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plane crash

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It happens all the time, I don't understand it either. Occasionally one will land right in front of your vehicle and blow up, which leads to some frustrating moments. SA is such a big game, there will be a few little niggles like that which weren't fixed, but it doesn't detract that much. When I see one crashing, I just accept it.

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i did sum work on it and i figured out that rockstar added it for more realism but i think its more likely that the planes spawn on the wrong angle. i was on a date and i got out of a bar then a plane crashed and i heard it coming so i took a photo on the moment of impact! :D but i have ps2 version so i dont know how to get it on my PC.. well the photo that is

Edited by Jacob-here :)
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  DeAtH said:
Planes only crash for me when I shoot them down. And i have played like 1.5-2 years but not seen a single random plane crash if i don't shoot plane down O.o.

If you don't see it, then surely you hear the whirr of the engine flying over you? When I hear that noise, I immediately look for cover because I just know it'll come toppling down on my car bonnet.

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Yeah ive seen this heaps....i was on the highway near las venturas, and i stopped my car in the middle of the road...so there was a huge pileup of cars behind me (20+), then i ran to look, and a plane came and crashed a few metres away from the cars setting off a huge chain reaction...lol "i swear it wasnt me officer"

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  • 2 months later...

Wow the second ones sounds like 9/11...

I walked out of Ammunation in Los Santos near the Vinewood letters that resemble the Hollywood ones and a Rustler hit me as soon as the loading stopped. I was transferred to the hospital with no weapons so I reloaded the game and woah lah!

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