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>>GTA4 Wishlist<<


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  SJJellicoe said:
Like someone said before in this thread i think i would be cool to decide what your gang wears and what guns they use etc.

That would be a awesome feature. :coolthumbup:

That's a good idea. But the more money and assets you have, the better weapons you should be able to buy your gang. Kind of like Vice City, only you get to decide which guns they have. You should also be able to decide which cars they drive and get custom paint jobs. That would be awesome.

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  Buttlord said:
That's a good idea. But the more money and assets you have, the better weapons you should be able to buy your gang. Kind of like Vice City, only you get to decide which guns they have. You should also be able to decide which cars they drive and get custom paint jobs. That would be awesome.

I agree that sounds good.

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Here are some things that i would like in the next Grand Theft Auto game

More things do to after you beat the game...example...drink...sell drugs....fight other gangs

The option of being able to use drugs and it some how effects the outcome later on

Cops arresting peds

Dogs would be cool...nothing says gangster like a pit bull or rotweiler or even a freakin white tiger in your livign room

Strippers at your house

The girlfriend idea is cool

More shit to spend your money on

Be able to open new businesses, not just ones that already exsist

Make those businesses a front for your operation

Be able to have meetings with other gang people

More groups of people....have a group of red neck hillibilles that are huge meth farmers

Bring back the bike and car salesmen aspects

Bring baack the mod garage from San Andreas but make you do all the work

Drug Dealing

A pirate mini game where you jack ships and stuff if the game is set close to water

farther draw distance

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I have improved my list



-Berreta 92, instead of M1911, (the pistol is M1911, not Colt45)

-More modern M4 look

-Ak-74 instead of Ak-47

-Ingram is 2-handed. (In real life, it's like the most innacurate thing ever)

Other stuff

-Rob banks

-Do missions for gangs to earn their trust

-Cops are limited, when you defeat all of them, they give up and you get half a mill bucks, they regenerate in half a month

-Gangs are limited, same as above

-More then 1 cop skin,SWAT skin,FBI skin and so on

Stuff to return

-Hot Coffee!!! :thumbsup:

-Get a mansion

-EVERY car and weapon from Gta1 to GtaVCS (except the mythical ones)

-Every gang from gta to GtaVCS

Side Missions

-Firetruck mission needs to improve

-Hitman (points to a random guy and you kill him)

-Milkboy (Milkbike,manual)

-Newspaper man (Circular bike,manual)

-Army Vigilante

-FBI and Swat Vigilante


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  Jordan Sprague said:
do u think that R* reads all this so they can have ideas for the game?

I really doubt it. And with regard to the comment just below yours: I have come up with a million different ideas for video game sequels in my mind and never told anybody, yet somehow they made it into the video games. It's just coincidence that some of the stuff you post on a message board would be thought of by the development teams. Trust me. I remember when Mortal Kombat came out, I though, "Wow. It would be cool if they had spikes on the ceiling instead of just a pit below." And behold, MK II had spikes on the ceiling.

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I would like it if there is a huge forest, with only trees and somewhere on the middle, not displayed by any map, ther should be a large beautiful villa, with complete interior and it should be totally surrounded by gates, and then the only way in is via the main entrance, with a path to the mansion which takes you about 5 minutes walking. You can't see the mansion from the air so try to track it with a plane is useless. And on a mission, you'll have to break into the house and do some stuff like killing the rich owner or so. And because the owner is dead it becomes for sale and then you can buy it. It should have an enormous garage where you can stor up to 15 cars at a time.

Also, it would be fun if there is a little farm in the middle of nowhere, and if you walk past the signs with "NO Trespassing" some farmer comes after you with a chainsaw or a shotgun. :P

And the real life vehicles I hope to see in the game are:

-DMC DeLorean (DeLuxo from VC)

-Chevrolet Camaro Iroc

-Colkswagen Corrado

-much more Ferrari's and Lamborghinis

-way more trucks, and when you see trucks driving on the road they have a trailer attached, and not like in SA that it's only the front of the truck.

-more military vehicles (especially more military planes)

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i think the house idea is great bigL espesially the part bout the farmer coming out but instead of the weapond u sed he shud maybe come out wi a pitch fork or a spade??

i think that garages should be able to hold as many cars as u can fit in such as in san andreas u ad to bikes in ur garage and enogh room to store a pickup but it didnt alow it..

back to the house idea it would be gud..maybe another way to accses is by parachute in a tiny hole in the trees on the top of the trees and if you miss the hole u land in a pit wi guard dogs tht attack u or u get arrested or die sumway or summot but bigL its a brilliant idea :thumbsup:

Edited by gta rulez
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- a draw bridge

- snow

- bigger unique jumps

- more vehicles

- ability to escape from the cops without police bribes

- other cops join you on police missions

- different kinds of police missions such as fbi, army, swat and dea

- better off-road trails with mud

- more hidden missions tht dont show up on the map like the bitchin dogfood missions in gta3

- tanks with tracks instead of wheels and dont blow up cars on contact, also when the army comes after you they fire the cannon

- bigger map

- multiplayer (online and split screen)

- being able to carry around multiple vehicles on the packer

- being able to get drunk like in the phil cassidy mission in vice city

- the slo-mo pill works while driving

- fireman suit so you cant catch on fire

- being able to take hostages

- maybe a mission where you get sent to jail and you have to figure out how to escape

- jet cars/ rocket cars

- be able to climb ladders

- a huge jump from one island to another so that you can just barely make it with the fastest car in the game

- a car museum that has all the most famous cars like the dukes of hazzard, mad max, the bat mobile and cars from 007

that drop tacs or a oil slick behind it to escape from cops and hav retractable wings so it can fly

- thicker woods

- snowmobiles, skis, and special dirtbikes with spiked tires also a luge course

- you see peds in the woods hiking or skiing on the trails

- more of an rpg like zelda, you talk to a ped they giv u useful info or certain peds giv u missions

- days of the week and certain things happen on each day

- movie theaters/ drive-ins that show your last unique jump

- a mission where youre disguised as a cop during a irish hoodlum riot

- a rambo tunic which givs u 25% more health

- a massive drop-off cliff

- a huge waterfall that u can drive boats off

- a side mission where you have to run from local police on foot up the side

of a mountain at night and try to make it to the other side to a safe house without being detected by cops

and hunting parties

- able to buy the rc cars that blow up

- garage that stores more than just 4 or 5 cars

- a truck with chains on the tires for driving in the snow

- better a.i like in splinter cell so cops cant see you in the dark but hear you if youre making noise

Edited by tdog07029
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i think that things on the ground should be picked up really quick with the player literally PICKING IT UP not just magically appearing in his hand, not just reaching down and its in his hand, but still not making it slow and going to a mini cutscene like in some games. he should really like be able to keep sprinting and still pcik it up only by slowing down a bit. same with EVERY thing that you can pick up. and again he should actually interact to the position that the item is in and not just reach down and it appears in his hand.

this is a followup to that weapons shouldnt float but be on the ground with some transparent marker that doesnt look stupid around it.

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I think when you collect hidden packages instead of getting guns at your safe house you should be able to unlock new things on the screen like a speedometre and your weopen box could look like the one from an earlier game. You could change your radar and and some other things. You could switch things on and off in the pause menu. Also it would be awsome if there were speacial cheats that you entered in a cheat menu and the cheats would be hidden ingame, like the cheats could be toggled on and off and they could change the look and sound of some weopens and the character. They would be different then other cheats like health and weopens and they'd be more of a easter egg than a cheat. When i say the cheats are hidden ingame I mean they're written on walls and stuff. Like youd see a menu at a restaraunt and it would say "stick of french bread Cost R1 X O L2 in the cheat menu" and then the baseball bat would look like bread or on a wall in an alley it would say "Hey wanna make people fart when you hit them? Call this number L1 R2 R2 X X at the cheat menu" Then when you hit people intsead of screaming or grunting they... well you know....fart.

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  BigL said:
I would like it if there is a huge forest, with only trees and somewhere on the middle, not displayed by any map, ther should be a large beautiful villa, with complete interior and it should be totally surrounded by gates, and then the only way in is via the main entrance, with a path to the mansion which takes you about 5 minutes walking. You can't see the mansion from the air so try to track it with a plane is useless. And on a mission, you'll have to break into the house and do some stuff like killing the rich owner or so. And because the owner is dead it becomes for sale and then you can buy it. It should have an enormous garage where you can stor up to 15 cars at a time.

Also, it would be fun if there is a little farm in the middle of nowhere, and if you walk past the signs with "NO Trespassing" some farmer comes after you with a chainsaw or a shotgun. :P

And the real life vehicles I hope to see in the game are:

-DMC DeLorean (DeLuxo from VC)

-Chevrolet Camaro Iroc

-Volkswagen Corrado

-much more Ferrari's and Lamborghinis

-way more trucks, and when you see trucks driving on the road they have a trailer attached, and not like in SA that it's only the front of the truck.

-more military vehicles (especially more military planes)

Yeah, but if they have a lot of supercars in the game, it would get boring after a while. There's a problem when all you can find are Gallardos and no sighting of a Blista Compact.

On another note, Linerunners, Tankers, ect. with trailers attached and Bobcats, Ranchers, etc. with random little trailers. Maybe a horse trailer filled with ice where you can store bodies?

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