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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I want to start using an alias rather than my real name on the majority of sites I visit and also for things such as Xbox Live. However, I'm having trouble finding one which 1. Isn't used by millions of other people and 2. doesn't make me sound like a 12 yr old who think they're awesome. Those of you who have been here long enough will remember for a few months in 2005 I used PyrOxide - a concatenation of Pyro (pyromaniac) and oxide (oxygen). This was not too bad, and seeing as I actually am a pyromaniac it was quite fitting, so if I could incorporate the word "Pyro" into a new name that would be good. Of course there are some other things we need, some more cool words. A name I came up with earlier was "IceColdPyro" - this seems pretty unique, I searched google and there is just 1 person who went by that name, and they had 0 posts on the forum it was on, which pretty much means no one is using it actively, anywhere. It's also not being used on Xbox Live which is great, and I'll also be able to use it for my PS3 gamer tag. The thing is, I'd rather just have it as 2 words, not more... IcePyro is taken... Then there's the option of putting something to do with GTA in it, but I can't think of anything decent. So if you can think of 2 words which sound pretty good together, post them here Oh and my initials are CJP... if you think you could use them in a name...
  2. I don't think you can Jace. Still looking for someone to buy it though.
  3. It would be illegal for one of us to distribute a "cracked" copy of the latest version of Fraps. But I don't really think the speed of it has improved with each new version, what's probably more likely is the fact your computer doesn't have a particularly fast processor, or much RAM. Could you post your specs?
  4. Just buy off the Internet then. You should find prices to be at least £10 cheaper. But yes, the high street prices of virtually ANYTHING are too expensive in the UK and we are ripped off. But that's why so many people shop on the Internet nowadays, it's pretty secure, and you can find everything cheaper if you know where to look.
  5. No, but it's simple really. IPB has a built in Custom BBCode feature. You just enter in what you want the tag to be and what HTML it converts it to and voila! Done.
  6. I have added a new custom BBcode to the forums which allows you to embed YouTube videos in your posts. I decided to add this simple code after a couple of requests to be able to use it, and the fact that many people (especially in the stunting forum) post links to youtube videos. Now you'll never have to leave the site to watch them! The tag is fairly simple to use, but please read this before you head off posting and making a complete fool of yourself. If the URL to the video you want to post is www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RDswuSdpbE then you would post it using just the video ID (the code after v= ), so like this: [youtube]6RDswuSdpbE[/youtube] The above code will produce the following in your post: UPDATE: I just added BBCode for embedding Google Videos into your posts, it works in a similar fashion to the YouTube tag... So, if the video you want to post is located at video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7426072412397382971 then you would just use the following code [gvideo]-7426072412397382971[/gvideo] yes, just the number after docid=, and you need that - sign too. That will produce this in your post: If you post the whole URL in the tag it will not work and there will just be a blank space, that's for both youtube and google videos, so remember that when you go to use it. Enjoy.
  7. Actually, this is VERY interesting, since I developed an interest in 'domaining' a couple of years ago I have monitored domains owned by Rockstar Games, and have seen them grab a few domains which were being legitimately used for fan sites (as opposed to a cyber squatter getting it for profit). Here's some domains R* have acquired, related to GTA: vicecitystories.com - from Neil vicecitystories.de - from one of the German fansites gtaiv.com - from a cyber squatter all of these domains are the most relative to their game's name, and all redirect to the relevant official sites. Now the fact that all 3 domains have been used, suggests that manhunt3 will be used (otherwise they wouldn't bother buying it). Of course it could just be for future protection (Remedy Games own alanwake2.com and alanwake3.com and alanwakemovie.com - despite not even having the first game released yet) The reason they don't go after other domains fansites own, like the ones you posted in your first post is because they already have a better or more relevant 'short' domain name which they're using to redirect to the rockstargames.com/[sitenamehere] URL.
  8. 1. Not sure what the cost is in Romania, but a core system will set you back approximately €300 while a premium system is about €400 - premium is definitely recommended due to the 20gb hard drive it has, and the wireless controllers and all the other stuff it comes with. 2. Well the Xbox 360 only has a DVD drive (the HD DVD addon isn't for games), so the biggest amount of data it can hold is that available on a dual layer DVD, i.e. around 8.5GB Remember that the Xbox 360 has downloadable content for some games (this is another reason why the premium version is recommended so you have enough space for it all) so it is possible the game will be larger than that. 3. Well you can't really get an equivalent computer. They serve different purposes, but you could spec a few to make it similar to the 360, it would be a hell of a lot more expensive though.
  9. I believe you're talking about the original Vice City. I also believe you must be talking about the PC version - The tear gas was only on the PS2 version (and possibly Xbox I'm not sure)
  10. Are you purchasing soon? If not, wait a couple of months (so I can gather more details) when I will post an informative article which discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each system, and will help you decide which to buy.
  11. Back up this argument with proof else it isn't valid. You DO realise just how successful the Xbox Live Marketplace has been right? Please don't try to tell us whatever other people will do. We can decide for ourselves whether we want more content or not. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean everyone else shares your line of thinking. I personally feel extra content is a great way to expand the game and extend replayability, thus making the game have more value to me.
  12. And that was the end of that. Seriously folks, stop accusing others of being fanboys when you yourself are a fanboy of the other console in question. You guys really are pricks sometimes. What has any of this got to do with the GTA IV trailer eh? Empty the sand from your vagina, stop talking about consoles, and look forward to the trailer.
  13. This is one of my favourite natural jumps in Vice City (i.e. not using bikes or taxi jump etc.). I think I used it about 4 times altogether in my 2 Vice City stunt videos, and did have a single clip of it back when I made the discovery. I don't have that now, but I might have a go at landing it later.
  14. Looks like a graphics card related problem. Has this happened before?
  15. You didn't give very many choices for your poll so I added some more appropriate ones in. There are a lot of geeks here so there's going to be a lot of high answers. I'm on my PC a lot.
  16. Pretty strange that it was working and not it's not. I understand you've reinstalled the game once already. After doing that you used the water level changer; you may have set the water level too high for the game to handle, though I doubt this happened. However, the mod may be conflicting with the trainer, have you tried the game without the water level mod? Or, perhaps you're anti-virus/spyware/firewall is stopping the trainer working because it sees it as a security threat. Try disabling it then playing the game, that is if either of the above were not the cause of the problem.
  17. Way to sensationalise a topic. "Pics or it didn't happen" "Pwned", "Owned", "pwnt", "ownage", and "lol". There, that's all the obligatory comments out the way, continue with your replies. And it's blatantly fake, the fact you had to say "this is a true story" is a dead giveaway. And fingers "explode"? Since when? If this actually happened it's more likely it got crushed, the skin would have split and you'd see her bone, thus making it "hang off" as you put it.
  18. What you're doing is illegal, so if you ask Take Two about it... well, good luck! 1. Vista isn't even a supported operating system - they aren't obliged to provide support 2. Downloading cracks (all 5 of them) is illegal too, and if you tell Take Two this you're going to be in even more shit 3. Had you read the rules you would have realised you're not allowed to talk about illegally obtaining copies of the game here, since it's illegal, obviously.
  19. Rubbish. And seriously this is our real life possessions, why are you posting San Andreas screens?
  20. Topic from December, do you really think rating a graphic in a 3 month topic is actually worth it? Locked.
  21. Wow someone did make this topic. Great. Well, later I'll post pics of my: TV, iPod Nano, Sony Ericcson K800i, Sony PSP, Xbox 360, PS2, SNES, 5.1 Speakers, PC, Laptop, Camera... that's about it for now.
  22. Well yeah this is kind of pointless. If you have a worthwhile story then we encourage you to post your own topic and develop the story over time. This also enables people to comment on it individually, rather than in a massive topic with many different stories which don't follow on. So please, use the creativity forum for this sort of thing. Look at some of the works already posted by other members if you need inspiration to write more, but don't copy.
  23. Chris


    This is going to be a popular topic with many different views, "I can tell from some of the opinions and having seen a lot of popular topics in my time". Let's try to keep arguments down to a minimum. Let us know your own views. but respect everyone else's too.
  24. Chris


    I have more to say but I'll just say this for now. I think it's a shame they don't tell you what the reasons were behind suicide. IMO everyone concerned should be told. i.e. everyone in your school. The reasons he did it should be known so that others don't get their lives fucked up enough that they head in the same direction. You'd like to think if they see their selves going that way they could get some help. There's not many people in the world that could commit suicide and the world would be a better place, off the top of my head, Bush, and Jack Thompson, but everyone else is sure to have at least some family, and most likely friends that are gonna be hurt by what's happened. Shit gets complicated following this too. I hate people who kill themselves where other people may be harmed too. I mean what if the train had then crashed and then killed loads of innocent people? What a dick he would have been. If you're gonna kill yourself, at least do it so you aren't physically harming others. Trains are used because it's pretty difficult to survive being hit by one, they're more accessible (don't need a huge building, or any rope, or buy any meds). So it's pretty certain death.
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