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What happened to you today


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An average day for me:

I tried some darkroom work and it went well when the teacher was with me. When he left, I mucked things up a bit and couldn't get the images to come out clear enough. On the way home, I got beeped at by some wanker in a car, so I let him know how I felt, suffice to say he didn't like it, and an issue of 442 still hasn't arrived for me, its supposed to arrive with a game free with it but it hasn't yet, maybe tomorrow...

Edited by the bossman
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  tilly said:
i went to school. they did some gay american idol. but it was cool cuz there was a gay crowd and the teacher moniter gay people couldnt see me and my girlfrend kissing and stuff. it was cool.

Okkkkkkk whats with all the "gay". Anyways nothing really much happpend today. Some retard jimoean nearly ripped my shirt because i stood on his foot . so i just pushed him away and he fell over. And i got assesed for PE.

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Well today was my last day at school before spring break. 10 days off school. My teacher gave everyone popscicles(even though it's cold and snowy outside). I figured the best thing to do with my popscicle was to throw it at somone. Then I noticed some kids fighting. So I yelled, "Break it the f*** up!" and I threw my popscicle into the crowd. Then I spit on a bus and went home.

Edited by C Blood
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hell guys, everyone go around naked or what?!

noone have said that he has puted' clothes on and stuff...nevermind

i went up, puted my Clothes on, wich happens to be a Dark green shirt, and Dark grey-green pants, then, i went down, i searched something to eat, and i didnt find anything, so i eated some dog food with milk, then...uh...i was going to watch a Freddy Krueger movie, but instead it was some chinese movie, stupid I-SAT channel...then, i check'd my messenger inbox, talked to a friend, i played a little with my dog, cleaned my room, killed a spider...then i posted in some wird topic, then in another...and about 9 more, then, i continued with a mod for VC, thats all :D

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As always,counting down the minutes `till GTA 4 trailer :).BTW I`ve heard at school today a rumour about a Black Van that is terising my city,the van abducts you that the driver sells you internal organs for money(Maybe is Jeepers Creepers)....OMG The city is full of cops at every stret searching for that maniac.

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  Silberio da said:
where the hell ya live?!

In Romania.I think that Black Van that kidnaps you,takes your internal organs.... is a fake rumour.But for 2 days it terorised the city.I don`t believe it even exists,but who knows.

Nothing happened to me today,just woke up and started the PC .I`m gonna go play some Sims 2 Pets :) have to build a mansion...

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Well today's been the laundry day if you know what I mean. And some jogging and oh yeah... The best thing that happened me today is that I got VCS, damn excited to play it, yeah that's right I haven't started playing it yet, a couple of days ago I got Driver Parallel Lines and I wanna beat it first, it's a pretty good game you know and I've finally come to the year 2006.

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