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Everything posted by Cam.

  1. If you could read, they exceded their bandwidth. Bandwidth is lost by every hit on the website.
  2. Thanks for the kind comments. We are a few posts away from 1000, only up for about 3 weeks too. GTA Nation is the only good host I could find. I was hoping to get a new host soon, but I am not good with moving forums. Call me Jim or GTA Pimp, btw.
  3. Cam.

    The Return

    Skyline787, duh. I did often check up on dial up, .
  4. Cam.

    The Return

    I bet you missed me Chris!
  5. Cam.

    The Return

    I am Cam, also known as GTA Pimp, Jim, or "Cizzam". I have been here from day one. I was also a G-Mod and Admin here, once or twice.
  6. I would like to thank you for your nice comment
  7. I have created a forum a few weeks ago named GTAUnit. We have almost 40 members and almost 1000 posts. We have an active gang community, and some great ideas for it, too. We added many items to our shop also. Just added shoutbox, too. Finally, this weekend I will be installing an arcade mod. Please come join, we would be so happy if some people came over. BTW: My name is Jim there. Link in sig.
  8. I like the looks of the header. Indeed, change is good. Hopefully it will bring in more visitors!
  9. I have returned to The GTA Place's forums. I have been inactive due to my laptop crashing. I plan to stay here for awhile.
  10. Cam.


    Congrats Earthbound and Jason, you'll do great!
  11. Simply Lance Vance, He acted like your friend and then batreyed you
  12. I'm too lazy to go thru all of the replies so I'll just say mine anyways. -Abilty to be good or evil!
  13. Looking good Chris. Keep it up
  14. Metal Gear wins my vote. I love MGS games.
  15. From the looks of things it looked like his host's SQL crashed for a few days
  16. i was fixing your mistake.I am back because I love the gta place even if i was cut from the staff
  17. WOW Chris Great Job dude...what are you going to do with the other ones smartboy this is SITE NEWS not the forums
  18. Cam.

    I'm Off

    Bye Bye Biggie :'( I'll miss you
  19. Im going to lock this.The Answer was found!
  20. Cam.


    Id go for www.ukhost4u.com they host this site!
  21. when you say "this skin" which one do you mean Orange or Black?
  22. thank you Legion!We arent adding many hacks till 2.0 is realeased but thanks me and chris may consider it
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