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surrealistic ArtSweet

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Everything posted by surrealistic ArtSweet

  1. i love the liberty city mission, when cj have to kill a forelli on liberty i also love cutscenes from all of the og loc missions and then the mission cutscene where you have to get kent and maccer in the dessert oh, and ken rosenberg mission when there's a talking bird named tony saying scarface quote:"quaack, i never f***ed anybody over in my life who didn't have it coming to 'em! quaaack!" that was a real funny sh*t!!! i laughed my ass off man! that was even funnier than vc quote when candy moan and tommy ask if she's saying yes to him
  2. c' mon, who wouldn't be excited in times like these, do you guys remember yourselves when you were waiting for GTA SA??? this is like the mother of all f***ing excitement! we all excited about this dudes! i know i am
  3. damn! if this is true, then many people such as myself will definetly love this f***ing game man! maybe i could see some of you guys while playing mmo in GTA IV! i really can't wait! from tomorrow, we will be talking about this, maybe hundreds of times! can you wait that long????(october)
  4. this is it guys! only 1 day, 11 hours, 59 minutes and 30 seconds! will you guys watch the countdown, or will you just watch the trailer when it comes out??? i can't f***ing waitt!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. guys, can i ask you some questions? when the trailer comes out, is it downloadable, or is it like youtube? if it is, is there a rerun of the trailer, or we can watch any other time? because, if it's 12:00 midnight on america, it would be 12:00 at noon in my country, which means i'm still in school did someone know about this???? if the trailer comes out when i'm in school, it's worth nothing if it's not downladable or "watch for free' kind of thing, tihs kinda makes me curious :'(
  6. don't you guys think that the irish mob will look very much alike to the getaway? i mean, if i wanted an irish mob, i'll play the getaway, if i wanted all style crimes, i'll play GTA. at some point, your right, rockstar never tried an irish mob could be work in some way, but the theme wouldn't be that interesting, don't you think?? but i know rockstar could figure a better way
  7. okay, if you want critics, here it is: i have to say the story gets boring and unstable from time to time, although it has a good plot and a very exciting beginning, still, it needs a lot of changes and i suggest you should rewrite things you don't like, and maybe you should rethink for every word you write. apart from that, this script is awesome! i knew this because i'm a scriptwritter
  8. well, ps2 controller for me, but if you prefer weapon controls, i would prefer pc, because pc could aim weapons flexibly(i don't know if that's even a word, but whatever)
  9. Yeah lol. I'm guessing you cheat aye? BTW I thought you can't go up after you cheat alot? And I'm at Shark right now... Yes thats true, once you've used alot of cheats (Like Me ) Your rank won't change, that why I've started a new game, and this time I'm not going to use the cheats. But sometimes it's really hard. Not really, it's quite an easy game. But yes, it's tough not to play with the cheats so just not save after you use cheats, that's what I say. yah, i also used cheats only for fun, and i never saved a game if i already used cheats(except for that one time in vc when i spawn a lot of tanks and my rating was wayyyy down) by the way, i'm also a fixer right now
  10. box? i forgot which one, where is it? what mission? refresh my memory please!
  11. yeah, but for my most dissapointment is the malibu club, i can't believe they didn't make the inside!
  12. yeah, i used to love V-rock, but nowadays, somehow, my vice city always got glitches everytime i listened to v-rock, and now i only listened to flash FM
  13. No thats crazy, that would make people go against N.Korea and basically I don't think it would happen. well, maybe they could make terrorists, but it came from countries we never heard of(like a parody) bet you never think of that did you? personally, i like the idea, terrorist can give you certain missions we can never imagine(like hijack a plane, or bomb some place, but in more blast distance, not just one building) and then we could take control of the place and start bussiness like VCS, only the extreme way!
  14. deborah harry - rush rush this song was in scarface and GTA III, and it reminds me of both
  15. yeah, my favorite is also goodfella, because it really makes you looked like a capo in the family, you know, like in the sopranos! i also love the leone suit, it has an old school style!
  16. well actually, did any of you guys forgotten how far gta went from cool to phenomenal??? it has happened when gta III make a big hit in the world, and i'm talking about "scarface" hit and "the godfather" hit! hell guys, if there is no gta III, any of us could still be playing mario bros 3d in the ps3 today!!! it is going to be huge! i have such faith in the upcoming GTA IV, not only the story or the gameplay, but also everything!! it's my opinion though, but since rockstar has some guts by showing the trailer worldwide and early, hell, who wouldn't be excited???
  17. well, i don't think so oc master, but if you do finish the game with a 100% , it'll makes your criminal rating goin up to the top and the highest there is if you never cheat
  18. i watched entourage: the beginning of 3rd season on dvd just now you guys got to see this series man! entourage is very funny!
  19. actually, i heard that her fansite on internet is closed a year ago i don't think she has fans anymore, not even a single person that girl's a mess
  20. are you guys starts fighting on purpose?? if not, just cut it out, you guys ruined a perfectly good topic can't we all just get along???!!! jeez, since i got here, i saw many people fight for their topics what's gotten into all of you guys??!! stop it okay dudes? i believe it was 7 missions, because i just played it yesterday - Liberator - Waka-Gahsira Wipeout - A Drop In The Ocean - Grand Theft Aero - Escort Services - Decoy - Love's Disappearance
  21. yeah, some james bond movie wouldn't be bad at all. watch "mobsters" and "casino" that is some cool criminal movies that'll set you right for the gta mood
  22. hell yeah, i'm gonna see it, i wouldn't miss it for the f***in' world! maybe i'll see it with some of my friends
  23. whoa, what else could cause global warming instead of us?? i think they are being unreasonable, dude can you explain what you see on channel 4? it could've been some mass conspiracy ya know?? some of reporters do that for huge names and reputation think with a clear head! what is it? natural causes? no, it is us man! watch an inconvinient truth and then you'll understand that some of our best scientists are still studying global warming, and many of 'em considered by us as a nutjob, mad, lowlife, even crazy!! and the scientists who are againts 'em considered to be normal people??? who do you trust more? the former vice president of the US? or the news?
  24. dude, they've already done that in vice city stories, and i think that they will continue the feature
  25. diego and armando mendez who is the radio host of emotion 98.3 in 1986?? this is not too hard, c'mon guys
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