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Everything posted by MrLanceVanceDance

  1. I have got a different idea. We could always do Grand Theft COD, Grand Theft Battlefield and Grand Theft Halo. Each game will use weapons, abilities, features and characters from their respective games, but be played Grand Theft Auto style (ie. sandbox, open world, third person shooter etc.)
  2. I am absolutely certain that the Grand Theft Auto series will last up to at least 2022. I am also absolutely certain that Rockstar will release at least 5 games in the GTA V Era. That way, they can earn income while at the same time, they can actively compete against COD, Battlefield and Saints Row. Rockstar Games are not stupid. As long as they have ideas, the GTA series will continue to live. Also, there are millions of GTA fans around the world who will be very disappointed if the GTA series was to be taken down, and the last thing Rockstar want to do is to disappoint them, and to lose a lot of income.
  3. Cool. Good job collecting and sharing all of that info.
  4. The only plane which is included in the actual game in Vice City is the Skimmer (sea plane). It can be found at the jetty at the back of the Interglobal Films film studios. You have to go into the film studios and there is a gate which leads to the water. There should also be a Packer truck near the gate. The Skimmer only spawns if you have completed the mission "Dildo Dodo". Once you have completed the asset mission, it will spawn at the jetty, ready for you to take anytime.
  5. Jugs, that is just harsh. How would you like it if somebody did that to you? Also, how does he not deserve help?
  6. Good job collecting all of that information. Must have taken you some time, but now you have made completing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City a whole lot easier fot a lot of users. However, there are a few errors in your post. The "Pay 'n' Spray" is actualy a "Spray'n'go". Also, I am sure that the spray shop costs money to use and it isn't free.
  7. Brilliant Stuff! 10/10 for me. Not only were the stunts kick ass, but the intro video was fantastic. Great job guys!
  8. Complete "Cop Land" and the Malibu Club asset missions before you complete "Two Bit Hit". If you do not do so, the Havana Outfit will be placed behind an invisible wall which you cannot reach. However, if you do suffer the Havana Glitch, it is possible to obtain the Havana Outfit through another glitch: Drive a PCJ-600 into the building's entrance and blow it up. Then get on top the bike. Tommy's head should be poking out of the celing, if not, then just keep jumping on the bike untill the head pops over the ceiling. When the head pops over the ceiling, face the Havana Outfit and just jump.
  9. If you delete the gtavc.set (or something familiar) file in your user files folder, it should revert back to the original settings, and everything should be alright for you.
  10. You messed with the gravity too much and those in game scenes, especially taxi exploding and that sniper heatshot were useless. I won't say anything about music, but it sucks. The headshots, taxi exploding, reverse doughnuts in the ice cream truck, and killing people aren't stunts. Plus, you messed with the gravity too much, which to me, takes away from the point of stunting. Sorry, but I don't really like it that much. Here are some advice on how to make a better movie next time: Music: rock or metal No mods, no taxies exploding, no ice cream vans turning, no violence, no replay text, no fraps watermark, more stunts, better stunts...you get the point!?
  11. It was okay. Would have been nice to see the video go along with the music a little bit more. And some of the stunts weren't all to great. I liked all the stoppies though.
  12. If you step off or fall off the boat, and you are still a short distance away from it, and hit the water, you will automaticially be teleported back onto the boat, but at the cost of about 10 health points.The same happens if you are close to land, but you accidently fall into the water or step into the water. If you buy the Boatyard in Viceport for $10,000, you will get a Squalo and a Jetmax in the bay. Along the course is a dingy parked in the water so there's locations for 3 different boats, all at the same area. If you want more boats, there is the Ocean Bay Marina, a short boat drive and a short helicopter flight from the Boatyard.
  13. What you should do is to uninstall and then reinstall the game. If you still have the problem check out Rockstar's website for any patches and fixes, try searching on Google for them too.
  14. I like watching GTA stunting videos. GTA stunting is pretty cool, especially with the PCJ-600.
  15. Pretty good video. Not bad for a beginner . Hope to see more of your stunt vids coming on and on ...
  16. First complete the mission Cop Land. That way, the cop uniform spawns in the locker room of the Washington Beach Police Station. Go to the Washington Beach Police Station, enter the locker room and obtain the cop uniform. Once you have done so, get a helicopter and fly it into the Fort Baxter Air Base. Land the helicopter next to the Hunter and enter it. Fly and have fun!! After you have beaten all missions and gotten 100 hidden packages, a second hunter will spawn at the helipad on Ocean Beach, and you dont have to worry about soldiers. It is important to wear the cop uniform when obtaining the helicopter. Otherwise, the soldiers will shoot you. However, if you are talking about Area 69 in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, around Area 69 are SAM rockets. Destroy them all and then take the chopper. The easiest way to destroy them is to use the tank and blow them up. The SAM rockets will not be destroyed forever. Once you leave Area 69, they wil rebuild themselves so once you steal a vehicle from the base, DRIVE LIKE HELL and GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!
  17. I always kill Cam when I do that mission. There is nothing better in a Grand Theft Auto game than killing people. Also, Cam is only slowing me down. If I am to easily shake the Five-O off my tail, i need to get away quickly, and lugging Cam along is only making matters harder. And buddy, you got some facts wrong. Whever Cam lives or dies does not affect the end-of-mission reward. Regardless of whever Cam lives or dies, the reward is still $50,000
  18. Good job making up that list of glitches. I enjoyed reading them and discovering glitches I have not previously heard about before.
  19. My favourite mission was "Keep your friends close...". I liked killing all of those Forelli Family mobsters and I liked killing the backstabber Lance and throwing out all my anger on Sonny. Nothing beats the last mission in most GTA games!!
  20. If you have completed a Unique Stunt Jump for the first time, there will be a message that appears on your screen that says that you have completed the Unique Stunt Jump and it will also state your reward. If you do it again, it will be registered as an Insane Stunt Jump.
  21. There are four "Chopper Checkout" missions in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Also, there is a "Cone Crazy" side mission on the Washington Avenue Multistory Parking Lot in Ocean Beach, "PCJ Playground" at Standing Vice Point, an "RC Car" race in Vice Point, an "RC Plane" race in Vice Point. Also, there is the Pizzaboy, Paramedic, Firefighter and Vigilante side missions. There are also rampages to complete.
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