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Damn it. It's back. *Screams*


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Indeed they suck. But remember that the series are aimed at the younger generations (Ages 10 and under) and I suppose they can't criticise them for that, can you?

Edit: I think that this should be in the Entertainment section because it is a TV program we are talking about.

Edited by Thomas.
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@Azn/R 6

The thread was for 3.

Don, how did you get into this movie? No offense but the movie is the total opposite to what goes on in high schools around the world. Plus it's stupid as hell.

Yeah, it'as not like I'm a basketball player at a high school and break into song out of nowhere.

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Which...of ...the cast will...be back for ....


Here's what we probly thought for the series

1: heh, they advertise it so much, it must be good, ill give it a shot..

2: Another one? Bitches. Who the **** watches this stuff?

3: Disney, you are insuting Walt so bad, you don't even know it when your nightmares tell you


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yes, the girls are hot, but the movie sucks...

actually, imagine if that High School Musical cast went to study in a public school in the Philippines

it would be lol, public school here is like a hell, students taking some drugs or something more horrible...

these guys just dunno what is "reality"

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  Unnamed Noodle said:
yes, the girls are hot, but the movie sucks...

actually, imagine if that High School Musical cast went to study in a public school in the Philippines

it would be lol, public school here is like a hell, students taking some drugs or something more horrible...

these guys just dunno what is "reality"

Kinda' like Jimmy Hopkins in Bully or something...

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  GTA Don said:
[swearing removed] High School Musical fucking owns you. C'mon, you can't seriously think that Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale aren't hot, and the movies are ownage. PURE OWNAGE.

i second that. obviously removed the part i dont agree with. :blush:

also edited for grammatical errors.

Edited by WRX22B1998
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  Unnamed Noodle said:
yes, the girls are hot, but the movie sucks...

actually, imagine if that High School Musical cast went to study in a public school in the Philippines

it would be lol, public school here is like a hell, students taking some drugs or something more horrible...

these guys just dunno what is "reality"

high school musical sucks. and they are saying that school is like that in the US? hell naw. school in america fucken sucks. especially where i used to go. i dropped out but anyways school in america is much worst than just taking drugs. i used to smoke weed in the bathroom. i know somebody that put exdosey in a teachers coffee. and the gangs are wild and one time this one dude lit the trash can on fire and almost burnt the school down. and imagine if a kid comes to school with a few guns and kills everybody in there. havent you heard about that shit?

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