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Everything posted by Urbanoutlaw

  1. Bums me out, too. I've seen clips that the Solstice & Vibe may be kept around, but Pontiac as a brand is getting the axe.
  2. So much for trying to see this positively.
  3. That was an early Liberal Translation, right after Porkulus was passed. I think I saw the other one you're talking about, it was JUST one question, about the flyby of Air Force One in New York (Costing taxpayers = $247-330k, depending on source). There's a reason I call Gibbs "Bobby Bouchet" Gibbs.
  4. BUMP There's an update this week, Pontiac is now officially a dead brand. RIP.
  5. Does it come w/ a gold lemme cover (condom)?
  6. Mistaken for the fabled "Lego" Dick? Maybe they meant some guy named Dick works there or it was named in honor of actor Andy Dick. http://www.andydick.com/
  7. The GTASA folder should have a README file, it will tell you which version you have at the top of the file. Open w/ any text editor.
  8. Buy the Pole Position. Go to back room & watch bad cartoon lapdance for 5 minutes (I think you tip her like $500 total). Collect daily money. Capture a Rhino & do vigilante work, each mission pays a little more. $1 million bounty at level 142 (or so).
  9. Awww, isn't that cute. See the real deal here, mid 11's @ 110 MPH (note B&W pic circa 1965, drive wheel left pavement) - http://www.allpar.com/model/littleredwagon.html There was also a '69 Charger modified for the TV show "Dukes of Hazard" that ran the entire 1/4 mile w/ the nose in the air. Built by these guys (sorry, couldn't find pics). http://www.smithbrosrestorations.com/tribu...rds_sephton.php
  10. Don't feel bad, there's still plenty of people just now playing them. If you're playing the PC version & want to mod, check out "Downgrader" topics in the GTASA "MODDING" forum. Read the rules, check out the site. Welcome & enjoy.
  11. I've never seen it at the police station, is it just there at certain times? The one for killing the pigeons is on top of the ME-TV building, just west of Star Junction. The only times I see it is when I'm in a heli. Every time I climb the building, the pad's empty. Agreed on crappy handling.
  12. Molotovs. The name of Brucie's friend that contacts you by text for car thefts.
  13. Not a farm kid myself, but it sounds familiar.
  14. I'm a couple hours early but here's my take on Obama's first 100 days. I know a few of you are going to be pissed about what I have to say, but if you know me at all then you know I can't just sit by w/out saying something. Yeah, I'm one of those "White Redneck Tea Party Extremists". For the record, it was a bit hard holding my criticism for the whole 100 days, but did you really think I wasn't going to say anything? Consider the following as the ranting of a nut w/ 2 quarters...or not. Well, here we are. Obama has had his first 100 days. EPIC FAIL. Granted, I decided against Obama the night he won the Democratic nomination. He sounded like a jabbering idiot making the "breathalyzer' speech less than a month after a 3-week vacation in Hawaii, which he took during what even then was called the most historically significant US presidential race. Joe the Plumber didn't help him, a simple working guy from Ohio who made the mistake of asking Obama what to expect in taxes if elected. Caught w/out his true love, teleprompter, he revealed he was for redistribution of wealth. In retaliation, Obama's people launched a full investigation & background check resulting in undue attention from the IRS, a snag in his plumber's license (resulting in being unemployed) & a traffic ticket from the mid '80s. If someone running for President will treat you like this for asking a pertinent question this is NOT the person to run the country. His choice of VP wants to turn over 401k accounts to Social Security & remove any tax advantages. While at a political fund raiser he ripped the US for being greedy & taking up a large portion of the world's rescorces while his wife ordered lobster snacks from room service, at $80 a plate. I've accepted a long time ago that Social Security will be depleted long before I'm supposed to retire. No mention of removing the tax penalties for early withdrawal or adding a hardship provision. But the combined mentalities of Bob the Builder (YES WE CAN!) & liberal white guilt (Change we can believe in) prevailed. YES, I SAID IT! The Irony here is that Obama has no slave blood, both his parents come from outside the US. In fact, his birth records were sealed last fall so no one's completely sure if he's even a citizen. Not voting for someone based on their skin color is racism. Not voting for someone based on their public statements & actions IS NOT. In the defense of these people, at least they got off their asses & voted. Voter turnout wasn't anything to brag about & most of the brain-dead lemmings stayed home. Of the ones voting for Obama a surprising number can't properly name his VP. IF YOU VOTED OBAMA & ARE LOOKING THAT UP, YOU ARE A BRAIN-DEAD LEMMING. Please, go run off a cliff somewhere. Here's a few highlights from the first 100 days of Obama. 1) "My Brother's Keeper" - My ass. His eloquent inauguration speech proclaimed how he cares & wants to look out for us. He keeps his brother in the outskirts of Nairobi, living in the equivalent of a Home Depot garden shed on about $12 a year, w/out so much as a bathroom. "He's happy there"? If nothing else, there are huge security concerns if Obama really cares about his brother & someone grabs the guy to pressure him. On the other hand, his Aunt didn't like Kenya & now lives in a housing project in the US as an illegal immigrant. Is it really too much trouble for the President of the US (who is personally worth $millions) to pick up a phone, call the Government of Nairobi & request some sort of government job for his own brother? Buy his own brother a modest house? The Aunt could move there w/ George & solve two embarrassing problems at once. What does this tell you about his view on family? Yeah, I'll look out for my own family as you've done such a great job on yours. 2) Porkulus - He promised during his campaign to "read every bill line by line" & "eliminate earmarks. Total spending w/ interest puts that one at about $1.3 TRILLION, passed as an "emergency measure" so it could not be read aloud in Congress or the Senate. Speaker Polosi (the one w/ the jet we pay for) said this had to be done immediately or the US would lose "500 million jobs" Most recent census puts the population of the US at about 310 million (about half of which couldn't be bothered to vote). People wonder why I bash public schools. It also included an earmark from (soon to be former) rep Chris Dodd protecting the AIG bonuses. Taxes = (Insert insane number here.) 3) Omnibus - Right on the heels of Porkulus he approved a new budget including 8500 MORE earmarks & increasing from the last budget of Bush. Earmarks include $30 million for a marsh mouse, $2 million to promote astronomy in Hawaii & $1.8 million to study why pig manure smells bad. Pig manure smells bad because it releases methane as the result of the pig digesting food. That money would have been better spent researching a cheap reliable way to collect & bottle methane. It can be used like propane, making it a good farm commodity, probably taking a chunk out of farm subsidies & SAVING a few $million out of the yearly budget. So much for "line by line". 4) Overall spending - In less than 2 months Obama outspent EVERY pervious administration from Washington to Bush Jr, combined. The Chinese government is lecturing ours (w/ good reason) about all the spending. The Congressional Budget Office projects topping $10 trillion by 2019. Instead of taking control of the bailouts, "change" apparently means take every last dime from taxpayers & piss it away as quickly as possible. Our kids & grandkids get the bill, so much for his promise of "pay as you go". 5) Cabinet appointments - How can any of these people justify demanding that we pay taxes when they can't be bothered to? Seriously, WTF!? Tim Gietner is his Treasury Secretary, in turn running the IRS. But he can't accurately fill out his own tax return? Tom Daschell, up to nearly $160k, a lot of it under tax laws he help pass. Killafer, Sebalius.... Even his cheif of staff, Rohm "dead fish" Emmanuale (called this because he actually sent someone a dead fish, a lowbuck mafia wannabe) is in the middle of Blogo's scandal where he tried to sell the Senate seat vacated when Obama was elected. Blogo will probably walk when the case is thrown out because he can't mount a proper defense. All his key witnesses are in the currant administration & can't testify due to national security reasons. NBC is negotiating a deal w/ Blogo for a reality show where he's paid $80k a week. Fair credit where fair credit's due, he's definitely outperformed not just Bush but BOTH BUSHES & REAGAN COMBINED in his first 100 days in appointments w/ serious ethical questions. 6) US Treasury Department - It's 100 days in & there's still a dozen major positions not filled. But Tim "Turbo Tax" Gietner has a great plan, if a US business looks like it "might impact the economy" he wants the authority to take it over, hire & fire key personnel as he sees fit & set salary caps. Hitler much? If you're faced w/ a huge paycut (90%?) would you stay in the US? The Camen Islands sound nice. The tax code has gotten so complicated the guy running it can't fill out his own tax return but God help you if you make a mistake. Not seeing much change there anytime soon. "Turbo Tax" Geitner also put together the AIG bailouts last fall, including the bonuses. BTW Tim, PAY YOUR F***ING TAXES!!! 7) US auto industry - For the first time in US history, a President fired the CEO of a major US company. Where in the constitution does it say ANY government official has the authority to do that? That is up the board of directors at the company in question & they saw no cause for such action in the last 5 + years. As a side note, under Rick Wagner's direction GM was building the lean green cars government has been demanding. Obama also ordered Chrysler to merge w/ Fiat if they wanted any assistance. We're ONLY going to give them US tax dollars IF they merge w/ a foreign company? I'm just going to be blunt, there's a reason Fiats aren't imported to the US in significant numbers. As of last week Pontiac is officially a dead brand, RIP, the rest of GM may follow soon. Fiat is getting a trophy wife. 8) Nationalization of US banks & industry - Some of our banks tried to refuse the bailouts but were pressured into them. As a result the US government now has stock & voting rights in private banks. Again, where does the constitution give any authority to the US government to do this. The good news, you're a millionaire! The bad news, that's not worth much! 9) World Apology Tour - After the epic screwjob we got from OPEC, he bows to one of their leaders? Why don't you shine his shoes while your at it. Also buddying up to Castro, Chavez & Akmadenijad (all w/ atrocious human rights records). I literally could not care less about correctly spelling the above mentioned persons. He also decided he wanted to open relations w/ the Taliban (commentary from the lovely ladies in 3...2...1...). Over the last weekend video of the public execution of two people by Taliban thugs was released, their crime under Sharia law, having an affair. Their sentence, summary & w/out trial. He publicly proclaims the US as an "arrogant nation" but doesn't acknowledge the good we've done. Little things,like World Wars 1&2, the Berlin Airlift or all the times we've been the first to respond to such disasters as droughts, earthquakes, floods.... Or that we take in refugees from all over the world. He fails to list our achievements or how far the US has come in less than 250 years, from rebellious colony of the British Empire to the world Superpower. Yeah, we're just "downright mean". 10) Somali Pirates - Directly addressing the Mearsk Alabama, Obama acted exactly as he should have, although he deserves no special credit. It could be argued that action was slow but it could also be argued that it took several days to get the perfect shot. Obama's failure here is in that it could have all been avoided. The US military knew where pirates were operating from & had a viable plan to wipe out their bases of operation, but Obama refused to approve it. Ironically the Mearsk Alabama was carrying food & relief supplies for several African countries, including Somalia. 11) Bush Advisers - Let's get those mean Bush people who said it was okay to be mean to those poor 9/11 terrorists. Only a complete idiot wouldn't see what's wrong w/ this. Okay, you do this & you'll be shooting yourself in the ass. Any adviser from now on will hesitate because the advice they give will be figured on whether or not the next President is going to try to put you in jail over it. The immediate staff of future Presidents will make the Treasury Department look crowded. 12) Nationalized Healthcare - Ever since Clinton we've heard accounts from Canada about their system running out of money at the end of the year. More recently there's been reports from the UK about people being denied life prolonging drugs for cancer. Before you (in Canada/UK) proclaim "B***S***!" I'll point out that a lot of these accounts come firsthand from internet friends in Canada & UK. People are immigrating to the US for better health care. Yes we take them & help...wait a sec, I thought we were "downright mean". At least now I know what he promised Hillary so she would play along. 13) Cap & Trade - I can't believe a sane rational person would vote for this guy if they heard his take on this one. A day before the election I heard RAW & UNEDITED sound bites of Obama promising "The very nature of my plan will cause electric rates to SKYROCKET." That was directly from him (probably one of the times he left the teleprompter at home). We don't pay enough for electricity? Those nice compact florescent light bulbs that are supposed to save the world? The factory in Tennessee that made them was shut down, apparently because of environmental issues. They're now imported from China & we have seen how much the Chinese government cares about the environment. We'll soon be able to say the same about coal. Another Obama allie, Feinstein recently commented on a Mojave solar project "I don't want that UGLY thing in MY desert!" Obama said nothing about this. For "Earth Day", he took Air Force One halfway across the country & several jaunts on Marine One burning a couple thousand gallons of fuel. WTF is going on w/ this? Doesn't sound very "green" to me. Obama can take his mindless Obamatons, their tofu, "Smart" cars & arm-chair socialism & get the hell up outta my country. Signed - The URBANOUTLAW.
  15. Eventually we'll see GTA5, but that's a way off (opinion). Remember - VC, SA, LCS & VCS were sequels to GTA3 & followed the same history, all tying back to each other.
  16. Lint to the story just gave me a blank page. I'm guessing he's trying to appease some god? When the Pilgrims settled America, the American Indians taught them to put a fish in the ground w/ the corn seeds. The corn did grow taller & harvests were better. This sick bastard is a little different.
  17. Nice choice. This one kind of breaks my heart, I've been watching the stocks & bought some Ford when all this "Bailout" stuff started at $1.30 a share (dirt cheap). Today it's at $5.00 & climbing. When it started Ford wanted a line of credit instead of cash, they had a cash reserve & they're moving ahead on a few things that should pull them through the currant "crisis". On the other side I bought some GM at $2.75 (WTF!?). It was an all time low & they were in trouble, but I remember Chrysler being in the same spot when the '80s started & they came back. GM has 30 hybrid models & was about to start production of the Chevy Volt, a hybrid that could go about 40 miles before the gas engine kicked in & designed as a "plug-in" that could recharge of your house's outlets. Since then Obama fires CEO Rick Wagner (w/ GM for 5+ years, a long time for a Detroit CEO) under who's direction GM started building the clean economical cars THE US GOVERNMENT WANTS US TO DRIVE!!! Latest word on the Volt is DOA because of the projected price of $30k. Today GM lists at $1.60. I want my Fords win, but not like this.
  18. That WAS a big spray of water, from across a room & at low pressure. If you actually read my post you would have caught that part. So what, just let the kid get wound up until they're beating their head against a wall or trying to smash out a window? Say "pretty please" & offer them a pony. Yeah, that'll work. If you haven't seen this behavior out someone like this, consider yourself VERY fortunate. It means you've also been spared multiple trips to the emergency room treating people they've injured. Three week tantrums (not exaggerating) & a file the size of a small phone book at Child Protective Services, entirely from self-inflicted injuries. You've probably also never removed a dirty diaper form a ceiling fan (also not exaggerating). Why do we have him? Because we continually hear news stories of real abuse & mistreatment at "approved facilities". Do you have any idea what I'd give for him just to be autistic? This is going off topic. If you really want a debate on the subject start a new topic.
  19. Urbanoutlaw

    Godfather 2

    Yeah, pretty easy to step in that one. Got your PM, I'll get a list of corrupt officials & favors for you. The DL pack isn't too bad (should have included these things in the game), it's 800 points. You get 5 level 4 weapons, some MP maps & a recruitable guy w/ 4 specialties & level 2 weapons. I got this late in the game (already well into Havana) & instantly got the weapons. The new guy showed up at the NY safe house, is supposed to be at the Corleone Compound when you first get to NY. The Hertztopper & Street Sweeper return w/ a "modern Dillinger, .700 Magnum (BOOM BABY!!!) & a Dragonov sniper rifle( ). Fair warning, people who got an early start in MP have upgraded their crew to use these weapons.
  20. I think they'll even get into a Manana if it's not wrecked, just not taxis or emergency vehicles. Haven't tried a Maverick.
  21. Urbanoutlaw

    Godfather 2

    Find your local corrupt cop & do a few favors for him, he can call off the cops when you need to. Another trick is if you're being chased you can send your crew to any of your fronts (Don's view, send defenders) to get them out of harms way & stop them from further agitating the cops, making it a little easier to get rid of them. Other corrupt officials can get your fronts rebuilt immediately after being bombed & get your made men out of the hospital immediately after being injured. You can build up a few from each for when things get heated. What EA should have done was keep the original New york (updated) & game features, added the Don's view, made Miami & Havana comparable in size to NY & add boats/boat missions.
  22. That's pretty disturbing, especially considering how far north you are & the effect cold will have on him. I could loan you a fire extinguisher.
  23. That's right, keep poking fun at the Americans..... By the time an average American kid drops out of school, they can run these things in their sleep.
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