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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Steam Tags

    Look about 6 topics down and you'll see Radion made this exact topic last week. I'm merging the two together.
  2. I played both versions in New York and briefly mentioned this in my article during the last few pre-release days. First off, you can't really notice a difference unless you're playing on an HD screen, and it's at least 21" or so. Secondly, the PS3 does have slightly better shadows, and on screen text is less jagged, some colours appear more vibrant too - I guess it has much better anti-aliasing. That or they had to optimise stuff to fit on the 360's DVD. Neither look stretched in real life. And I didn't really notice any blurriness when I played, if so then it wasn't much. Either way, it's hardly something that would sway one's decision to settle for one or the other. Graphics aren't a strong point of GTA anyway, it's the gameplay that is. The DLC really is the ONLY major difference between the two versions, the differences after that are very minor.
  3. PC's will be fine as long as it's store bought in the past 12 months, if you built it yourself then obviously you're smart enough to know how well it's going to run. Look at it like this. Decent spec PC's these days often have Quad Core processors. Well, the 360 has a Tri-Core... so yeah, some PC's will actually run it far better than the console counterpart... others not so good. So... not really sure what the point of this topic is really... someone else lock this unless OP has more to say.
  4. I hope 300000 GET isn't a post in this topic.
  5. What's that breed of dog called (I have no idea, don't think dogs are all that great tbh), because it's head looks like a penis. Just sayin. EDIT: probably some sort of greyhound? Their faces are all so damn long though lol :/
  6. Holy shit. Some of you guys are dissing some classic games here. Doom? What the hell. Talk about one of the most influential games in history. You guys are basically just posting games you don't particularly enjoy, rather than ones that are actually shit. WoW: even if you hate it (I do too) you can't call it a bad game, it's one of the most popular in the world. If it was crap no one would play it. RuneScape: Yeah I have actually played that game when it first started (a.k.a version 1) back when I was a kid, I heard it sucks now though and only losers play it... I heard. Age of Empires: Another classic, ok the first wasn't that great. But AoE2 is excellent, and AoE3 improves it with some great new graphics. Now, if you want shitty games. You want to see the worst game ever in history for real: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing Don't believe me? Well, it's where the "YOU ARE WINNER!" internet meme comes from which you automatically win every race (it's impossible to lose because the opponent doesn't move) Read the review, you have to to see how awful it is. You will lol, trust me.
  7. Nothing to do with Java. Java and JavaScript are two very different things. Looking at the URL it tried to load, I expect for some reason the page timed out while loading the javascript files and as such clicking on fast reply didn't actually work. If it was just a one off error then there's no need to worry. If it keeps happening then post in this topic again.
  8. ^ A little hypocritical no? "Just buy it legally", the cheapest possible version you can buy is about £500 ($1000) IIRC, not everyone's got that money to spend. Adobe make plenty of money from businesses such as colleges and universities and professional design firms who purchase licenses. Not to mention all the other software they produce. And hey, MS are doing just fine and their stuff is incredibly easy to crack with keygens and whatnot. Going wildly offtopic now but it's actually a popular conspiracy that MS purposely make their software easy to crack so it remains in popular use! Anyway let's move away from chatting about illegal things and keep to the topic at hand please.
  9. Chris

    101 Things

    94. The admins and mods here suck
  10. I've posted quite a few actually. Just not for a long time. If you want to see them then you'll need to look through this entire topic because I have no idea what page they're on. Good luck with that. And also v1 of the topic too. Last one I posted would have been around GTAIV release, me in New York. Before that it would have been about year ago since I last posted a pic of myself. Having said that, the only new one I have to post is this one I did for the lulz last week: I wasn't actually going to upload it because, not only do I look like a tool, I was just bored and starting writing lolcat style shit on it, most of which were pretty fail tbh.
  11. Your hair is way too short to gel. What exactly could you do with it? Oh and Sky is hawt.
  12. Wow, you sure do really like colouring and bolding my name and writing poorly constructed sentences! Anyway it's because I'm awesome. And also because I love the YSAP series and I'm going to make an official YSAP topic later. A lot of people here really do suck a PS, I'm not so great myself but I'm better than a lot. I'm just lazy.
  13. Agreed. @Cross: No not really. There's some quite advanced things (3D Layers) which if I remember correctly weren't in previous versions. Awesome if you actually have 3d models. I don't, just saying as an example. More commonly used improvements would be these: Quick Selection tool: This is a bit like Magic Wand but you have more control over what's being selected. If you can't be bothered to cut out a person/character from an image properly, then this is a fairly quick and effective tool to use, though you shouldn't really Far better Spot Heal, Red Eye Fix, and Patch Tools - Great for improving images with people in them, and touching up bad pictures of yourself if you're vain I would recommend everyone who's interested in Photoshop to watch this brilliant (and very entertaining) video series featuring Donnie Hoyle, called You Suck At Photoshop Donnie's a fake character btw. But each episode teaches you things in Photoshop, the things he teaches you relate to goings on in his life though providing comedy and such. There's a few little in-jokes along the way too, such as Donnie spelling the title wrong at the start of each video. And making derogatory comments about how crap you are etc. I lol'd quite a lot and at the same time learned a lot. I hope you all do too Episodes 3 and 4 show are good, show you how to remove stuff from images. Episode 7 is good, shows you how to effectively use the Patch tool. Episode 9 is good also, shows you how to use Curves. But I advise you to watch all of them
  14. More than 2mb. More likely you're on a 4mb but judging by your incredibly high ping you're probably using bandwidth with downloads of some sort, which is why your speed isn't really showing the maximum. @Unnamed Noodle: Yes that is slow. But I suspect you're on a 512k broadband connection, which is the slowest possible, though better than dialup of course. I don't know what ISP's are like in the Philippines but it looks like they're not all that great.
  15. Why? I find CS3 is far more intuitive than it's previous iterations. I use CS3 and love it. Not only does it run much faster than previous versions but I actually make use of quite a few of the new features. Also why does this poll start at version 8? What is it with people making shitty polls lately. I mean I doubt people would be use versions older than it but I'm sure there are some people, those who don't use it much for example.
  16. Our download FAQ (although a bit outdated) may help you if you're going to manually install the mods. You'll need IMG Tool if you're going to do it this way. Since you're new and inexperienced you'll probably find it easier using installers. For GTA3 and VC there is the GTA Mod Installer, and for San Andreas there is SAMI. They both should be fairly straightforward to use. If I remember correctly you just extract the files from the zip/rar file you downloaded for the mod. Start up the mod installer and browse to the location of the files you just extracted. Tell it what car to overwrite and then it'll install. If you still need help for a particular game then feel free to make a topic asking for more specific help in the subforum for that game here. You may find help in topics already made though, for example there is a modding guide for San Andreas already.
  17. I checked the article's sources and it's just rumour and speculation people. No hard facts whatsoever here.
  18. One of the reasons I stopped playing. They've done a great job of making multiplayer a shitty place to be for many people. I got fed up of neg repping everyone etc. Multiplayer is now only fun if you're playing with friends from forums and stuff. If they add an in-game mute option that would be so awesome though, I think they added that in Halo 3 or something (don't know because I don't play it) by popular request, so I'm hoping R* follow suit.
  19. Chris

    Your Race

    Caucasian here. I'd be VERY surprised if there are any more than a few black people (African or Caribbean) here. Because, 1) I have NEVER seen a black person post their pic in the post your pics topic. 2) I have NEVER heard someone with a black sounding voice on Xbox Live etc. 3) I personally don't know a single black person who has an interest in videogames. But maybe I'm wrong. EDIT: Just to clarify, obviously there ARE black people who like videogames, my point was it's just very uncommon it would seem.
  20. Yes it's fail poll. Not as bad as that guy who made that R* poll topic where he made up companies such as R* South and R* East How does Spanish/French/German not fit under European. White and Black? What about having just the actual terms, Caucasian, Black African and Afro-Caribbean Spanish? What about just putting Hispanic to cover all Spanish/Portuguese/Latin origins Asian? Well you spelt most of those wrong but what about actually having South Asian, East Asian and Pacific Islander Hindu? Random choice but that falls under South Asian with my above race list. So yes, topic is made of fail. Someone might want to make a proper one with all the actual races, having said that, it'll probably break out into a race war considering about 75% of our members seem to be Caucasian - that or other races don't like the Post your pics topic While this topic is still open I have a serious question. Anyone know any black people who play GTA? Or even videogames for that matter :/ Inb4 race war etc.
  21. You know he was probably asking whereabouts he can find it Anyway, at the top of the 3rd island (leftmost one, Alderney) it's behind the old mansion in some bushes.
  22. Not sure we'll see much variation since there isn't all that much clothing in the game. Regardless, requesting pics of Niko in Claude outfit. I haven't seen it for myself yet as I killed the character who would give it to you if you didn't kill him... Off topic: 5-6 weeks are you sure? When I sent mine in last year it was more like 2 weeks. Unless they're getting shitloads sent back right now or something :/
  23. Yes, you did read that title correctly. Brotha, who probably doesn't need an introduction now, gained fame in the GTA community for his amazing recreations of GTA IV trailers using San Andreas. Well, he's been up to his old antics again, and this time has recreated the first teaser trailer for GTA IV in... GTA IV. Not as easy as you may think actually since it's quite difficult to get some of the angles used, and unfortunately he doesn't have a capture card and had to make do with a camera, nonetheless, Brotha did his best and has produced another excellent video, see it below. Was the original teaser too long ago for you to remember? Fear not, here are some links to Brotha's previous works as well as one to the original teaser trailer for GTA IV. Links: Brotha's original post GTA IV trailers (#1 at the bottom) Brotha's remakes of trailer one, two and three
  24. He's asking a genuine question albeit very rudely by shouting that loud in a forum. We don't even have many Brazilians here but there's a number of Portuguese members who will be able to translate and help him, probably. Elwood posted a translation probably using babelfish but it still makes no sense. We'll wait for some portuguese speakers to see this topic.
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