Certainly interesting!
Strengths: Target shooting, singin', Organized, Strategic, creative.
Weaknes: Lazy, math, Girls (Wut o.o), I'm very "sentimental" and I ussualy take things very personally.
Avatar: 6/10 - Nice, but predictible
Sig: 9/10 - I liek t3h carZ, and nice effect with the TM that...Slides there, or whatever the word is
Person: Moderator, and great dood!
I think he meant like tools, and such.
Those can be found in the "Misc" category, as far as I know
By the way, I like your idea, Gerard, that'd be great.
0mgz0r j00 r t3h n00bz 1 ap34r on g00gl3z if j00 tayp "l33tz0r3r" lololol, 1 r0x0r t3h b0x0rz pur3 l33tpn4g3z0r!!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneonesix
Run 2 t3h h1llz, run 4 j00r lyf!!!!1111
0mgz0r if j00 r r34d1ng diz g3t a lyf l0l!!!!!!1111oneone!11
W00t, I wont tell you I am a National Sozialist then
EDIT: 0mg ph4iL.
First to beat me in the "Who Has Posted in This Topic" list, gets 100K.
::::::Ninja Edit:::::::Is that you in that picture holding the banstick??Oh mother Russia, that's scary
______Ninja Edit II_____j00 r ab00zin j00r p0w3rz!!111
Edit: Forget the ninja Edit's...