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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. You dont act like an average 13 years old, but of course, age doesnt matter, is good to finally know that
  2. Follow Chris´s advice, buy something good in the traiding stalls, or use something original
  3. Hi Zaibatsu, welcome to the Gta Place, I love your avatar I have to say, have a good time here.
  4. Its really easy to know when someone lies about his age, or act like they are more than what they really are.
  5. Well, you are Skyline for me, is easier to type FaLse, but for now I will continue calling you Skyline.
  6. Nothing, I like GTA games over Halo games, is they outsold, well, not my problem. WWYDI there was no GTA games?
  7. Ava 4/5 Sig 4/5 Personality: I think you know what you want, I´ve talked with you more than once, you act like a smartass sometimes but is ok, you are just 14 years old and you are part of KFM
  8. Thats weird, really weird man, be careful, but if its true, then think about it, it might me a good chance for you.
  9. Maybe say some coll things to do, you can find guides everywhere, but something original, lets say a guide with the best stunts places, or some unofficial mission you can do, something original
  10. So just FaLse, well something simple and your main idea, thats ok, at least for a while
  11. Hey, dont blame me for trying, I am bored and out of ideas
  12. False: Falsifier Falser The False Falselime Falseman Falseman787 Wrong Way Unoriginal Untrue I am out of ideas today
  13. What about: -Skyster -Skyman -Backer -Skyblaster -Mr 787 -Blaster -Skywalker (lol) -Liner -Linester -Lineman -Lineblaster -Lineman787 -Linewalker -Linerunner Thats all for now
  14. Welcome aboard, hope you like this place as we do.
  15. Thats a good picture of you.
  16. Search for a bathroom and some new clothes or run and hug some girl. WWYDI you could not go to a concert you have tickets and have been waiting for more than a year?
  17. Oscar


    Hi, wlecome to the forums, respect everyone and dont be an ass, oh and enjoy your stay here.
  18. ^ He is right < Is checking the forums and listening to Adema V Is wondering what to say
  19. You are right, the correct term is similar, just didnt come to my mind when I was posting. You are right with the racing games analogy, but in the particular case of GTA style, is not base in just one thing, is just a mix of a lot of games styles like racing, action, some RPG, and some other genres, making the "GTA genre", wich games like some of the listed above are based, wich is a contradiction to myselfe because I am saying that is original, but the "GTA genre" is not just 1, while racing is just racing. Games like Driv3er, True Crime, have some of those genres (maybe not all), that why you can call the, GTA Wannabe or GTA style or similar to GTA, because most of the people cant think about them without thinking in GTA first, as most of the people cant think of Christina Aguilera without thinking about Britney Spears (I know, thats the worst example but is the one that came to my mind ). I know wannabe is not the most accurate term, but is not so wrong to use it for this and some games, while other games in the poll I have no idea of why they are there.
  20. Shit, none of those ARE GTA wannabes. Some have the crime and the free roaming, and some action, the GTA style is quite original and very popular, so is a natural thing that some games want to copy that, but they dont want to be so obvious, wich means they change somethings to the games, like Driv3r wich is more driving, True Crime, wich star is a police man with a badass attitude. Mayne the term "GTA Wannabe" is not the most exact thing, maybe is more like GTA sytle or something, but some of them are.
  21. Lose it again WWYDI you cant steal my money
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