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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Lame exaggeration, 2 months != 2 weeks. And I approved it now. Are you happy?
  2. Lol wtf I thought this was new too, turns out they're all nicknormals photos (should've probably linked to his flickr at least, PSU.com have clearly stolen them, you can tell they're exactly the same). Anyway we should probably move this out of news, this is the stuff other GTA sites used as filler a couple of weeks ago.
  3. <a href="https://www.invisionpower.com/index.php?app...icle&id=361" target="_blank">https://www.invisionpower.com/index.php?app...icle&id=361</a> That bugfix which I've just been alerted to sounds like what you're all describing, I'm doing those steps right now so once I'm done this should be fixed. UPDATE: I've now patched the files, if you were affected by this bug, you must click the "Mark all posts as read" link at the bottom-right of the forum, above the board statistics. Once you've done that, everything will be working normally again.
  4. Dangerous to live in? Or dangerous as a nation? I think you mean the former but you should probably clarify that before all the anti-ChinaRussiaAmericaland arguments breakout. But yeah pretty much any middle eastern country having trouble with bombers, suicide bombers and the like.
  5. Rockstar have recently shipped new 'dummy' (read: not final) box arts to various retailers. The new boxes show the GTA IV logo over artwork, one of which we haven't actually seen before. This is the first bit of marketing we've seen from Rockstar for about 3 months, at least on the GTA front, so hopefully it's a sign that things are starting to pick up again now. So stay tuned as we'll bring you news of any further information or new media released. Below are some pictures of the boxes, and just to reiterate, these are official, but they aren't final. For those of you wondering when we'll see the final box art, going by previous reveals, we generally see it approximately 3 months before the release of the game itself. Now we don't have an official release date yet, but we'd guess around as early as December or as late as February. Source: XboxFamily
  6. For the second time in as many years, Rockstar Games have picked up the GamesRadar Handheld Game of the Year award for Vice City Stories, with 2006's of course going to Liberty City Stories. If you own a PSP (or indeed a PS2) and are looking for something to pass the time until GTA IV, why not get Vice City Stories? Assuming you don't already have it. You can read the full list of winners at C&VG.
  7. Never been a bug and I haven't been able to replicate it myself - leads me to believe somethings up with cookies in your browser. You could try clearing them all, or temporarily try a different browser and see if the same problem happens.
  8. As you may have heard/read I'm eventually planning on making some significant changes to how gangs operate here. Currently there are numerous flaws and things that are making gangs a bit pointless. Like the store not fully working, and the fact the gang system isn't fully integrated because of this - and the huge limitations of it being just text based. Our new idea has come about largely due to the direction GTA seems to be taking, and the fact that multiplayer mods are so popular now. Since GTAIV is unlikely to feature a built in gang/clan system in it's multiplayer mode, players will resort to online forums such as this one to organise wars between themselves and other gangs. Of course it would be impossible to actually integrate the gangs with the game, but this can at least serve as a base for your operations. Members would join gangs here and discuss tactics and whatnot, the public gang chat board would turn into a message board style with gangs posting up times which they'll go online to fight and record their wins/losses etc. I can't go into much more detail until we have more information on GTA IV's multiplayer modes. If the 16 players rumour is true, we could assume a team deathmatch option will be available, allowing for 8 v 8 gang wars. Now until GTA IV is out there is always MTASA and SAMP. It could be the case that we make this transition smoother by re-doing the system asap so you guys can use it for multiplayer SA matches. That's why I've created a poll at the top of this topic. If you could all answer it I'd have some idea of the current situation and determine how viable this is. Your thoughts are most definitely welcome - I understand that many of you may be annoyed by this, not fully understand, or whatever, or you may think it's a great idea, either way I want to hear what everyone thinks so we can make changes to the idea and/or current system.
  9. Well if you've always used it with no problems and now you suddenly get this error it sort of suggests the virus came from elsewhere. That, or your anti virus program is reporting a trainer as a keylogger which often happens since trainers naturally monitor your keypresses, usually anyway.
  10. Yeah SA were better and deserved to win. England just suck at scoring tries at the moment. Oh well, I'm not a big rugby fan anyway, but kinda disappointed we didn't win it for a second time in a row.
  11. Well of course I want England to win, for the second time in a row, and I think they can do it. But SA kicked our ass earlier in the tournament, it could happen again. I cannot decide who will win.
  12. Family guy and American Dad are both awesome. We just watched the episode of Family Guy (I think season 7) it's the star wars parody, can't remember what it's actually called, but it's one of the funniest I've seen for a while.
  13. Very nice. Feel free to upload it to our database. I approve these quality mods straight away.
  14. Facebook as pretty much every single student in the UK uses that, plus I 'met' a few people from my uni before I got here and knew them irl, so that was cool. And myspace because everyone uses that so I can stay in touch with all my friends who don't have facebook. You guys who all said you don't use any will probably end up using them a lot more when you're older and not around your friends all the time and/or not living at home.
  15. Glasgow certainly is a very strange choice for a tourist, I've never been there myself but from what I've heard from Scottish friends it seems most rumours are true about it being full of violent teenagers and it being a fairly run down area. I've only been to Scotland once, went to Edinburgh, it as alright actually, not really my kind of holida though, and I don't think I'd ever go to Scotland for a 'city break' either, would much rather go to mainland Europe for that sort of thing. Not that you would, but don't wear an England shirt, every few months there's always some story on the BBC of how some Scottish thugs have killed an English kid because he was wearing an England shirt and as usual England probably beat Scotland in the football again. Weird. Oh well, have a good time there despite what we said
  16. Weird considering how far behind they were on the game that they had to delay it by half a year. Now they've suddenly caught up magically? I smell yet another devious hype generator from Sony. What an evil company.
  17. I approved these just now so feel free to edit in the download links for here.
  18. Over msn, are you kidding? I just checked the link and it's working fine, so try again, it's hosted on our own servers.
  19. Actually I approved loads the other night, there was a pretty big queue. Anyway I just noticed your mod. I can't work out what the hell it is so perhaps if you actually edit the description and upload some decent screens I will be more likely to approve it. Your mod is called "San Andreas Stories 2.3" You uploaded this screenshot: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/scree...70_screen02.jpg as well as another one... that one looks like you've edited the logo in MS Paint. And, this, I quote from your description: Right. So wtf is it? All you've done is rambled on about how you have changed the numbers in your username. This is completely irrelavant to anyone looking at the mod. You've failed to provide any good screenshots, and most importantly, you've failed to even say what exactly your mod does. Maybe think about editing the description to something more useful. I mean all I can think of is that you've edited the San Andreas logos all over the game and added "Stories" to it... sorry but if that is all you've done... why? None of my questions are rhetorical btw, I'm genuinely interested in why you're so eager to get this mod on our website, I mean it's not what most people are looking for if we're brutally honest.
  20. Been a while since I posted any sort of news or announcement. Anyway, now that myself and Gerard have started university, and other staff members have returned to their school/college or whatever for another year, some additional team members were required to keep the place moderated as we're all getting kinda busy now. Here's what's been going on through the reshuffle: Dave has disappeared from the internets and has unfortunately lost his soul to WoW which we are led to believe he still regularly plays 24/7 (none of us have seen him online for months) - as a result he's been demoted and lost all staff privileges. He was the guy who kept the public gang forums running smoothly, so later we'll need a new person to do this (along with Gerard), but more on that later as we have some changes for the gang scene here, which don't make use of the system or the shop much, check the suggestions forum over the next week or so for a topic I'm going to post there for news and discussion on that. rockstarrem has been promoted to moderator where he is now moderating most of the GTA game forums bar LCS and VCS, as well as a few others. TMâ„¢, MrLlamaLlama and Lord Voldemort were all asked if they wanted moderator positions, all accepted and are now moderating their chosen forums. These guys earned their positions, they didn't ask/beg me for them, I'm sure they'll do a great job when needed. In other forum news, you're probably aware that Rockstar recently released various wallpapers, avatars, buddy icons and such (check the current latest news post if you don't know). Well I've uploaded the avatars to our forum here so you don't need to link/host them anywhere. They can be selected/viewed by going to your Avatar settings and where it says "Choose an avatar from one of our galleries", choose the rockstar games fall 2007 gallery and click Go. I'm also planning on adding avatars for all the Rockstar companies, as well as for the GTA games from GTA3 onwards, we already have some Vice City ones there. I'll let you know when any are added. Feel free to use any if you don't have a personal avatar or anything else to use. On a sidenote it's great to see we've reached 200,000 posts, not a planned milestone, the next would be 250,000 for our quarter million, but good to see loads of you staying active and posting
  21. ... Aaaaand yet another topic dies a shitty death wrapped in arguing peoples. Oh well, thanks to everyone who's been keeping active and keeping our post count going. Congrats Eddward if it was you who got that post, I haven't actually checked myself. 200,000 wasn't actually supposed to be a milestone No seriously, it was just a figure I hoped we could reach before October 16 (original GTAIV release). And we did it with ease which is great. The next actual milestone (after 100k) was going to be 250k (quarter of a million), so here's to that!
  22. Because I'm busy at uni and haven't really approved any yet, but it's the weekend now so I'll probably check over the next couple of days.
  23. Awesome. Happy birthday dude, have a good one! I would offer sex, but we live too far apart, shame really.
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