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Everything posted by chris82

  1. You are fucking stupid. Wouldn't you think he'd be mute if people said he was and he never ever talked in GTA3? Clueless!
  2. Get a controller. May I recommend the same one I use, The Logitech Dual Action or $20. SA keyboard controls suck.
  3. Ooh or ahh means he wasn't talking, he was grunting in pain. Also, AT THE end of San Andreas Catalina calls you WHEN SHE IS SHAGGING CLAUDE! She says "Oh yes, Claude, harder, faster, deeper! Screw you Carl, Idiota!" Also, in Wear Flower's in Your Hair cutscene Carl says "That mute asshole!" "That snake without a tounge!"
  4. I'm on my PSP right now. Later I'll posty my VC background for it.
  5. GTA Stunting analisis by Chris82: Banshee+Odie's stunt park=happy GTA3 stunting time! I love GTA3's city, and GTALC is a godsend for LC stunters.
  6. Yes, the VC bike physics are much funnier, but still, when I VC stunted I had to use a steed mod for good stunts, plus a gravity mod. Also, LC had arguably the best jumps but no bikes, which is why people (like me) are married to the ideals of GTA: Liberty City, the meat and potatos of Liberty City, the trimmings and extras of Vice City. I stunt VC and LC all the time, and have tried a few in SA. Sa stunting is better than VC, but not by much.
  7. Wow! Her plan is so smart, it's retarded. Hot Coffee can't be accessed on PS2 without Action Replay. Even if her kid did have AR, she claims false marketing on Rockstar's part. On the ads there are clearly strippers, casinos, car chases with police, car jacking, suggestive music, grafiti writing, gun shooting, more gun shooting, knife fights, and women, plus swearing, all in the 3 commercials for the PS2 versions and commericial for the XBox/PC version.
  8. God, you're clueless. He calls Claude mute twice in that cutscene. Also, learn about sex before you play. When Catalina calls you at the end of the game, she's having sex with Claude a.k.a Fido as she's talking to you. The only times in GTA3 when Claude talked is when he fell or got hurt, and that only brings him to utter "Ooh!" or "Ahh!" EDIT: Some people tell me not to write spoilers in my posts without warning so... Warning: If you haven't completed SA, don't read this post.
  9. Hey, when you post, try writing in a coherent language and not your version of ebonics. Thaks. Also, if by pimpmobile, you mean "car the bounces," then check out the VooDoo in Vice City. Also, finally, Mafia rules over gangster every time. San Andreas was far from disappointing, but I didn't like it as much as I could have. CJ's story was quite interesting in the non-Los Santos parts, but the Gangsta is stupid. Do I hate San Andreas? Hell no, I just don't like the ghetto. I mainly like San Andreas for it's wonderful engine and beautiful self. The state itself is beatutiful. I also am a fan of the story in Las Venturas that is more mafia-related. In fact, the desert and Las Venturas are where the best missions are in SA. Vice City, if put into San Andreas' engine and size would have easily been the better game, which is why I really like the prospect of the SA conversion, LVS.
  10. Rap. Sucks. Dick. The most horrible form of music ever to be created. The ONLY good rap is 80's rap like Sir Mix A Lot. Todays music is horrible.
  11. Tommy has no heart, Carl has feelings. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not about who has heart, it's about who would win a fight. Also, whoever said something about it being funny to "diss someone for videogames and other ridicolous shit," go and talk to Spaz, he does that all the time, and it's funny.
  12. Rei, you bumped an old topic, sad news as it is. Also, pr3dat0r, I shouldn't answer your question but if you want Myriad, go to http://www.myriadislands.com
  13. Ok, here's a new game I thought up, you might think it's stupid but I like it. Someone takes two famous people and make a fake conversation they have. Then the next person takes that and changes a bit in it to make it even funnier, then we keep going on until it is no longer funny or possible to change. I'll start: Hillary Clinton: Now that you've banned GTA and The Sims, what game are you going for next? Jack Thompson: *mumbles*Madden 2005*mumbles* Hillary: I can't understand you, take your lips off my ass.
  14. Actually, he is mute, if you pay attention to the missions in San Andreas, when Carl views his garage, he screams stuff like "That toungless bitch" in the cutscene, of course referring to Claude.
  15. Well to me, it says your post was made Yesterday at 11:16 PM. Whatever. So that means I can download the firmware 2.0 tomorrow the 26th? Ok, will do. Before I read your most recent post though, I tried to download an update and the only one I found was 1.52. Also, someone said they got the wrong language frimware, and thier PSP could no longer play games.
  16. Very good mvi. That's pretty much the awesomeness every site needs.
  17. I can get the firmware today? Oh Shit. You know I will. If what Spaz said is true then I'll post in this topic tonight on my PSP.
  18. Claude is mute, but Spaz is right about the whole you thing. ALSO, STOP FUCKING CALLING HIM FIDO, HIS NAME IS CLAUDE!
  19. Nice video! That web browser looks so cool, being that when you download MP4 movies on to it from the net, it automaticly puts the file in the correct folder. Wow. The PSP gets email, internet, and basically everything in a PDA, plus PS2-quality games, movies, music and pictures. What does the DS get? 64-bit, poor sounding crap games. If you don't think the PSP is worth $250, it is now. You can bet that I'll be making a portal to thegtaplace.com and posting here the night I get the update. Which reminds me. What browser is the PSP's based off of or is it new altogether? So Chris needs a new icon for it or everyone browsing here with a PSP will have a question mark by their name.
  20. Geez. Go to My Documents then double-click GTA San Andreas User Files then double-click the User Tracks folder and insert your songs. Install iTunes and WinAmp for mp3 and AAC playback.
  21. Yes and no. Do you mean the gang? No. Do you mean the state of San Andreas? Yes.
  22. Very nice, I will download the firmware as soon as it gets out for my home network. Nothing like surfing the web from a handheld whilst sitting on my couch and the modem is in the other room. I can bet Spaz will be excited about this. I consider myself a big PSP fan but I think he might be more excited about it than me. Although GTA LCS is what I'm saving for.
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