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What type of person would you want as the main character?


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No, because then we'd just get angry at how stupid he is, and everyone would be like 'I dont like him cos he/shes a retard and he's stupid' I want someone who is calm, and intelligent (Not an einstein!), by that I mean he/she knows what to do in difficult situations, and also with a sense of humour...

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  tilly said:
stone cold cool guy like claude but has a voice.

oh and not a prick(tommy) or a dumbass (CJ)

wtf are you talking about? that wouldnt be funny.

1) Tommy was not a prick

2) Carl was not a dumbass

In personality terms, CJ and Tommy mixed. Like 55% CJ and 45% Tommy. Maybe.

NO MORE CLAUDE. :pissed:

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  I just shot a bear said:
Lighten up, this is not about game play more about the story and characters behind the game. Stop posting these pointless remarks cause they are boring and stupid. If you dont like the topic dont post on it.

Why do the characters matter? It's a game not a film. And my remarks ain't pointless, they're valid reasons as to why your topic is nothing to do with the game.

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19 year old white guy, european british decent (not british), dark hair, smooth, but not smooth like tommy, and not james bond smooth, more smooth like a cool guy smooth. he shold have a little of the driver PL personality but hes still a prick. make him cool and not a prick. sorta like the guy in fast and furious.

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I'd rather play as an emotional dude. It'd make the game a lot funnier.

And let me repeat this:


And let me say this real quick:


Late twenties, white male, newcomer to the city, and an ACTUAL PERSONALITY.

Edited by TEC 9
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