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In Russian:

1. Shut up = Заткнись! (Zatknis!)

2. Brother, you're very ugly! Unlike me, I'm handsome! = Брат, ты очень безобразный. В отличие от меня, я красивый! (Brat, ty ochen byezobrazny. V otlichie ot menya, ya krasivy!)

Edited by rappo
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Hey guys, what's the translation of this sentences to Russian/Serbian/Macedonian/etc.:

1.Shut up!

2.You're so very ugly younger brother! Unlike me, I'm handsome!


1. Затни ја (Zatni ya)

2. Ти си многу ружен мал брат. Јас сум лепотен. (Ti si mnogu ruzhen mal brat. Yas sum lepoten

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Français: Sujet Deux

Regular Verb Conjugations

As with many other languages similar to French - Italian, Portuguese, Spanish etc. - verbs conjugate. What conjugation means is that the verb chances depending on what the subject of the verb is (I, You, He, She, It, Bob, The car etc.). Ours do not change as much as the French verbs - I go, He goes.

All verbs in French conjugate, regardless. There are two groups, regular and irregular. Regular verbs follow the following rules and irregular are the most common verbs that do not follow the rules of conjugation. There are another three groups and these correspond to the verb's ending. Usually if a word ends in -ER, -IR or -RE, it is a verb but there are some exceptions - autre, janvier. I am going to show you how you conjugate the present, the future and the perfect tenses. These are the most commonly used tenses in French.

One you have a regular verb, you take it's stem, in this case we will use parler as the verb and parl- is it's stem. This is what you do to it.

Regular Verb -ER

Infinitive: parler

to speak

I speak : Je parle

You speak : Tu parles

He speaks : Il parle

She speaks : Elle parle

We speak : On parle

We speak : Nous parlons

You speak : Vous parlez

They speak : Ils parlent

They speak : Elles parlent

I spoke : J'ai parlé

You spoke : Tu as parlé

He spoke : Il a parlé

She spoke : Elle a parlé

We spoke : On a parlé

We spoke : Nous avons parlé

You spoke : Vous avez parlé

They spoke : Ils ont parlé

They spoke : Elles ont parlé

I will speak : Je parlerai

You will speak : Tu parleras

He will speak : Il parlera

She will speak : Elle parlera

We will speak : On parlera

We will speak : Nous parlerons

You will speak : Vous parlerez

They will speak : Ils parleront

They will speak : Elles parleront

Informations on the tenses:

Present Tense: The present tense is the action you are doing right now such as "I am walking, I go". In French there is no direct translation for "I am walking, I am speaking", so they just use the present tense.

Perfect Tense: This is the main past tense, it indicates what you have done in the past (I went, I was, I gave). As opposed to Imperfect Tense.

Imperfect Tense: This is the tense that shows that you weren't able to complete something in the past. This tense also shows that you 'used to' do something. "I was walking, I was selling, I used to give".

Future Tense: I will go, You will be etc.

Conditional Tense: I would have, He would do.

Present Subjunctive Tense: Sorry but even I don't know about this type of tense. I know that "If I were you" and "I doubt that William will come" are in it.

Les Couleurs

Blue: bleu; bleue

Green: vert; verte

Red: rouge

Yellow: jaune

Orange: orange

Purple: violet; violette

Pink: rose

Black: noir; noire

White: blanc; blanche

Grey: gris

(The words that come after the first colour in French, are the feminine forms of the word. )

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Cyrillic Alphabet

Аа - a

Бб - b

Вв - v

Гг - g

Дд - d

Ѓѓ - gy

Ђђ - dj

Ее - Ye (Russian) E (Serb/Mac)

Ёё - Yo

Жж - zh

Зз - z

Ѕѕ - dz

Ии - i

Іі - i

Йй - y

Јј - y (Mac/Serb)

Її - yi

Кк - k

Лл - L

Љљ - ly

Мм - m

Нн - n

Њњ - ny

Оо - o

Пп - p

Рр - R

Сс - s

Тт - t

Ќќ - ky (The C in Cute)

Ћћ - ch

Уу - u

Фф - f

Хх - h

Цц - ts

Чч - ch

Џџ - j (dj)

Шш - sh

Щщ - sht (Bulgarian) shch (Russian)

Ъъ - uhh (Bulgarian) Hard Sign (Russian)

Ыы - unexplainable.... I ... ui ... complicated

Ьь - Y (Bulgarian) Hard Sign (Russian)

Ээ - E

Юю - Yu

Яя - Ya


lol serbia has only 30 of those :D and plus we have both cyrilic and latin

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^^ same as Macedonia :P

Serbian Cyrilic aka Азбука:































Serbian Latin aka Abeceda (with pronounce :D) :

A, a /a/ G, g /g/ O, o /o/

B, b /b/ H, h /x/ P, p /p/

C, c /ts/ I, i /i/ R, r /r/

Č, č /tʃ/ J, j /j/ S, s /s/

Ć, ć /tɕ/ K, k /k/ Š, š /ʃ/

D, d /d/ L, l /l/ T, t /t/

Dž, dž /dʒ/ Lj, lj /ʎ/ U, u /u/

Đ, đ /dʑ/ M, m /m/ V, v /ʋ/

E, e /e/ N, n /n/ Z, z /z/

F, f /f/ Nj, nj /ɲ/ Ž, ž /ʒ/

I gotta admit, I had to wiki latin alphabet :D I know all letters ofc, im not stupid, I MUST know it, but I didnt knew how it goes... Its not easy learning 60 letters, dont blame me :D

Edited by GeOrGe_DrIfTeR
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^^ same as Macedonia :P

Serbian Cyrilic aka Азбука:































Serbian Latin aka Abeceda (with pronounce :D) :

A, a /a/ G, g /g/ O, o /o/

B, b /b/ H, h /x/ P, p /p/

C, c /ts/ I, i /i/ R, r /r/

Č, č /tʃ/ J, j /j/ S, s /s/

Ć, ć /tɕ/ K, k /k/ Š, š /ʃ/

D, d /d/ L, l /l/ T, t /t/

Dž, dž /dʒ/ Lj, lj /ʎ/ U, u /u/

Đ, đ /dʑ/ M, m /m/ V, v /ʋ/

E, e /e/ N, n /n/ Z, z /z/

F, f /f/ Nj, nj /ɲ/ Ž, ž /ʒ/

I gotta admit, I had to wiki latin alphabet :D I know all letters ofc, im not stupid, I MUST know it, but I didnt knew how it goes... Its not easy learning 60 letters, dont blame me :D

I already knew the Serbian one lol.

Macedonians the same but Ђћ =Ѓѓ (гј) Ћћ = Ќќ (кј) and there is Ѕѕ (дз)

i don't like the letters Љ and Њ - they take out the most fun letter in the cyrillic alphabet.. Ю!

Damn right. I hate writing Љубов. It looks SOO stupid. Любов looks wayy cleaner and better lol

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God, I really appreciate your time for posting this! I must copy this all!

Unnamed noodle: Kaw ha, galing ng teknik mo pare di ka ma banned ha. hahaha!

teksmeyt ba kayo ni Huck??

lolz :clapping:

pero ang ginawa ko lang talaga, di ako gaano nagpakahayop sa mga mods nung panahon na yon, tapos nung bumalik na ako, mas matino na ang ugali ko kumpara dati. Oo tama si Huck, wag dapat laging praning sa tanungan

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In Russian:

2. Brother, you're very ugly! Unlike me, I'm handsome! = Брат, ты очень безобразный. В отличие от меня, я красивый! (Brat, ty ochen byezobrazny. V otlichie ot menya, ya krasivy!)

Why does a phrase seem so little in English and so long in Russian? lol

É vergonha que ninguém saiba Português! (It's a shame that nobody knows Portuguese)

É mesmo mau (It IS bad)

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In Russian:

2. Brother, you're very ugly! Unlike me, I'm handsome! = Брат, ты очень безобразный. В отличие от меня, я красивый! (Brat, ty ochen byezobrazny. V otlichie ot menya, ya krasivy!)

Why does a phrase seem so little in English and so long in Russian? lol

É vergonha que ninguém saiba Português! (It's a shame that nobody knows Portuguese)

É mesmo mau (It IS bad)

Je voudrais savoir portugais ! (I would like to know Portuguese)

C'est interessant et cool ! (It is interesting and cool)

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Français est le meilleur ! C'est meilleur que le russe, le serbe, le chinois ainsi de suite. Donc, français est le meilleur.

More languages in French/Plus langues en anglais

(This also includes nationalities)

Portuguese - portugais

Portuguese man - le portugais

Portuguese woman - la portugaise

Spanish - espagnol

Spanish man - l'espagnol

Spanish woman - l'espagnole

French - français

French man - le français

French woman - la française

Irish - irlandais

Irishman - l'irlandais

Irishwoman - l'irlandaise

Britishman - le britannique

Britishwoman - la britannique

-English - anglais

-Englishman - l'anglais

-Englishwoman - l'anglaise

--Scottish - écossais

--Scottishman - l'écossais

--Scottishwoman - l'écossaise

---Welsh - gallois

---Welshman - le gallois

---Welshwoman - la galloise

Belgian man - le belge

Belgian woman - la belge

Swiss man - le suisse

Swiss woman - la suisse

Italian - italien

Italian man - l'italien

Italian woman - l'italienne

Dutch - néerlandais

Dutchman - le néerlandais

Dutchwoman - la néerlandaise

German - allemand

German man - l'allemand

German woman - l'allemande

Danish - danois

Norwegian - norvégien

Swedish - suédois

Finnish - finnois

Icelandic - islandais

France - la France

Belgium - la Belge

Switzerland - la Suisse

Portugal - le Portugal

Spain - l'Espagne

Britain - la Grande-Bretagne

Ireland - l'Irlande

Italy - l'Italie

Germany - l'Allemagne

United States - Les États-unis

Canada - le Canada

China - la Chine

Japan - le Japon

Mexico - le Mexique

India - l'inde

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Ich bin nicht Deutsch aber ich bin Britische.

The very little German that I know.

Translation into French: Je ne suis pas allemand mais je suis britannique.

Translation into Spanish: No soy aleman sino soy britanico.

*Notice there is no translation into English*

The English translation is: I am not German but I am English

Another way of saying it is like this:

Ich bin nicht Deutsch sondern Britische.

Ich lerne Deutsch seit sechs Jahren und hoffentlich im sommer werde ich nach Bamberg auf einem Betriebsprakitkum fahren.

J'apprends français parce que c'est beau. J'apprendrais beaucoup de langues, c'est intéressant.

Each to their own...

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More French?

The (masculine, singular form): le

The (feminine, singular form): la

The (both genders, before vowels, y and most words beginning with h): l'

The (both genders, plural form): les

A, An (masculine): un

A, An (feminine): une

Some (masculine and feminine): des

of, from: de

at, to, in: à


à + le = au

à + la = à la

à + l' = à l'

à + les = aux

de + le = du

de + la = de la

de + l' = de l'

de + les = des

au cinéma - to/in/at the cinema

du cinéma - of/from the cinema

aux cinémas - to/in/at the cinemas

des cinémas - of/from the cinemas OR some cinemas

à la piscine - to/in/at the swimming pool

de l'arbre - of/from the tree

Je suis - I am, I am being

J'ai - I have, I am having

Je fais - I do, I am doing

Je vais - I go, I am going

Je vais aller - I'm going to go

Je vais faire - I'm going to do

Je vais être - I'm going to be

Je vais avoir - I'm going to have

Tu vas donner - You're going to give

1st Person Conjugtions of Donner meaning 'to give'.

Je donne - I am giving, I give

J'ai donné - I gave

Je donnais - I was giving

Je donnerai - I will give

Je donnerais - I would give

Que je donne - That I give

J'avais donné - I had given

J'aurai donné - I will have given

J'aurais donné - I would have given

Je donnais argent - I was giving money.

Je donnerai tout mon argent à l'hôpital - I will give all my money to the hospital

*Note about the circumflex (^), it is used to indicate a missing letter that used to be in the French vocabulary but was later removed for some odd reasons from the transition from Latin into Old French and then into Middle French. Here are some examples:

août - August

- This indicates that it was from Latin and the following letters were removed: u, g and s (Augustus in Latin, agosto in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish)

hôpital - hospital

- This word has been changed since old French. The old French for this was "hospital" but to make the word sound more Frenchy, the s was removed and the circumflex was added to show this.

côté - edge, coast, on the side of

- This word has had an s removed from the Old French version of it, it used to be "coste" in old French.

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i really dislike french - it's the epitome of non-phonetic languages, and trying to pronounce the words makes my head spin. i guess if you're a fluent speaker it doesnt really matter, but for the rest its quite annoying. i went to Quebec City last summer and i got so tired of all the french signs :P

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