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Everything posted by Highwire

  1. This is Oskar? Never knew.

  2. This Fucking Retard! Chris Crocker is a idiot retard. Sickening really. Did Seth Green make fun of him on Robot Chicken? I would for sure see that episode. And he had sex with his brother? Is his brother gay to? Or is it experimental sex? He is retarded.
  3. I like the truck. How much is it? The inside looks OK but that type of seatbelt aint that attractive. But still a good and cool truck.
  4. I hate: *Barney games *Barbie games *Games you can't save your game on
  5. I couldent get the exact color because it was hard to. I use userbarmaker.com.
  6. I really like this one it makes sense (Because it's not made up) I like Ice-T and this song.
  7. Really? Seriously its about that? I thought it was about a kid getting ready to kill the president or go on a wild rampage to kill everyone. Everything Rhymes too much just lay off all that rhyming of the same thing and only have 2 lines that end in a rhyme. Then it would be better. Also make it make sense more. Don't talk about the President with a big gun then go right to talking about his dad watching porn and his mom honking horns. It all has to come together all the way through.
  8. Sweet man! Was the fight good? Sounds like it was.
  9. Damn. I wanna see that fight it sounds good. Has anyone seen the fight where The Great Khali became champ? I did it was awesome!
  10. Pecked in the Balls by my pet duck then gets all the blood drained out through his dick and then hes dead.
  11. Here it is hope you like it! img502.imageshack.us/img502/2998/321189974571ov7.png
  12. [bump] Sorry for the huge bump but i'm bored so i'm reopening the shop! My first 5 customers get one for free. Just as long as you ask for 2 or less userbars.
  13. *Throws Eddward of the Metlife building onto the road where he is hit by a Garbage Truck*
  14. Highwire


    My friend found the Star Craft disk outside and he brought it home. I don't know if he tried it though. I really want it it looks good. I asked him If I could have it but he said "No Way I found it so it's mine!".
  15. Wow thats alot of problems! I wonder whats wrong? What do you use Firefox or IE? IE sucks but if your not using IE then I can't help. If you are using IE then get Firefox.
  16. I used to like Pokemon when I was 8. My favorite would have to be Picuchu. Is that how you spell it? But I also like that Charmander one. I like fire!!!
  17. hj9otyyhweikl5 (holy shit i'm bad!)
  18. I was about 4 when it happened. I heard about it on the news. Wasnt scared cause I had no Idea what they were talking about.
  19. 901 posts! w00t! 100 more til' the big 1000!
  20. Your making a game right? Sounds cool. Can I see some of the finished mods? If there are any. Hey I have an Idea. Did you make a GTA: Manilla stunt video?...
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