I go to College in fact, I've finished my first year of it. I'll answer a few since some I haven't actually done before.
What's it like?
- Well in the UK, it's somewhat different to the American version of "College". The UK college is known here as Higher Education or Further Education (Eh dunno what which belongs to University or College, heh), but from what I know and have experienced, I've enjoyed my time after school and I'm pretty much ready to enjoy College and stuff. All I can say is College can be easy and hard, it depends on what you're studying in college that makes it easy or hard.
Is college stressful?
- Yes, it is indeed. No matter what college or university you go to, there will always be pressure on your back, and it stays on you for some time. Right now, I'm nearly finished with College, and I got quite alot of assignments to get complete within a short period of time (I finish in college towards the end of May). I'm already feeling the pressure on me, so it's not going to be easy for me anyways. Your tutors or Lecturers, may help you sometimes, but then sometimes they don't.
I have a lecturer for Networking Essentials in ICT and he's not very good at teaching us the stuff we need to know, plus he's boring. Having tutors or lecturers like this will make things harder for you to learn, and that's where the pressure meets it's high points. All I can say is if you listen to your lecturers, and get your assignments/coursework/work done, you shouldn't feel pressured alot like many people do.
Do you have to pay for a dorm?/ Are dorms free?
- Well since I don't know much about this, all I know is you won't be getting a free accommodation wherever you go, even if it's in the UK or the US. My brother goes to University and he had to pay for his place, so yeah, I guess some things may not come free, unless a discount is available, which I think doesn't.
Are you forced to have a room mate?
- Lol, sort of stating the obvious here. You will probably live with another student there since having your very own place means you're going to have to pay quite alot. So I think you'd probably split the bill with your room mates. Plus it would be better to have some company in your accommodation.
I hope this helps, some of the shit is not exactly different from each other so I'd thought I'd state some of it. Since the American Education System is different from the United Kingdom system, I'd like to give it a go, seems way more better than the current system we have here in the UK. Obviously the Education system here is now changing, I dunno exactly what is good now.
As for the experience of college, it's not exactly the same as school, you'll be less disciplined than you were in school, so if you do mess about, you'd probably get kicked out rather than a detention.