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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. He means that if you really believe Lola exists, go to where the guy in your post said Lola would be and try it. Then take at least three pictures of possibly her front, back and head for proof. To be honest, I don't believe she really does exist in game but it would be cool if she did exist.
  2. Well I think you did post it before you got your haircut so It must. My pictures are from last year, mainly from June or July.
  3. Ah yes, I see what you mean. I get called names all the time. I know for a fact that my last GF was being made fun of because she was just being with me. I really do hate that and my best friend turning into a total asshole because he was going with my last GFs best friend. He still is an asshole, but not much of one as he was before. The next I go out with a girl - trust me it won't be for quite some time - I'm not going to hang around her quite as often as I did with Rebecca, I may occasionally go and hug and talk to the girl but I won't be hanging around her like a bad smell. If she hangs around me then I'm fine with it but that is really rare for a girl to hang around in a rather large group of boys, most of whom can be quite offensive. I will occasionally call her on the weekend to ask her if she would want to go to the cinema or go into town and usually this can be quite distressing for me because I can get quite shy even when around people I know well. She may occasionally call me or ask me to go someplace, I would ofcourse say yes depending on the place she would like to go. If anyone wants to follow this with the next person they would go out with then fine, it's just what I'd do if I did go out with another girl. In summary this can be called "Taking it easy".
  4. Same, even though I reject quite a lot of things myself (Usually my dinner that I don't like) but I just won't take any rejection at all. I would try and convince one person to do something for me or in this case go "out" with me by talking to them. That's how I got the Xbox 360
  5. Have you even tried asking someone out on a date or something? I have and once I did even get accepted (I don't ask an awful lot of people, I'm not that type of person who goes out with girls when I have the chance) but once you get dumped the likely thing the bitch would do is insult you, turn people against you. I did the second one to my last two, I felt escatitc when it actually worked, I know it was mean but the bitch deserved it.
  6. I think it should be called "Really Like" not "Love". I find it acceptable to say "Love you" to a girl that you "Really Like" because if I were to say "Really Like you" to my last gf, she'd take offense, she's that much up her own ass.
  7. ...or just throwing general insults at me. I completely agree with your statement you posted though.
  8. lol, I just saw his nomination post. Someone should explain what it means or put a random username in it instead. I put Ice for entirely explainable reasons and for fun.
  9. I got a savings tin (from England, explaining the Bank of England design all around it). It'll help get some money, I don't get any pocket money nowadays because my parents are broke, I have to find money my own way now, which means get a paper job or a job at a cafe. I didn't think I would need a job so early in life but I guess times are changing.
  10. That ain't what the thread title says "Who is your best Character In The GTA Series, Who is your best Character out of them all?" So to say that GTA 1, GTA London, GTA II aint included makes your title incorrect. You've got a point there, mate. --- Since other people are making lists, I suppose I'll make one. 1. Niko Bellic 2. Toni Cipriani 3. Tommy Vercetti 4. Carl Johnson 5. Claude 6. Victor Vance My favourite NPC out of the series is Packie McReary, he is awesome. Favourite characters out of the other games excluding Packie: GTAIII: Don't have one GTAVC: Colonel Cortez, Ricardo Diaz GTASA: Sweet, Cesar GTALCS: Salvatore GTAVCS: Don't have one (They're all crap) GTAIV: Roman Bellic, Brucie
  11. So, they should be closing soon I guess, it's 15:55 now.
  12. He just wants to get in a gang before the revamp. It's easier now than what it probably will be. Anyway, I hope you can get in soon Alvasi.
  13. I just killed all of the crack dealers and collected their weapons. There is armour where the drugs are too and a health pack towards the back of the building. When I was out, I didn't, I wanted to get away and I lost the cops quite quickly in both attempts (First try at storyline and the second try at the storyline). It's not that hard but if you're using the PC, I can see why it'll be hard.
  14. I think the UK is one of the worst hit for this. My parents shopping bill has went up from £50 to almost £120 in the past year and now what worries me is that this country is £4,000,000,000,000 (Four Trillion Pounds) in debt so we're probably going to be taxed for it - with me two years away from being legally able to move away from home, this is going to effect me (It's 16 in Scotland, 18 in England).
  15. It's because Grove Street don't exist between the Countryside and the Final Missions. It's because you're not meant to be in Los Santos.
  16. Hopefully I will, I don't want to be alone by myself when I'm older. I'm more romantic than horny and will prefer doing romantic things than shag the girl every night, that in my view is blantantly disgusting and wrong. A nice night out at the cinema perhaps? Or a night in on the love seat watching an Action film. Those are some examples what I'd do. There was a survey in my Social Education class to see if the horrible myth of "Males want sex, Females want love" was true or not. It was proven false by most of us. Girls wanted security while Boys wanted love. I think times are changing now.
  17. I made that mistake, I chose the prettier twin but she was a bitch. to be honest the Twin with the black hair (Sherman, I assume you have seen pics of both of them) was the more comprehensible one, the one I could understand more. But the Blond one was just mean, she was all nice on the first week of going out then the second week came and she was a total bitch. I went out with Rebecca (Blonde hair) for 2 weeks and Sophie (Black hair) for 2 days.
  18. I'm not the sort of person who would pick someone off the street either. If I said someone looked quite hot then people would automatically assume that I'd want to fuck her. I said that Cheryl Cole was hot and my sister said something like that, I'm sure many would agree that she is hawt. I hate it when people assume you fancy someone because you said something good about that person.
  19. I got nervous when i saw my username in big bold writing as soon as I clicked on home. I wasn't really expecting it. After seeing so many previews - that looked awesome, including the GTA Vice City one - I wouldn't have thought any less of the quality it would come out. It looks like brilliance at it's finest. I think you shall be getting much more members in the following months.
  20. @ Husky: I'm not horny but you can't say I don't like Girls. I have been out with more girls this year than any other year of my life. I never said that I won't be getting married in the future, I said that I'm not likely to get married. Trust me, I don't want to be a virgin either.
  21. I occasionally look at pictures but not often. I'm not horny and not likely to be married when I'm older.
  22. The UN wouldn't dare mess with America though. If it did it could find itself kicked out of the USA and having to find some other place for it's headquarters (I'm just speculating what might happen if the UN interfered in American wars). That's one of the only problems with the UN being founded in America, being situated in America, having main involvement in America. They can't do shit to stop it. They can try and stop countries like the UK, France but I doubt they'd listen, we're also in it for the oil and terrorism too.
  23. I think I'm going to side with Australia on this one, we basically share the same flag so... http://www.killsometime.com/Pictures/images/Pic1243.jpg - Click I thought I'd go for a common American Stereotype involving McDonalds.
  24. I know the reason why people think you could be a female. I know this isn't typical but I know quite a lot of girls who would put their screen name or username as a type of Dog or Cat. Males automatically assume that you are a girl if you have a name like "BlackLab" or "WhiteScottie" etc.
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