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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. You're the same age as me and you watch porn? I haven't even started yet simply because I don't feel the need to be watching or viewing it at this age. Maybe when I'm 16 but not now.
  2. Their not all exactly the same, that's what makes Europe and Europeans unique. Each country (there are +50 of them) is different. I believe all three of the countries you mentioned made up Yugoslavia a couple of decades ago. They're still in war and I don't think they'll ever be back together. I hope some of the Balkan countries decide to put in an application for the EU, that way I could just go there and not need a VISA as such and live there without work permit.
  3. I do quite like Vodka myself. I had Pineapple Bacardi Breezer last night, it actually woke me up and not make me fall asleep.
  4. I think I got nominated for quite a few this year. At least 10 or 15, compared to last years one nomination.
  5. The fireworks pwned Sydneys. I've got fireworks going off all around me (yes, outside for dumbfucks). London was awesome, Hogmanay (Edinburgh New Year) was crap according to my aunt.
  6. 10 more minutes now. Watching New Year Celebrations in London.
  7. You need to update your About Me page about the XBL bit.

  8. I saw a something about Hong Kong on the news at 6:30, but I think there shall be some from China and India appearing soon. Here are some pics, it should be updated soon: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/7806543.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7806219.stm
  9. If you can on BBC America, try and watch it. I don't know if it's on over where you are but if it is, try and watch it. Wait, you can't, I just had a look. Look out for footage of London though, it's usually magnificent.
  10. Indeed, I watched the Big Ben chimes bit that's all because BBC Scotland goes to London to see Big Ben strike Midnight. It's good weather in Edinburgh but just that touch too cold, as it usually is with the UK.
  11. lol, rather amusing. Dumb or what?
  12. I might watch the coverage from London on the BBC. They do Edinburgh but it's been raining every year for New Year so it's pretty pointless because barely anyone good is on apart from K.T. Tunstall and The Proclaimers. Only 5:49 to New Year.
  13. Wine... I don't know what brand but they sure do taste nice for me.
  14. Happy Birthday and a Happy New Year! Get drunk for both occasions.
  15. Well, I wouldn't know if Ants had emotions, I like stepping on ants though, it's fun because they can't escape.
  16. NHS is shit, our nearest hospital won't deal with Emergencies, so If I were to have a broken neck I wouldn't be allowed treatment at my local hospital, I'd have to go to Edinburgh or Stirling which is about 20 minutes away so I could die en route. Anyway, who is actually staying up to midnight then - aimed at those whom have not celebrated New Year yet. I probably will, just to get some alcohol, I haven't had an alcoholic drink in a long time.
  17. And there are millions of Galaxies. I highly doubt there would not be a planet similar to ours with only a few differences. But out of all planets we know about we are definately superior. There are reasons why I don't believe in a God, how can one create such a big thing such as the Universe and not to forget that it was probably small and got bigger. You can't make water and he aparently made seas, lakes, rivers etc. on one of his 7 days.
  18. I don't think God exists. I used to but everything is turning very anti-religious especially what I think America is doing, going into the Middle East and killing Muslims because they say they are terrorists. No, I don't think God exists, if there was some God then he/she/it would stop all this shit. I believe more in Ancient Greek gods and godesses than this big man who created Earth, the universe etc.
  19. That is something that I'd do to my ex, Rebecca. She gave in one night ago after everyone was asking her questions the day I dumped her, she even called herself a slut. The fight has been lasting several months now.
  20. Old Girlfriend for me are sluts.
  21. I know, the ones I went out with were quite annoying. They were stuck up sort of thing and all of my friends were saying "Thomas, they've changed you" sort of thing. I got really pissed off too easily whilst going on dates with my old gfs.
  22. Only 8 and a bit hours left here before New Year (or Hogmanay as it's called in Scotland - I call it New Year though). Happy New Year to all those who are celebrating it in a few hours/minutes etc. Is anyone doing traditional stuff for New Year like standing out the front door with a bottle of alcohol or opening the front door and back door bringing in 2009 and letting 2008 out sort of thing. I do the first one every year, I wonder what my neighbours would think with me holding a bottle of whisky or wine out on the front garden.
  23. He was talking about the Yugoslavia war, I think. It's still going on aparently but just not quite as bad - Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia etc.
  24. lol... HAI SCOTT!

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