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Everything posted by chris82

  1. I loved the arcade. That, plus a new store, skin, and the gang system return are just what we need.
  2. Heh. That's funny. Life's good for me right now. School's going ok, I get my computer back tomorrow. (Just in time to pwn CS nerds before I celebrate Thanksgiving) I also got an Xbox 360, but can't play until December 5th. (My Birthday)
  3. I want: Memory Stick 512MB Duo for PSP CompUSA gift cards to buy more memory and a new graphics card Family Guy season 4 DvD, American Dad season 1 dvd Xbox 360 games (see below) BAWLS! 12-month Xbox Live Gold renewal card Also, I am getting my Mom: J Lo fragrance stuff Sony Bean MP3 player and my Dad: Sirius radio reciever money Madden '06 for PS2 Also, you might say "Chris, why get Xbox 360 games and subscription card when you didn't ask for a freakin' system?" Well my birthday is a short 20 days from Christmas, and the Xbox 360 is my only B-day present. On my Birthday, I usually ask for one huge present. Last year it was a PSP preorder. Year before that it was an iPod. You get the picture. Anyways, my Mom bought my 360, but won't let me play it until my birthday. Whatev...
  4. I voted somewhere in the middle. I love all GTAs equally.
  5. There's no "silencing option" available in the data files. The model and texture of the silenced pistol make it appear to be silenced, but the characteristics of a silenced weapon are applied in default.ide and weapon.dat. There it is applied what sound is played, how powerful it is, how much ammo in a clip, etc...
  6. I added more choices for your poll. Anyway, I have RoadRunner cable at home. Just got rid of the DSL.
  7. Nice Minigun Steven, even if it's not yours. Anyways, every year I buy a BB gun at this big sale where I live. Last year I bought a manual rifle that shoots 7.2mm pellets, this year I got a replica 9mm handgun that shoots 6mm pellets (go figure?) and next year I'm going to buy that M4 pictured above.
  8. No, it's probably your operating system. I'm guessing because you said "blue screen," you have Windows 98. I suggest you format your hard-drive, and install either Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Either that or download Ad-aware and scan your system.
  9. I'm not really fit to judge this sort of thing, but I picked CJ.
  10. large, incredible oversized
  11. No, he means the vehicle ID number that identifies a vehicle in the main.scm and .exe. You should just be able to enter in the name. The SCM and exe accept both the name and ID number.
  12. 1. Download this: http://www.thegtaplace.com/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=455 2. Use it.
  13. In LCS, I got out of my car in the middle of an intersection because a cop was about to bust me. I started running, but then I noticed a PCJ with two guys riding on it coming perpendicular to a car I had forced to stop. I thought the bike would stop too but it smacked into the car and the guys riding on the bike both went flying extremely far. I set the PSP down, started laughing, and my friend gave me a weird look.
  14. It sounds like your friend has an old computer/video card/monitor that doesn't support 32bit color mode. Try running the game in 800x600 16-bit color mode. Also, an 800MHz P3 is nowhere near fast enough to run SA smoothly.
  15. I hate when parents are like that. In fact, Counter-Strike is just as bloody, if not bloodier, than GTA. As for me, I got a 4.0 as the first quarter of the school year ended a couple weeks ago. All A's but I almost dropped to a B in Technology because the stupid teacher didn't like the way I organized my books. And today, we had a Spanish test. Six pages long, and we ran out of time. She didn't let us finish because she thought be had enough time. (25 minutes) So now, any part we didn't finish gets marked wrong. What a bitch... Finally, I still didn't get my PC back, so the only PC game I can play is CS 1.6, and I have to play at a lower resolution, because the store's repair shop is still waiting for the hard-drive for my gaming machine. (Damn you Seagate!)
  16. Ok, first of all, this is a message board, not a chat room. Don't expect a reply as soon as you post and don't make 5 topics in different forums about the same thing. You are new so I will just close and delete your other topics, but next time you will be warned. As to your problem, yes, higher resolutions will slow the game down on lower-end PCs. You have a nice processor, but you also need a PCI/PCI-e/AGP graphics card. Integrated graphics suck and completely strip the PC's ability to run games. I would say buy a graphics card, then uninstall and reinstall the game. It's because SA will crash upon the entrance of the advanced options menu with any graphics card under 32mb. You might check around the internet for a .set file with this already configured, but I would say buy a graphics card. I suggest http://www.compusa.com/products/product_in...3475&pfp=BROWSE because I am going to be getting that, as it is the fastest standard PCI card available.
  17. Regardless, it's a crappy idea. The basis of the game is breaking laws, not following speed limits. In GTA, you should be able to kill anyone any time, not wait until a cop "goes away."
  18. Excuse me? You don't tell me to stay out of something. In fact I bet that if you took both your LCS stats and Spaz's and put them up side-by-side, they wouldn't compare. I could also stomp you through LCS multiplayer. And not just survivor. ALL of the modes.
  19. I nearly pissed myself when I read that comment. First you tell him you would own him at a game you never played, then you ask him about the game. Me? When people host I just use a tunnel service like Xlink or Xbconnect.
  20. No you can't advertise InvisionFree/PhpBBfree forums. You can advertise it in your signature though.
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