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Oh, wow... Just noticed that the RPT got closed. Amazed that it actually reached above 100 posts, forget 16 000 (It's over 9000!).

Anyway, yeah. The Netherlands kicked the asses of the French just an hour ago. They're doing suprisingly well. Never expected them to beat France and Italy.

:wtf: Italy lost?! NOOOO! :( :'(

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Indeed. Our disgusting socks cause your team to just mess up. Same happened with France. Next time you guys should combine orange and blue too. The opposition will cower as you approach the field.

We Italians hate the French :)

But I cant believe Italy lost! :weird: Omfg! :o

Dammit Dio!

Italia Best vincere la prossima volta!

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well, today is the first day of our classes... kinda sucks eh

three of my friends are separated from us. And I just had my hair trimmed because long hairs are prohibited in my school <_<

but i'm hoping for a better school year... since this is my last school year before going to college

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School's finished for me a week ago (That's like FTW), but I sort of miss all the teachers who really thought I was a good pupil to them, including my form tutor (Who's like fucking awesome), whose been my form tutor for the last 5 years. It's sort of sad saying bye as well to other friends, which I probably won't see again.

But in a few days is Prom Night 08'. Gonna be fucking awesome, and I'm hopefully gonna dance with my hot French Teacher (That's like FTW +55555555) as well, along with getting stuffed up with some food. :P

But yeah, it's gonna be a nice night.

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School's finished for me a week ago (That's like FTW), but I sort of miss all the teachers who really thought I was a good pupil to them, including my form tutor (Who's like fucking awesome), whose been my form tutor for the last 5 years. It's sort of sad saying bye as well to other friends, which I probably won't see again.

But in a few days is Prom Night 08'. Gonna be fucking awesome, and I'm hopefully gonna dance with my hot French Teacher (That's like FTW +55555555) as well, along with getting stuffed up with some food. :P

But yeah, it's gonna be a nice night.

Yeah, y'all complain about school in the early years but on the last days you wish it would never end :P

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So I had this Biology Exam first thing in the morning and it was so hard, I hope I get a C grade, then on break times this bully beat my brother up.

That sounds bad.

What did you do about it?

Nothing really, the punk's just an old bully taking his frustrations on my bro, after I showed the whole school his disgusting habits, he stopped picking on me but now he's bullying my brother.


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After 2 years, I eventually get a girlfriend. Well I didn't actually ask anyone out in that 2 years, now that the Exam period is over I have more free time to spend with girls and now I've got one, it's to the cinema this weekend if she wants to go. going into Town/City center as well this weekend, I have money to spend on a girl. Now I have a Social Life Woooo! Her name is Sophie! ily sophie!

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I went to Alton Towers on Friday at 1 AM, I have done 1/10 of a review of the trip to Alton Towers. Just in case you don't know what Alton Towers is, it is a theme park down in Southern England, in the Midlands near Birmingham. It is one of the most famous parks in Britain. It is located near Birmingham and Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire.


Alton Towers were great, the journey was OK but it was nothing special. The journey to Alton Towers lasted 6 hours at least with only two stops which made it around 7 hours to get there. The journey to Alton was a sleepless night for me and many other people, we were shattered when we arrived at a service station in Manchester.

We arrived at about 7 O'clock in the morning and the park has yet to open for another couple of hours, we had to get changed into clothing that would be 'suitable' for Alton Towers because we had been in those clothing on a smelly bus for 7 hours. There was a massive crowd of retarded people waiting at the gate to get into the park, they were from different schools in Scotland and didn't seem to understand the sentence "Get away from the gate", it was hilarious :P

It then started to get better as we eventually managed to get into the park, I knew it was going to be a great day. It started cloudy but the sun managed to come out about 20 minutes later.

The first ride I went on was a Mine Coaster called "Runaway Mine Train" and it was in the "Katanga Canyon" area of the park. It was Okay for the first ride of the day. I never got any major stomach twists on it but it was kind of fun :D .

The second ride I went on was called the Ripsaw, it was a ride what was in the "Forbidden Valley" area of the park. It was a ride that made you go upside down numerous times and at some points you just stayed upside down looking at the ground 50 metres below. When we were upside down a few moments later we just swung around and back to normal. At the end we were upside down and then we were sprayed by water.

I can be bothered saying more at the moment but I will :D .

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