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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. I'd have a life. WWYDI you woke up with a vagina
  2. MTA sucks more balls than all your moms put together. Download VC-MP
  3. A dinosaur. Then I would sell it to scientists for like 5 billion dollars
  4. That mod looks like shit, way too many trees. I got banned from GTAgaming for double posting
  5. Blood Money because you can now make kills look like accidents which is cool and hiding bodies in dumpsters
  6. Lance looks less "stronger" than he did in Vice City, this is probably because near the end of Vice City Lance said he used to always get bossed around by his brother and he doesnt want Tommy to do that. Good sotryline R*!!!
  7. I tried fear once, once at a friends house. I climbed the ladder and when I got to the top, that girl in the red dress was there and I was like "OH SHIT!!!" and I jumped right off the ladder and died. Oh yeah, btw, FEAR Combat is avaliable for download. Its basically the multiplayer part of FEAR, there isnt the single player, just the multiplayer part. (Oh yeah, its legal)
  8. Ouch, that hurt. My computer right now isnt even half as good as your computer back then
  9. zI dont think he copied it at all. I mean, GTA Place is like, a very common name.
  10. Thast as real as Micheal Jackson's nose
  11. ATV Offroad Fury, that came with the PS2
  12. I ddint get much, my dad just brought me to KFC and we ate
  13. I am certain wildlife will be in the next GTA. A lot of games already have animals being killed (Postal 2, carmageddon, punisher, etc) so if someone blames R* for animal cruelty, they might as well blame those games listed too. Besides, the countryside wasnt countryside at all, there werent and cow, or chickens, farm animals.
  14. Why does ed wear that thingy over his crotch like a caveman? I mean, he doesnt have any junk in there, hes a suit of armour.
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