Full point to all above who figured out parental responsibility, you guys are dead on. A lot of the time I spend w/ my kid
is playing SA together & I think she can tell the difference between a video game & real life, so I'm not particularly worried
that she'll go on a killing spree, steal a multi-million dollar attack heli & level some small town. "Hot Coffee" is turned off &
the language is no worse than what she hears at school. She understands the language is inappropriate for her age & the
whole "Grove 4 life" thing is pretty laughable. I think I'm on track teaching her right from wrong.
At 13 her goals are go to college, cure cancer, buy an island & every last car in Gran Turismo 4.
Worst part is that people like Jack(ass) Thompson literally could not care less about what kids are exposed to, he's
just in it for any potential money he can extort from R* in court.