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anyone else think gta vcs sucks? no? just me then


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WHY? why on earth would rockstart games allow such a cheap crappy knock off of vice city to succeed?!! it's plain crap - i h8 the graphics and the story they should of made original gtas of there own not follow ons just to piss off playstaion 2 fans and don't juss say "ah but it was stuck on a diddy little iccle portable playstaion". you know it sucks it ruined vice city which to me is the greatest gta of them all. i bet you a tenner some saddo suggests o lets cock up San andreas by making a San Andreas stories for psp and then stick the same crappy version on ps2 or ps3 or summet!

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  alkatal said:
WHY? why on earth would rockstar games allow such a cheap crappy knock off of vice city to succeed?!! it's plain crap - i h8 the graphics and the story. they should of made original gtas of their own not follow ons just to piss off playstaion 2 fans and don't juss say "ah but it was stuck on a diddy little iccle portable playstaion". you know it sucks it ruined vice city which to me is the greatest gta of them all. i bet you a tenner some saddo suggests o lets cock up San andreas by making a San Andreas stories for psp and then stick the same crappy version on ps2 or ps3 or summet!

i just noticed during my little rant i cant spell sorry i had to changed it i think i got OCD or summet.

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You forgot why it sucks? Lol, if you're gonna say that you should at least post some reasons. Even alkatal vaguely managed that saying he doesn't like the story and graphics.

And BTW, San Andreas Stories isn't being made, it's not even being planned, at least at the moment anyway. I don't think it will ever be made though.

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  alkatal said:
WHY? why on earth would rockstart games allow such a cheap crappy knock off of vice city to succeed?!! it's plain crap - i h8 the graphics and the story they should of made original gtas of there own not follow ons just to piss off playstaion 2 fans and don't juss say "ah but it was stuck on a diddy little iccle portable playstaion". you know it sucks it ruined vice city which to me is the greatest gta of them all. i bet you a tenner some saddo suggests o lets cock up San andreas by making a San Andreas stories for psp and then stick the same crappy version on ps2 or ps3 or summet!

Well if you don't like it, you don't have to play it. Just forget about it. I personally, enjoyed the game and was pretty good for PSP.

  Chris said:
You forgot why it sucks? Lol, if you're gonna say that you should at least post some reasons. Even alkatal vaguely managed that saying he doesn't like the story and graphics.

And BTW, San Andreas Stories isn't being made, it's not even being planned, at least at the moment anyway. I don't think it will ever be made though.

Yeah I remember the news post you made Chris that said R* isn't planning on making SAS but focusing on GTA IV. I guess that's good because it means GTA IV will be much better but I hope one day (when they have "free time") R* will make an SAS just to finish off teh GTA 3 triliogy.

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  alkatal said:
WHY? why on earth would rockstart games allow such a cheap crappy knock off of vice city to succeed?!! it's plain crap - i h8 the graphics and the story they should of made original gtas of there own not follow ons just to piss off playstaion 2 fans and don't juss say "ah but it was stuck on a diddy little iccle portable playstaion". you know it sucks it ruined vice city which to me is the greatest gta of them all. i bet you a tenner some saddo suggests o lets cock up San andreas by making a San Andreas stories for psp and then stick the same crappy version on ps2 or ps3 or summet!

Well, that's your opinion. I think VCS is a very good GTA game and didn't see much problems with it. Just because it was on PSP doesn't mean it sucks, that's like saying every other PSP game sucks.

  thegtaguy said:
I think it suks too but i forgot why

You're an idiot. Number one, how can you forget why a game sucks to you and number two, you shouldn't have posted if you were only going to say that.

Oh I remember why i thought it suked... What Alkatal said

...? No comment.

Edited by Rashon125
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  Chris said:
You forgot why it sucks? Lol, if you're gonna say that you should at least post some reasons. Even alkatal vaguely managed that saying he doesn't like the story and graphics.

And BTW, San Andreas Stories isn't being made, it's not even being planned, at least at the moment anyway. I don't think it will ever be made though.

Um srry I wasnt thinkin wen i posted dat. Oh I remember why i thought it suked... What Alkatal said

Edited by thegtaguy
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Oh ok, sorry didn't see that. But yeah you can't expect that much from the graphics since it was PSP. The PS2 version was just a port so not much really changed including the graphics. I agree a bit on the storyline though, it could've been made better if more time was spent on it. It's ok, in the end the game turned out pretty good.

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I don't care if this guy gave reasons or not! I just hope he notices that this is a GTA fan website for people that like GTA! Now the PSP GTA's are legends imo. Playing a good GTA anywhere you want says it right there that it is awesome.

@thegtaguy- Stop spamming okay man.

Edited by Nate10
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VCS was great, the music and game setting was perfect, graphics were amazing and features, well don't get me started, I'll be here all day.

You are forgetting VCS same as LCS was made to fill the gap between GTA San Andreas and GTA IV, they weren't meant to be amazing new ideas, features and gameplay. They were to fill the gap, and I feel they did that amazingly well.

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  Jared said:
VCS was great, the music and game setting was perfect, graphics were amazing and features, well don't get me started, I'll be here all day.

You are forgetting VCS same as LCS was made to fill the gap between GTA San Andreas and GTA IV, they weren't meant to be amazing new ideas, features and gameplay. They were to fill the gap, and I feel they did that amazingly well.

Agreed. Really people that didn't like LCS & VCS, why don't you like them?

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  Noru said:
VCS was great. Great features, music and the graphics...to me were almost as good as San Andreas. They added a few San Andreas features to VCS like the drive-bys, swimming and more.

Yeha the features of the empire building was really good and the music was good, I don't see what was bad about it, the music was good an all

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I like it, but it didn't suck. The music was decent, not superb, but decent with a few memorable tracks on there. The gameplay was one dimensional, but I'm talking in terms of the PS2 version, not the PSP. It's a technical marvel that VC fitted on the UMD disc, so you should be grateful for it. I have to say after completing it, I had no real urge to go back to it, but it never gets boring cruising around listening to the radio, so that's a plus point.

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i bet you a tenner some saddo suggests o lets cock up San andreas by making a San Andreas stories for psp and then stick the same crappy version on ps2 or ps3 or summet!

Some saddo... Could that be rockstar, per chance. So , if rockstar ARE saddos, as you suggest, then you basically are saying that they suck at what they do, which is make GTA....

The words 'Shoot', 'self, 'in', and 'foot' come to mind.... GTFO mate.

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I don't think Vice City Stories suck, It's quiet fun to play around. The Graphics have improved only a bit but the gameplay is still the same as Liberty City Stories, accept with the new movements they make in some of the cut scenes.

Even if they did make San Andreas Stories, atleast they might improve it a little more so it turns better, and has anyone ever thought about the word 'Development'? They almost use this in all the games they made, They Developed GTA Vice City, and made the graphics better, they would do this to all games, so it's not the same Graphics. So when GTAIV comes out, the graphics will be improved alot then San Andreas did.

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