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The Bossman

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Everything posted by The Bossman

  1. Add MGS4 and FIFA 08 to my list as well: PS3: Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Motorstorm Gran Turismo 5 Prologue GTA4 COD4 Modern Warfare MGS4 Sons Of The Patriots FIFA 08 I'm thinking of getting Race Driver GRID, looks fun. Also, other games I'm looking at when they're released, FIFA 09 possibly, if it's improved from 08, and Pro Evo 2009, or whatever it'll be called.
  2. I'd love it if someone made a Batman mod, which gives the city a slight orange tinge, has the soundtracks playing, has the batmobile, plus the appropriate weapons. It would be undeniably cool to have that. Not really sure of anything else ATM.
  3. It's about time this topic was revived. Seeing as the new Premier League season is just around the corner, any thoughts on that? Or if you're a Football League fan, happy with the start your team's made? I'm worried about Man Utd, and the fact they haven't bought any strikers yet. All they have is Campbell, Rooney and Tevez. They have Saha as well but he's always injured. They're struggling to get Berbatov because of Tottenhams high valuation, and they also had a bid rejected today for David Silva of Valencia. That's SILVA, not David Villa. I think if they don't get one in, they won't win anything. I'm also angry at Ronaldo, who's treated the club like a piece of shit. On the plus side, I'm impressed with Rafael Da Silva, a young right back they managed to sign. He's 17 I think - can't find any info anywhere on him, and he has a brother, who's also at United. He should get a few sub appearances this season. I think this is how the top 4 will finish: 1st - Chelsea 2nd - Man Utd 3rd - Liverpool 4th - Arsenal I hope Man Utd win it, but it's a big ask to win 3 titles in a row, but who knows? And the bottom 3: 18th - West Brom 19th - Stoke 20th - Hull I can't see Hull or Stoke staying up. I think West Brom could well survive, but I have to go with my initial thought.
  4. Fine, I'll leave you to your game.
  5. Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing. Case closed. Chris got it right first time. You should also watch the video review to see the abysmal gameplay in action. Some things you can do: You can reverse in a circle at over 3,000,000 MPH if you do it for long enough, you can drive through buildings, you can drive up mountains with no run up at all, you can drive off the map and watch as the truck starts to violently spin up and down, you fall through a bridge and reappear from under it on every single lap, and you will never ever lose a race against the opposition - you could sit down with a bag of popcorn and watch the LOTR trilogy, then go back to it to discover the opponent is still sitting at the start line. And to top it all, as Chris said, win a race and 'YOU'RE WINNER!' pops up on the screen. Some more Big Rigs videos: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7f3HDsgLV68 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rjqu1d6s9iQ http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-17xlY_MWA http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vV-c3yneQF0 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LsP-nl4PFXc http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cWzX1kpLVI0
  6. From a 2 Ronnies sketch: 'In our secret order, we swear 3 sacred vowels. Not to reveal to any man the secret of the golden rivet, to practise absolute chastity - on thursdays, and to sound this duck quacker every minute until 1999 - *QUACK!*' Watch the sketch to see what I mean - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vf6FRtmZewg. So funny. The sketch is genius, Ronnie Barker basically analyses hieroglyphics, and the words are literal in their meaning - eg, 'swot, eye, bin, way, tin, 4. Thistle, bee, ace'. Utterly fantastic, nothing else comes close.
  7. If the game is 3D, it'll look like a PS1 era game, and if it's 2D, it'll look a joke, but I'll reserve criticising it until I see some screens. I'm not holding out much hope, though, to be totally honest. I don't see how this will work. It'll probably feel more like an RPG than a free roamer, if you end up using the stylus to shoot or hit people.
  8. I used to download music, and I still try to when possible - I can't afford to buy all the albums I want. If they lower the price to £5 for a brand new CD, then sure I'd buy them. Then it'd be in line with what America pays for CDs, but until then, I won't. Having said that, ever since this agreement was signed a few weeks ago, I'm sceptical about doing it. The agreement is basically that 6 of the biggest ISPs are going to send letters to people downloading music for free, and then eventually cut off their internet for good. It's already been in place in America now for a while, and now it's in the UK as well. I'd never download games or films though, no point. Another thing - if you want a videogame soundtrack but can't find it in the shops, the only logical way is to download it, or rip the music from the game. I personally think it's legal for videogame soundtracks, seeing as not many of them are put onto CD.
  9. ^ I second that as well, R.I.P. Early this morning, Bernie Mac died aged 50 after a short bout of pneumonia, which really shocked me. Although I haven\'t seen him in many films, I saw all the Oceans and some of Charlies Angels, and he was great. There's several links after a quick Google search - http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=fire...G=Google+Search and there's a tribute to him here - http://www.lastingtribute.co.uk/tribute/mac/2871519
  10. Didn't you know videogames are public enemy number 1? The media hates them, and would do anything to ban them outright, it's been this way for at least 15 years now, if not more. Plus, when papers like The Daily Mail writes articles that are just lies, it really doesn't help at all. EDIT: Actually, I saw another GTA4 related article today to do with Thailand - http://www.gamesdog.co.uk/news/news.phtml/...es-murder.phtml
  11. Just so other members see this post as well, it looks like he's doing pretty good now. He's had about, I don't know, 16 or so hours to recover, and he's sitting up in hospital in good spirits. Quote from the CNN link: And from the LA Times link: One of my favourite actors as well, loved him in The Shawshank Redemption.
  12. Shit, not again. More links - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7541667.stm http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaki.../breaking54.htm http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Movies/08/...=rss_topstories http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/thedishrag...an-freeman.html Apparently though, he's in hospital now and he's doing okay, joking around with nurses and such. He's such a great actor, I hope he fully recovers.
  13. I added mine, I'm right at the top ATM I think.
  14. No to a remake, we've already had GTA3, Liberty City Stories and GTA4 for Liberty City, and GTA VC and Vice City Stories, I think a new location is a must. I also think that if there is to be another portable GTA for PSP, they make a new location again, because I don't want 3 different segments for a portable San Andreas, eg Los Santos Stories, San Fierro Stories and Las Venturas Stories.
  15. I changed my av and sig yesterday after some hunting around, but I'm still not sure what combination works best: I do like all of them, but the sigs aren't that great. I think I might use the first av, with my current sig for now.
  16. For the shops, it varies. I mostly use Gamestation, as they offer good cheap deals, but sometimes if I see a bargain, in whatever shop it's in, I'll get it. Could be from WHSmith, HMV, Game, wherever. Online I use Amazon and Play.com. I did use some obscure site when I got my DualShock3 a few months back, it was around £15 but so was the P+P.
  17. MGS4, I'm trying to get around 8 emblems from this playthrough. Get the useless ones out of the way first, then go for the hard ones, is the way I'm going about it.
  18. The Bossman

    E3 2008

    So far, the new games announced are sort of 'meh' games, like another Ratchet and Clank game, and just some updates on other games we already knew about - gameplay, trailers, interviews, etc. There are a few more things coming up, but only minor events. Most of the stuff revealed is pretty much it from the 'big 3'. I feel slightly let down by it, TBH, but E3 was never going to be the same again after downsizing 2 years ago. I'm still holding out for some killer announcement, but I doubt it. Oh yeah, I forgot about God of War 3 being announced, kinda big news, but I'm not a GOW fan. Resi 5 gameplay trailers as well, looks cool.
  19. MGS4, messing around with the Stealth Camouflage. I'll be going for the Bandanna over the course of the next 2 weeks, when I get enough DPs.
  20. The Bossman

    E3 2008

    Official E3 website. So, this years E3 is only just around the corner, with some trailers and interviews released today on the official website. What sort of things are you expecting from E3, in terms of games series new and old, new possible consoles, and whatever else you're interested in? The one thing I'm hoping for is some Hitman 5 trailers, or gameplay. I'll take in everything else as it's announced. It's been in development since the start of this year, I think, maybe a bit before, so Eidos should have some sort of game by now.
  21. Okay, so basically, you have to have all your saved games as one slot. Each slot WILL take around 4GBs from your console with each new game you start. So, for example you complete the game, and then start a new one, saving in a new slot. You'll lose another 4GBs or whatever it is because the game thinks you're starting out for the first time. I had about 4 different save slots, and lost a large amount of space - see first post. If you just save over the same one each time, you'll be fine.
  22. Actually, I think I've worked out the solution, and it was my fault for this happening.
  23. I have about 1,000,000 credits, so if I get another 500,000 I can buy it later in the game, I think one more game completion and I'll have enough for it. I'm about to continue with FIFA 08 for PS3, in my second season and I've won every game so far on Professional.
  24. I'd advise people to not download the update, if the stories I'm hearing are anything to go by. Peoples PS3s are locking up, and basically become useless. Can't turn on, can't turn off. Sony I think have withdrawn the system updates temporarily, because of this problem.
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