, you can already play the good ones and that won't change for sure. (BTW, I'm quite positive on this, but not 100% sure. So you might want to double check this stuff.)
  19. "Tell Me Baby" - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  20. "Fight Test" - The Flaming Lips They're so awesome.
  21. Ubuntu is like another kind of Windows. Its not a computer, its software. If you run Ubuntu you don't use Windows etc. (And I wouldn't know why you would, I hear Ubuntu killz Windows.)
  22. Ubuntu is free BTW, I didn't know that many people had heard of it! I think I ordered one of those Ubuntu disks but it never came lol.
  23. That isn't just a rumor, its true. They're going to do the backwards compatibility with emulation, and not with the Emotion Chip or whatever. Should be better with emulation anyway.
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