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Everything posted by Chris

  1. The Lancashire Evening Post, a local British newspaper, has posted an article on its website about a singer-songwriter called Kurgan Merrick (not his real name). While at first he seems like a bit of an egotist, interestingly he claims he has been contacted by Rockstar and asked if one of his songs could be used in Grand Theft Auto IV. Merrick describes his style of music as "synthesiser music with samples and heavy guitars". Rockstar are remaining tight-lipped about any details regarding the game, so again we we have no confirmation on whether or not he will feature in GTA4. You can visit his website for some samples of his music. This isn't the first rumour we've heard regarding soundtrack details, the first appeared as a topic on a forum (which was promptly removed) where 80's New York-based band Breakdown were allegedly contacted by Rockstar Games. If both these rumours turn out to be true it seems like we'll be hearing quite a few different types of music in the game, just as we have in previous iterations. Thanks to gta4.net for the heads up.
  2. I see this is becoming more widespread now... none of these files that everyone is reporting even exist, so I'm not sure what's going on here. Also, I'm on a Mac at the moment so nothing can actually affect me right now. I've tried Safari, Firefox, Camino, and Opera. I haven't had anything suspicious happen in any of the browsers. On my Windows machine I've used Firefox, IE7, Opera and Netscape... again, no virus reports at all. Anyway I've emailed Ron about this, see if he can get someone to check this out.
  3. They're probably discontinued now. Ebay is your best bet, unless you have some second-hand games stores nearby you can check out.
  4. You want my critique? This needs a LOT of organising done to it if it's got any chance of being pinned. Characters list has no order to it, no pictures, and no information of who they are and what role they play in the game Vehicles list has no order to it, be it alphabetical or categorical, no pictures and no stats (no usefulness) All the pictures are tiny thumbnails, you should just upload the full image because they get auto-thumbnailed anyway - you could have saved yourself so much time.
  5. Yes... See I purposely made a typo there to see if anyone would spot it. Congrats!
  6. Yeah basically what Spaz said. Also don't send me multiple PM's. You've posted this topic in completely the wrong section, your spelling and grammar is appalling, as is your writing style. All staff members here can speak English fluently and are very mature, until you can prove this you have no chance of becoming part of the team. At the moment I'm not looking for anyone new either. Not for the forums. Possibly someone to post news, most applicants have horrible spelling and grammar though, so I can't accept them here, it would be detrimental so the site. We need people with excellent English skills.
  7. Still a problem though, shouldn't be slow at all... hope it gets sorted soon. I'll update when I get a response to my email.
  8. Yeah there seems to be a few problems with the server, the fact it's still going on suggests it's not due to the extra traffic but maybe because of some misconfigured programs on the server, I'll see if I can get Ron to sort it out.
  9. User was banned for: 1) Being only a few years old 2) Improper grammar and spelling 3) quadruple posting 4) Being ignorant and arrogant 5) Insulting other members 6) Insulting staff Best. Ban. Ever.
  10. I will have a look in the logs for those files and also inform the server admin so he can check if the server has been compromised.
  11. jace dont get picky about what section its in i dont give a crap what section its in ok Oh really? Do you give a crap if you get banned. How about you stop being so arrogant and abide by the rules. I think it's fairly obvious they won't be in the game.
  12. Why do you keep posting a fat Mexican guy? It's an ongoing joke from something else. Don't worry about it
  13. Lol Jordan. You don't like April Fools? I thought this was one of the better GTA related ones. I remember some very lame attempts in past years.
  14. That's good then. Glad that's cleared up.
  15. Haven't heard of this myself, though I did hear about the PSP price drop. But the 360... perhaps when the Elite comes out?
  16. No, why the hell would anyone host a video at myspace, youtube/google is the way forward folks.
  17. UPDATE: I just added BBCode for embedding Google Videos into your posts, it works in a similar fashion to the YouTube tag... So, if the video you want to post is located at video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7426072412397382971 then you would just use the following code [gvideo]-7426072412397382971[/gvideo] yes, just the number after docid=, and you need that - sign too. That will produce this in your post:
  18. Over the last few days a fair amount of small discoveries have been made, and a few fan made videos have been cropping up. This post is simply to round them all up into one article to keep you all informed and up to date. First of all, credit to our friend Jordan (PlanetGTA) for keeping his Shot-by-shot breakdown article of the first trailer up to date. An interesting read, you may find there's a few things you missed when you first watched the trailer. Jordan also created a nice little GTA Wii video for April Fools using GTA3 footage, check that out if you haven't already seen it. The second update seems to confirm the time period the game takes place in. While it's clearly modern day from looking at vehicles and such, PatrickW noticed that you can see what appears to be a replica of the Hearst Tower (Wikipedia) in the trailer and circled in this screen cap. The interesting point about this is that it was completed in early 2006, suggesting the game will be set no earlier than that. GTA3Rockstar, a member at GTAForums noticed that behind the "Screamer" rollercoaster there appears to be a ferris wheel (see video) while watching the GTA4 trailer. This isn't exactly anything big, but it's nice novelty. It's safe to say it will most likely be ridable, Vice City Stories introduced ferris wheels to the series not too long ago, and even the one in that game was ridable. One of the more popular topics in our GTAIV forum is discussion about the new protagonist. Some have suggested that Vladimir Mashkov (you may have seen him in Behind Enemy Lines) could be playing this role. While there is no hard evidence to support this, he seems to be an appropriate choice, it is likely we'll find out the actor in this month's GameInformer magazine which we posted about recently. Finally, Allen05 has used his spare time to compile a selection of video clips from YouTube. From these he's put together a real life spoof of the first GTAIV trailer, you can view his creation below. Discuss GTAIV in our forums
  19. Yeah I don't always remember, or have the time to get on everyday to change it, yesterday's and today's are now up.
  20. Weird topic :/ The one CroScorpion posted is probably the vaguest error message I've ever seen though.
  21. Chris Phillips Nothing cool can possibly come out of that It's probably just as effective to look through a dictionary to find two cool words that sound good together, only I have nowhere near enough time to do that.
  22. Chris


    Wow... we really really do need some older members on this forum. I'm not good with children you know...
  23. Damn I checked this topic thinking a new episode was out or something... too bad you posted like, the first ever video from years ago
  24. Why? Just shipping costs or what? The costs, and I'm in a third world country, so lt'll probably get lost or more likely, stolen. I see, to be honest I'm not particularly keen on shipping anything to any African country... EDIT: Wow just checked your IP to see what country you're from... looks a pretty nice place actually, quite a popular tourist destination is it not? Anyway, TV is still up for sale. And in fact it will be until I buy a new one, or sell it on ebay.
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