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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Not really just VCS related is it? Gaming chat maybe?
  2. Nice to have you hear, it's addictive. Theres a magnet, Chris controls it, it stops you from leaving the site for more then 1 day. Once you visit it for the first time, you just can't stop visiting it...EVER. True story. Anyway, have fun .
  3. That would be problems with your computer, having your game settings to high for you computers specs.
  4. You have to use a tool (on PC mind you) to edit it. Not sure of it's name though sorry.
  5. I would have expected PS3, but seems not. I guess the thing is the violence too, if they want it released they have to keep the game unrealistic and poor quality, sadly.
  6. Like with more things, it's all about the gameplay and the games history, not the main characters. Although with SA there was racism from people who didn't want him, which was only a small minority of idiots. Myself, I think anything would be fine. Rockstar has kept to Males as the Protagonist for all previous GTA's, whether they see fit to keep with the fashion so far and not make a major change (which this would be) is their choice. By yeah, myself, I think anything will work with the right game play and story line to back it up.
  7. Oh, hmm, okay then, well I don't remember that mission, I vaigly remember it, but not very well. Hold on, was it the one where the guy drives away in a Sabra? If so, then that makes sense, it is a great car but not seen in-game. Except for in that mission of course.
  8. They had one good song I think, can't remember the name of it. But apart from that there nothing that great.
  9. Moved your post for the LCS game save to a separate topic and moved it to the LCS section. Can be found here.
  10. Split and moved to the LCS forums so you can get some help from the pro's there .
  11. Hmm, can't say I remember that mission. I'll see if I can track down the answer for you.
  12. That shouldn't be to hard . Not sure how I will die, I would rather not.
  13. Either that or it's just someone having a birthday on the same day, more then 1 person is allowed to have there birthday on the same day aren't that? .
  14. Welcome Doc, you sound like a great guy already. Have a great time buddy
  15. VCMM is really out of date now, and in some aspects it doesn't work. A lot of functions required it's website, which is now dead. I suggest you install manually.
  16. Looks like Wikipedia was correct, it's been being worked on for 4 years or so now as far as I have heard. So hopefully its good. Just hope Australia's rating system lets this one in the country.
  17. Yeah, I agree. I think that whole system in IPB that allows both a login name and a forum name is a little stupid. Guess it does have its upsides, like what happened to you for example, it stops that. I could probably see if I could get the plug-in to read from the members forum name rather then there login name. I'll see if I can do it. I'll leave Chris to add it though.
  18. It would be done the same way as how you install vehicles.
  19. Thats true, my internet speed is meant to go down to 512 kbs after you reach 12GBs acording to my ISP. But at the moment it seems to be going as slow as under 100kb's a second, if that.
  20. Happy Birthday Dave, your a great guy, have a good one mate.
  21. Something I found through a random Google search earlier, quite interesting, and disturbing too: Source. Sorry to tell you this Bill, but that ain't a very good idea me thinks
  22. No mod, but game fixes that do the same thing, yes. Although I am highly against these "cracks" myself, so I'll lock this topic and let you find them yourself. Sorry, and good luck.
  23. Well they can't be exactly accurate, since thats not how sending and receiving works I'm afraid. It's very random, theres to many variables involved. But for the moment in time you do take the test, it should be fairly accurate.
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