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Random Question About a Mission


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I was wondering how people went about beating this mission, after many tries without being able to beat him with the car, I eventually just got out of my car when the race started and popped one of his tires. I found that it worked alright, only took a few tries to get it before her was over the hill, and it was a guaranteed win.

Edited by GTAnoob
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i nail hilary's ass and get his car to the garage...MISSION FAILED!

i nail hilary by crashing him into the water...MISSION FAILED!

i kick hilary's car ass with my sentinel and let him go into the carpark near collar and cuffs and then i go out and shoot his tires and make his way to the multistory carpark :lol: :lol: MISSION PASSED! $3000

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The P.I.T. technique can be used around places and places. So here's a few that could possibly help out:

  • Usually, the first way of preforming this technique is to get near towards the quadrant of the car. That way, getting on the left or right side of the car is the only way possible to start the technique, it usually works, but it only spares you a few seconds to get ahead of him.
  • The second way could be also using the P.I.T. at corners when Hilary turns. Basically, get close to him like before, but whenever he's about the turn, immediately do the technique and he will be spinning, and he will brake, which would give you extra time.
  • The third is more harder to achieve, but depending on where the place you want this to be, try doing this mission over again. Basically, if their is any space for you, do the P.I.T. technique and if there's any space where Hilary bumps in, he will try to get back on the track, but if there are any objects that are completely solid and can't move (The Carpark is probably the most effective for this) your chances are that you can win this race without a problem.
  • Another way is you can pop the tires, although it's not the best possible way to, it works and can slow Hilary down. Just make sure not to hit around the windows or he could get shot in the head, and that would end the mission
  • You can use the P.I.T. technique at the start of the race, as that is effective and can work as well, but that doesn't make stop Hilary, he'll be back on the track, and he will catch-up eventually.

Those are probably some ways that it can work, and it's very effective which means you can definitely win a race. Ivan, if you destroy his car, it's mission fail, I would, but I don't really think it's right to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the glitch where Hilary could fall through the unloaded texture and plummet into... well... who knows who? I saw him with my own eyes falling with his Sabre Turbo through the bridge in Washington Beach leading to Screw This. It was the only reason I won and it was a rare time where I actually was impressed by my crappy computer.

Edited by Rashon.
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  GTA Don said:
I think his car is Bulletproof,correct me if I`m wrong.

Not in my installation he wasn't. BTW, the way that I beat him is I went into the handling.cfg file and changed the Sabre Turbo's top speed down to a crawl. It was so slow, I could walk Tommy past the car. So slow in fact that once I sniped Hillary through the windshield and got in to take it back to a garage, it moved faster in reverse than it did going forward. Huh, what about that? :lolbounce:

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