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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. The San Fierro Rifa. They might randomly shoot you just for getting close sometimes and other times, they don't do anything.
  2. Lucky that you have all of those things insured and great that no one was in the house who could've potentially gotten hurt.
  3. Wasn't that Forelli Giorgio in San Andreas?
  4. The cars (and helicopter) part is in Viceport just west of the Pay 'n' Spray. The boats part is on the southern tip of Viceport where the Yola is parked in the water.
  5. Ah, back after my 12-day break of spam.
  6. The thing is to not to just charge in the room. Just shoot all the visible hitmen from the door, then get the ones hiding behind something (If there are some doing it). Heh, yes, 7 days.
  7. No need to fear... I'll be back in, uh, 4 days.

  8. I've been gone for 8 days and only 4 pages of needless spam? Nonsense.
  9. K, I'll export some from San Andreas.
  10. Classic Backyard Sports for teh win.
  11. Atari has fucked up the Backyard Sports Series for the past 5 years.
  12. Was going to watch NeXt but it had one of their episodes where a homosexual man hooked up with other homosexual men so I just changed it.
  13. I didn't like the back entrance leading into the Vercetti Estate but other than that, no problem with it.
  14. Is the jetpack a vehicle? There's your answer.
  15. What building are you talking about?
  16. Ooh, name change I sees.

  17. And Vic. I never found Tommy any special, but the other four are legends. Then Vic and Lance had many of their illegal business running friends so they all took Vercetti down and raid his mansion like Tommy and Lance did together when killing Diaz. Tommy was 43 years old and he was drunk so they thought it was the very best moment to gun him down for life. w0t?
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