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Unwanted GTA IV Features

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  SoLo said:
The AI really needs to be improved, i mean when I play GTA3 when I'm speeding down the main road People start jumping in front of me and i end up running them over, Shouldn't they be jumping the OTHER way!? =P

Same with Godfather the game. When Your driving and get close to the sidewalk and the bastards jump on the road and you run them over. I swear its impossible to get even 3 blocks in that game without hitting at least on of em.

Edited by Sabin
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  evabin2libertycity? said:
dude the whole swimming idea was great. in vice city, it fuckin sucked every time u fell into the water u die. u should be able 2 learn how 2 swim. u drown at first but if u swim in shallow end or sumthin ur swimming skill will go up

I agree that there should be swimming included in the next game because like everyone said, in GTA3 and VC it would be scary to get a boat (and if it was about to explode what would you do? Wait for some boat to drive by or just jump in the water and drown) at the thought of drowning and when you are runnning away from cops, you stop right before you fall into the water but then all of a sudden a cop car comes flying at you knocking you into the water and causing you to drown. So keep the swimming on! But you're idea that you should learn how to swim, no offense but it's kind of stupid. You'll most likely be a grown man who probably would know how to swim. If not it's kind of stupid learning how to swim and it would get annoying (imagine a cold blooded killer with waterwings). I found that increasing your skill level in SA was kind of stupid except maybe respect but everything else like driving skill or gun skill was kind of stupid to me. So I would like swimming but they should take out those skill increasing things, girlfriends and changing clothes should be faster.

Edited by ArturKim21
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I would like to see no more RC missions.

-I would like to see no more pay and spray.

(I think the cops should give up after awhile or you should be able to deak them out. Pay and spray could be there but only for fixing your ride not getting away from cops)

-And no more Rap hip hop style themes.

I kinnda liked al that rc stuff

I think the cops should be able to swimm. And that ai must definetly improve.

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I agree that there should be swimming included in the next game because like everyone said, in GTA3 and VC it would be scary to get a boat (and if it was about to explode what would you do? Wait for some boat to drive by or just jump in the water and drown) at the thought of drowning and when you are runnning away from cops, you stop right before you fall into the water but then all of a sudden a cop car comes flying at you knocking you into the water and causing you to drown. So keep the swimming on! But you're idea that you should learn how to swim, no offense but it's kind of stupid. You'll most likely be a grown man who probably would know how to swim. If not it's kind of stupid learning how to swim and it would get annoying (imagine a cold blooded killer with waterwings). I found that increasing your skill level in SA was kind of stupid except maybe respect but everything else like driving skill or gun skill was kind of stupid to me. So I would like swimming but they should take out those skill increasing things, girlfriends and changing clothes should be faster.

omg! best idea ever!!! u can have waterwings!!! lol that wud be funny. i thought the stats where alright. tey should keep most skills and fat and muscle and sex appeal and respect. and people other than u can swim. that will make a use for the swimming pools and beaches. some people can swim and some people can drown like before. but drowning should take longer cuz people wud touch water and die like it was acid. and they should make gargling noises instead of screaming of moaning

Edited by evabin2libertycity?
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  evabin2libertycity? said:
well this topic is for U 2 tell wat u dont wat in the next gta. give us an idea

welcom by the way :thumbsup:

Being a gangster is da best. But in all the GTAs they say that wen u get 100% u rule the city, When i comleted gta3 i fort ppl would bow down to me:D.

R* i want ppl to bow down b4 and to get girlfriends pregnant and raise a kid, oh and a pet dog lol

Thnx for welcome,

Edited by crazy-pidgeon!
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I had no dislikes for any of the past GTAs' features. Personally I enjoyed girlfriends and gangwars, if you guys dislike a feature I don't see why you just can't ignore them, it doesn't effect you. You're not forced to do them, unless it's because they're needed for 100% completion.

But if a really large fraction of players want them out, too bad for me.

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Gang wars was crap. When I first heard of gang wars, I thought it would be like that mission in VC where you have to help the hatians by sniping down the cubans. If you didnt snipe them, they would fight each other, thats what I thought the gang wars would be like, two gangs clasing into each other, instead, its just "CJ vs opposite gang" wars. You can recruit homies to help you, but the only thing they help you by is wasting your bullets on them, and when they arnt doing that, theyre getting pumped up with enemy fire. So, I would like gang wars if it auctually had 2 gangs fighting each other, instead of just CJ fighting. Also, I would like to see when an enemy gang tries to take over your territory, your gang auctually fights back. And gaing/defending territory depends on the surround territory, I mean if if the territory is surrounded by your gang's territory, you have a higher chance of winning, and if the territory is surrounded by enemy territory, you are most likely to lose. So if you try to take over a central territory surrounded by enemy territory, you are probably going to lose, but if you take over a territory at the edge, then you might win. Also, not every gang war needs you to fight in it, you can trigger a gang war and just let your gang fight, but thier virtory/lost depends on the surrounding territory. Same for an enemy trying to take over your territory, read above, thier victory/lost depends on the surrounding territory. Again, you do not need to fight in defending your territory, you can just let your gang do it, but then, again, the chances of your victory/lost depends in the surrounding territory.

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i dont want

all that gangster shit


the animation of people, like when they go over the top of ur car, they look like a piece of cardboard. or in movie parts, c.j isnt talking anymore but his arms r just wavin in the air for no reason

invisibe trees that pop out of nowhere

and no more fake stories about the GTA4, o yea there was really a bigfoot in SA :pissedred:

stupid ass fall through the floor into the blue sky thingy glitch

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how about take out the ragular affter animations and have ragdoll. euphoria ragdoll(reacts with different objects) but still have animations that the people make, not there deaths(like if they feel there wound and look down while falling down ragdoll mode)

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No more girlfriends

No more Gangwars(they always came at a bad time, and i'd always use that save glitch to not have to fight it)

No more of that recurit a homie crap, cus ure homies sucked, they pretty much only got in the way, and nvr really hit anything, and it took them like 5 minutes to get into tha car, makin get aways a bit hard

No more of that crap, when u go behind a mountain, and its pitch black, and u cant c u or the car infront of u

Last but not least no more of those damn RC missions, their annoying

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  The Driver said:
I quite liked the clothes shops, but the process was too slow, and you had to wait for CJ to walk in and out of the changing rooms.

yeah that was ####ing annoying --> the gta lcs way i quicker

personally i dont want that thing where you had to feed cj etc. if we wanted that then we would have got the sims

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  SoLo said:
The AI really needs to be improved, i mean when I play GTA3 when I'm speeding down the main road People start jumping in front of me and i end up running them over, Shouldn't they be jumping the OTHER way!? =P

Maybe they might of been emo??

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