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  1. 1. Status

    • Single
    • Seeing Someone
    • Maried
    • Complicated Relationship
    • Not interested in love at all.

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  Rainbow Bear said:

Long distance relationships can work, my friend had a boyfriend in Florida and she is in London. They talk on the phone but they are strangley perfect for each other. But what is more important is that he makes her very happy. Its also not the case for her "hey why not go out and meet people". She has confidence issues and isn't allowed out much, so this is the best thing for her.

I don't care much for 'match makers' my Mom does that to the extreme. If she finds out you are single and looking then she has a list of single losers for you. I know people who I won't name since he might read it here... gee did I say that? Well has confidence issues or low self esteem and I think should be a bit more forward with meeting people. But I won't resort to pushing people at him even if I thought they are a good match. Ah, he needs to mature a bit anyways if he was a bottle of wine he'd still be grape juice! :rofl2:

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in 10 days me and my girlfriend will reach the four month mark, it's been great, we have had no arguements, i can never tell when is the time of the month, things are going good better thanmy last 'relationship' and rem? yes it is different feeling but if you have a good relationship it's nothing like what thomas describes, blatently he aint getting any =P

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  #69 said:
yes it is different feeling but if you have a good relationship it's nothing like what thomas describes, blatently he aint getting any =P

Yeah, that's because the two last girlfriends I've had were stuck up cows, one two timed me etc. Seriously, they hang around you like they want to shag you, you can never get rid of them when you're wanting to hang with some of your real mates. That's what happened to me anyway.

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  rockstarrem said:
Is it a different feeling in general being in a relationship?

Depends of the person imo.

If you like her or him enough, she/ he does too, you have some awesome times together, yeah I'd say thats good.

But if its like, being in a relationship just to show it off around, "I haz gf", have stupid myspace status messages etc. I'd say it's not even worth it. I've seen a few people around that are like this (not in this site particularly)

still a free bird, even though I'm caged.

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Being with someone, in itself is a pretty nice concept, but when you're with someone that you really like, and he/she likes you just as much as well, you definitley won't think he/she is a dragging bad smell like some of you have been saying. It also won't feel like it's taking too much time out of your life either, because if you like this person, spending time with them is just way to much a euphoric experience to put into words and it's nothing mushy like movies or words will entail it to be. It just makes, you happy.

At least that's how it was for me.

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  azn said:
The negative side is you really have to breaks or time-outs because a relationship does demand a lot of your time and life.

Not entirely. It all depends on how you and your partner work things out. I have LOADS of alone time because my husband and I work different shifts so I see him for maybe 5 minutes a day Monday-Friday and talk to him on the phone a few times (remember, this happens and we LIVE together). The weekends are our time where we get to do things together. Whenever we take vacation, we take it at the same time.

You don't have to be attached at the hip in a relationship. Being on different shifts sucks but, at the same time, is good because you don't get sick of seeing the other person because they aren't with you 24/7.

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  azn said:
The negative side is you really have to breaks or time-outs because a relationship does demand a lot of your time and life.

It depends really, people enjoy being with their partner and having the extra company. If you see it as a task to be with them then you shouldn't be in the relationship.

You know your in a good relationship when there are no awkward moments, if there are then just kiss 'em ;)

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  rockstarrem said:
Yeah that's probably why. I saw draftermatt went out with his wife for like 6 years... that's a long time dude and you're still happy congrats.


I've never understood the rush some people are in to get married, and then once married have kids. I have a friend who got married in October after dating his girl for 6+ years, and she's saying she wants to be pregnant by 2010. I have another friend who's 25 and has 3 little girls under the age of 6. They never get to go out anymore just the two of them.

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  Thomas. said:
  #69 said:
yes it is different feeling but if you have a good relationship it's nothing like what thomas describes, blatently he aint getting any =P

Yeah, that's because the two last girlfriends I've had were stuck up cows, one two timed me etc. Seriously, they hang around you like they want to shag you, you can never get rid of them when you're wanting to hang with some of your real mates. That's what happened to me anyway.

Fair enough, I feel sorry for you mate, Iknow how stuck up some girls can be and how slutty others are

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  #69 said:
  Thomas. said:
  #69 said:
yes it is different feeling but if you have a good relationship it's nothing like what thomas describes, blatently he aint getting any =P

Yeah, that's because the two last girlfriends I've had were stuck up cows, one two timed me etc. Seriously, they hang around you like they want to shag you, you can never get rid of them when you're wanting to hang with some of your real mates. That's what happened to me anyway.

Fair enough, I feel sorry for you mate, Iknow how stuck up some girls can be and how slutty others are

It's ok, I've found things that can be worse than a screaming girl in my ear.

Here's a tip though for some people, if you happen to being going out with someone who is very romantic, use words like "Je t'adore". It worked with me, mainly because the GF I had is crap at French not being able to figure out it means "I love you". Use "Je t'aime" too it can also mean "i love you" or "I like you". Girls seemingly love hearing the likes of Italian too, so try that.

Side note: "Je t'aime" and "Je t'adore" are both French not Italian. Also, I would advise not going around saying "J'ai parlé français" (I spoke French) because that is ultimately embarrassing for saying two sentences. I might make a topic about French, dunno, it's a lovely language.

Edited by Thomas.
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  Thomas. said:
  #69 said:
  Thomas. said:
  #69 said:
yes it is different feeling but if you have a good relationship it's nothing like what thomas describes, blatently he aint getting any =P

Yeah, that's because the two last girlfriends I've had were stuck up cows, one two timed me etc. Seriously, they hang around you like they want to shag you, you can never get rid of them when you're wanting to hang with some of your real mates. That's what happened to me anyway.

Fair enough, I feel sorry for you mate, Iknow how stuck up some girls can be and how slutty others are

It's ok, I've found things that can be worse than a screaming girl in my ear.

Here's a tip though for some people, if you happen to being going out with someone who is very romantic, use words like "Je t'adore". It worked with me, mainly because the GF I had is crap at French not being able to figure out it means "I love you". Use "Je t'aime" too it can also mean "i love you" or "I like you". Girls seemingly love hearing the likes of Italian too, so try that.

Side note: "Je t'aime" and "Je t'adore" are both French not Italian. Also, I would advise not going around saying "J'ai parlé français" (I spoke French) because that is ultimately embarrassing for saying two sentences. I might make a topic about French, dunno, it's a lovely language.

Sorry but you got your French wrong, all you were saying was "I love" and "I like". You need to add "tu" on, don't use "vous" as thats for someone impersonal or in a higher position then you. Whereas "tu" is for someone personal to you, but it also means someone below you in status I mean. So I guess its up to you if you want to be personal yet be below in status.

I love French!

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  Bear said:
  Thomas. said:
  #69 said:
  Thomas. said:
  #69 said:
yes it is different feeling but if you have a good relationship it's nothing like what thomas describes, blatently he aint getting any =P

Yeah, that's because the two last girlfriends I've had were stuck up cows, one two timed me etc. Seriously, they hang around you like they want to shag you, you can never get rid of them when you're wanting to hang with some of your real mates. That's what happened to me anyway.

Fair enough, I feel sorry for you mate, Iknow how stuck up some girls can be and how slutty others are

It's ok, I've found things that can be worse than a screaming girl in my ear.

Here's a tip though for some people, if you happen to being going out with someone who is very romantic, use words like "Je t'adore". It worked with me, mainly because the GF I had is crap at French not being able to figure out it means "I love you". Use "Je t'aime" too it can also mean "i love you" or "I like you". Girls seemingly love hearing the likes of Italian too, so try that.

Side note: "Je t'aime" and "Je t'adore" are both French not Italian. Also, I would advise not going around saying "J'ai parlé français" (I spoke French) because that is ultimately embarrassing for saying two sentences. I might make a topic about French, dunno, it's a lovely language.

Sorry but you got your French wrong, all you were saying was "I love" and "I like". You need to add "tu" on, don't use "vous" as thats for someone impersonal or in a higher position then you. Whereas "tu" is for someone personal to you, but it also means someone below you in status I mean. So I guess its up to you if you want to be personal yet be below in status.

I love French!

You could use Je vous adore and Je vous aime but it wouldn't make that much sense. I suppose that I haven't been told about the vous you mention even though something like "vous vous appellez" is confusing - meaning "you call yourself".

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-More Personal (meaning you know this person very well)

-Refers to someone below you in status (i.e. a boss talking to their assitant)

-Refers to just one person


-Less Personal (meaning that you do not know that person very well)

-Refers to someone who is above you in status (i.e. an assitant talking to their boss)

-Can refer to a crowd of people.

It is quite confusing, but its easy to get the hang of. So I guess with the phrase you were suggesting then tu would be better as its much more personal.

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  Bear said:

-More Personal (meaning you know this person very well)

-Refers to someone below you in status (i.e. a boss talking to their assitant)

-Refers to just one person


-Less Personal (meaning that you do not know that person very well)

-Refers to someone who is above you in status (i.e. an assitant talking to their boss)

-Can refer to a crowd of people.

It is quite confusing, but its easy to get the hang of. So I guess with the phrase you were suggesting then tu would be better as its much more personal.

Yeah, I knew most of that. I use vous more often because like saying the -ez on the end of the verb. Vous mangez, Vous cherchez, Vous vendez, Vous finissez etc. I'd use tu when I'm talking to my teacher though, she doesn't mind because it's the way to learn.

I would imagine that a topic should be made about it instead of talking about it in here. Needing people to learn it etc.

Anyway, use more French when talking to a girlfriend, she'll end up liking it as did my ex-girlfriend.

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  Bear said:
Not with me, if I had a guy do that, I would talk back in French just to confuse them. I think its very mushy and not very sincere. Espically as I would find it pointless them saying that in French when they probably don't know anything else except for bonjour.

Yeah, I hate it when people don't know what you mean when speakig a foreign language. I speak to my mum in French but she deson't know what I mean and yet she knows quite a bit of French, maybe I'm recharging the rusty française part of her brain.

GF: Je t'adore!

Me: Ah, oui. C'est gentil. je t'adore aussi. ça va ?

GF: What?

Me: Ah, yes. That is nice. I also love you. How are you?

et cetera.

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  Bear said:
This would confuse someone, but does sound very nice. But anything in French is nice.

La mer, Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs, a des reflets d'argent. La mer, des reflets changeants, sous la pluie.

"The sea, that we are going to dance on the long clear gulf/bay, have reflections of silver/money. The sea, the reflections change under the rain."

Using words that are false cognates also help confuse someone. i.e. 'attendre' which many would think means 'to attend' but it means 'to wait' and 'travailler' which means 'to work'. I would also try and go for longer verbs that some people may not know such as connaitre. Use words that are more French, no words like le table, descendre and l'auto.

Edited by Thomas.
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