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Everything posted by Alistair

  1. Actually that storyline sounds pretty believable to me, and I'm older than you guys. Why exactly doesn't it sound real? Look what I found!!!!!!!!!! Could it be a little hint as to what is going to happen? Dan Houser: "You still meet people, get missions by them, and if you do well they will help you. Or they may stab you in the back." ^^From Gameinformer Mag. So what do you reckon? Was he trying to hint at the storyline "ijustwannatalk" is telling us?
  2. Well, I hope you are right! Obviously nobody here can properly believe you without hard fact - ie: unseen screenshots or a video....BUT, if you are right about a)gta3 and vice for Wii....cool! and b)You get to change to play Roman, then totally awesome!! Would be a total twist on the game.
  3. hahaha, what a great thread! Well.....you take potatoes, some varieties are better than others but something red and big. 1. Take big red potatoes 2. Peel and wash them 3. Use a slicer (only way buddy) to cut them seriously thin 4. Deep-fry them (read up in your native language how to deep-fry, it can be a genuinley dangerous thing if you haven't got a clue) 5. Call the fire brigade when the house sets on fire.....OR if by some miracle it doesn't 6. Take them out when they look golden-brown and shake them a bit to get off some of the fat. 7. Place them on a tea towel or something that you don't mind throwing away but is absorbant and won't stick to them. 8. Straight after taking them out, shake salt, very-finely grated cheese (cheddar cheese is probably best), or whatever flavour you want on, in an extremely fine powder form but make sure it is EDIBLE. 9. Let em cool then eat! Hope that helps!
  4. First of all, I don't know how many of you watch documentaries, but for those of you that don't know, the nazis were developing technology that could have allowed flight using a silent flying saucer (I believe, I can't really remember the documentary too well now unfortunately) -- the USA got the vast majority of this technology when they took down the Nazis, and I can only imagine have been developing it further ever since. That would of course explain the post-war "peak" of UFO sightings, that would continue on (albeit at a reduced rate) up to today and beyond. Unquestionable footage of UFO activity in the skies exists, I believe the last one was in Mexico, somewhere near a US air base of some nature. And nobody should be surprised at the knowledge that the US is developing technology that we currently aren't familiar with, hence...UFO. Now, as for extra-terrestrials (sp?), there is no convincing evidence that they are currently, or have ever, visited this planet. There are some interesting pictures and drawings from centuries ago and from some past civilisations (the egyptians in particular), however no actual accounts of anything "alien". Do extra-terestrials exist out there in the universe? Most probably, yes, it wouldn't make scientific sense if they didn't, unless our understanding of what exactly we are seeing when we look into space is crucially flawed. Why haven't they visited? that is one giant assumption right there.....that they think in the same manner we do. You must realise, all living things on this planet originated from the same amoeba (i think that's what they're called), evolved in different ways, and hence why we all grow, have a concept of time, have our ways of living etc etc. Now other planets or habitable moons out there (or other places where life of any form could grow) may not work in the same way as us. They may not be anything like us at all. In fact, they may exist without us even knowing it, there could be life on Mercury or Venus for example, and we wouldn't know because we have an extremely narrow opinion that all life has to exist exactly as we do, which is intensely short-sighted. So why haven't they visited? The chances are, if there is another specie out there aware of our existance, rather than them being "scared of us" as some members suggested, it is far more likely that they are too intelligent to consider us remotely useful - would you stop to look at bacteria or a flock of flies because they were on a different patch of ground? However, there could well be specie here with us NOW.....ghosts anybody? poltergeists? demons etc? Mythology that has existed from the start of recorded life to today, perhaps an indication of a lifeform we do not understand that is here and generally causing us mayhem from time to time, that we explain away in our own ways. In the end, nobody knows, not yet..... On the issue of religion...I'm a Christian, and I think Genesis and the entire Old Testament is bull. You know why? Because I'm a CHRISTian - you know what that means? You follow CHRIST, not moses's insane ramblings, not the stories of massacres and baby-bashing, not ridiculous stories about how everything was created in 7 days....Did Jesus ever say "follow the teachings of Moses?" No. He didn't. And his teachings conflict with the sick travesty of a book that is the Old Testament. And in fact, in all honesty, Jesus is the closest thing we have to an "extra-terrestrial", after all he was lifted into the heavens by angels.........who knows? In any case, the idea that aliens means no religion, just shows the stupidity of the teachers that said that to the member here. I bet they think Jesus taught us to go to church and pray in public too, ha, some people. Anyway, a summary of my overkill post: UFOs are US aircraft using ex-nazi technology. Aliens exist only in outerspace but maybe here as well in forms we don't recognise. Jesus was good and Christians can believe in aliens, too. People are ignorant.
  5. People, you would NEVER be able to write emails in games - because....let's use an example: "Hi, this is niko, have you like got any missions. oh btw i think your car is great" Now how in the hell would you program the game to be able to interpret that? for every possible sentence, word, phrase etc etc....it would require a ridiculous supercomputer and years of programming. What IS possible, is that you select a standard email that niko is seen to be writing, basically "any missions?", HE would write it, not you, you'd just click on "ask for missions" or simply "send message" and in a few game hours you would get your reply which would be various scripts. Remember, the people employing you aren't real people.....they are pre-programmed scripts. Get it in perspective. So basically, email IS easily possible, it would be a very similar format to the mobile phone. Rockstar did say there will be tons of new ways of contacting people for jobs girlfriends etc.
  6. They might have been told to keep quiet about the downloadable content for PS3 whilst people buy X360s in anticipation of it maybe.
  7. Well, just a quick example of sites selling the same technology as over here, from croatia (.hr is the extension for croatia) See, they have mobiles: http://www.bug.hr/mobiteli/list.asp?p=Samsung And playstation 3: http://webshop.sophoslab.hr/index.asp?g=89 So yes they have email as well.
  8. I can't wait for tv ads for it in the UK!
  9. I think he meant when he was recieving emails in Croatia. And yes, they have email, computers, mobiles, playstations, etc in Croatia.
  10. Does anybody remember Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodines? You used emails in that and could hack into computers. You would only read recieved emails, not send any, but for certain missions you would have to read through people's emails say in an office to discover a passcode for a door or safe, and sometimes you'd need to hack into a computer to, for example, shut down the power supply to a room or cameras. I certainly wouldn't complain if they included features like this in GTAIV, but they would only really work for missions, not to send emails and ask people for any jobs....but at the same time, it's not like you will actually speak over the mobile either, it's obviously too complicated. You could send an email, where bellic would write "anything?" or something, the same as for when he calls his contacts to look for missions. So there's no reason why it wouldn't work in a similar way to how vampire bloodlines did it.
  11. I would trust the gameinformer mag interview where they say exclusive content is confirmed for X360. The only thing is that they haven't actually said that it won't be on PS3, just that it will definetly be on X360.
  12. They didn't get sued, apparently they are scared of getting sued if they include planes in New York because of 9/11. Personaly I don't see that being the reason, it was probably too much work to put in, I think it's gonna be quite similar to GTA3 in terms of what you can do, except with a few SA features, awesome graphics, physics, and peds. AHAHHAAH, nice diagrams! Except your (Gerard) diagram suggests there will be about 0.1 planes in GTA 4. The following attached image is from an official press release by Rockstar on the issue...
  13. OH! I just had a superb idea, maybe you have one button that makes you enter the nearest door of a car you are next to. Then, you press the button again to hijack the car. This is how it would work: Driver's door: you would throw them out and hijack the car, like normal. Passenger-side door:if someone is in, you throw them out. if not, you just get in and the driver can be like "what the hell are you doing?!?!" and then you press the button again to throw him out and switch over to driver's side. Rear door: you get in, again the driver is like "what the hell??", then press the button and you choke the driver, hitman47-style! This means that if you got in a taxi, you would just be a passenger and he'd say "where to?", you'd get a map screen and select exactly where to go. Also, I'd like to see buses, such that when you walk in, you have a behind-head view and can attack people in there, or throw the driver out of his seat and hijack the thing - some people might fight you back and throw you out of the seat. And if one is parked say like in a station without a driver, then you can get in, start it up, and then people would get in thinking you're the driver () This could also lead to bus side-missions. So you get in, throw the people out, hijack it and press R3 or whatever to start a mission and get a bus route to follow and pick up passengers, making $ for every passenger you pick up. Ha, and you could even have a people-smuggler side mission where you drop buses full of people into a garage and get $ for every person you bring (hot women score more cash).
  14. Well it mentioned in the gameinformer mag that the people will react a lot more realistically and stuff, but it didn't make mention of Euphoria. I'm guessing it won't be in the game unfortunately. As for destructable environments, I seriously seriously doubt it, that would mean the insides of every building would have to be made as well, so when you blow up a wall, you can see inside.....it's just too soon, but I can't wait until the day a GTA game has it! Probably we will just see a few destructable objects, like benches and stuff, and yeah like the first post here said, big pieces of wood might be able to move, in the same way when you walk through trash it moves (gameinformer mag mentioned that as well I think).
  15. He's probably making the site now, when more info comes up - or hoping to sell it to rockstar! either way, he's got a good domain. .....little scary that we all know his address, email, etc!
  16. I still think stunt planes are a good idea - they aren't supposed to get you from city to city, but would be an awful lot of fun to barrell-roll between skyscrapers.....until you get shot down.
  17. If you could remember the film, it might give us an insight into what's going to happen in GTA IV! However, I don't want to spoil the game for when I play it!
  18. Fair enough, but it's certainly been suggested that the police will be improved, such that it's much harder to get away with crimes....that might include traffic laws.
  19. Superb work! The game looks one hell of a lot better than I realised! The attention to atmosphere and realism is exactly what I wanted (Spaz_the_great is gonna go crazy!!)
  20. Contrary to a lot of our western popular belief, modern-day ex-soviet nations actually HATE soviets and the idea of communism, so you'd be more likely to see CJ from SA in a soviet uniform than Niko!
  21. Interestingly enough, many of the commerical-renders we posted are similar to the graphics in GTA IV.
  22. Ok People, a lot of you have been giving Rockstar a hard time over the following: - Is it only Liberty City? - No countryside, are you kidding me? - But....I thought you were going to do all the cool features we planned in the forums? - etc etc... First off, compare GTA IV with other games...Rockstar aren't miracle-makers, they are a video-game maker, there is still no other game that beats GTA, and nothing on the same scale. Second, remember they can only manage what they work with, they HAVE to make the game workable on an XBOX - you all know how big games are nowadays and they only have 8GB to work with, that isn't exactly much. Third, a lot of the production office have had to work on LCS and VCS as well. Fourth, they are a BUSINESS, this means they can't waste time making huge works of art, at the end of the day they know they can only charge $... for the game, so if they know they have to get so far with the game for people to buy it, why would they need to go any further? And think of the extra costs of hiring more and more staff to work on other cities, texturing, taking photos, getting places accurate, etc etc, it just wouldn't justify the unneccessary damage to profits. And finally, most if not all of us here have NO experience in creating games..some of you know how long it takes to make one decent car, let alone all those buildings and massive amounts of realistic texturing. Rockstar have put one hell of an effort into GTA IV: the graphics are immense, physics improved, the game will be without a doubt the best game on any console at the time of release........ .... ..So basically, be grateful what for Rockstar are giving us, GTA IV is and will be immense, the greatest game you will have ever played.
  23. From what I've heard, I took it as you can't take a jet plane "ride" to another city, you know, you can't pay for a plane ticket like you could in SA. But I would be astonished if they didn't have some forms of plane, like the harrier, stunt plane, and helicopters. At least GTA3 had a Dodo! (hahahaha, what a stupid plane)...I don't think it's because of politicians I think it was just pointless-seeming.
  24. oh my god!!! It's worse than i ever thought!
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