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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah either way it doesn't matter now that I've fixed it. Was an error in the code, not an error in Chrome. The other browsers somehow still displayed it correctly though.
  2. Fixed it now anyway. Was a really simple error actually.
  3. My Chrome doesn't show the search button but it's in the source. No idea why it's not showing. @Eazy: Are you using the latest beta or stable version of Chrome?
  4. This is the latest Twitter post by Rockstar. A lot of rumours have been flying around about the next GTAIV DLC lately, including this not-very-believable-story at GameSpot rumour control - according to that the title of episode two will be Blood And A Four Leaf Clover, though I wouldn't believe anything you read regarding the DLC unless it's coming directly from R* or Microsoft. Keep an eye on the website as we'll have whatever details are released very soon.
  5. Weird. I'll look into this tomorrow. The HTML is all valid so I've no idea why it would be hidden like that in Chrome.
  6. Snakey does this happen only when you're using Chrome? And other browsers are fine?
  7. @Don: People still use Shockwave? Wow. Thought that died years ago.
  8. I said the same plan, or slightly better, whatever, for the same price.
  9. Kids won't pay unless they've stolen a parent's credit/debit card. Members won't pay unless there's content there that can't be obtained anywhere else. But yeah you'll get way better uptime with a paid host. The one you linked to doesn't even load for me and if they can't get their own site close to 100% uptime they are not worth going with. EDIT: Yes it does load incredibly slowly now, awesome. Go with someone trustworthy, like me, for example Could give you what they offer there for the same price on my server. Only difference is my server is in the UK. ITT: Chris sells out. j/k but seriously I can offer paid hosting to members here if anyone needs it.
  10. Should post in this topic really, but just post the ID/name here and I'll remove it.
  11. Ah wow this brought back some memories! What an awesome game. And no it's not gameshark it is a proper glitch in the game and a pretty fun one to exploit too! Shame about the really bad quality of your video though. Try the settings with the Suzuki Pikes Peak, should be able to hit 1000+ mph with it, actually I can't remember if it was that fast but it was certainly a hell of a lot more than 500
  12. Computer screens are 16:10 and TV's are 16:9 aspect ratio and for some reason your laptop isn't picking that up. Maybe you need to update drivers for your graphics card and/or if there are some for the TV then install them so it recognises the resolution properly. To me it looks like it's chosen the next lowest resolution and upscaled it. 1680x1050... only needs to add 30 pixels vertical height to get the 1080, but 220 horizontal which is why stuff is appearing stretched. It will have chosen this because 1920x1200 is too big for the TV to display and they don't do downscaling. 1920x1080 generally isn't supported by default.
  13. That's splendid! Have a magnificent birthday, good sir!
  14. Yeah only first place gets an award.

  15. LOL, pretty funny compared to what you usually see. /b/ tards generally play as the girl not the guy, and do it to catch paedophiles etc. One of the best though, was the birth of the "wat" meme, which apparently came from this gem:
  16. Chris

    PG Porn

    I audibly laughed. I guess you probably actually need to have seen BangBros/BangBus porn for maximum lulz.
  17. LOL the site doesn't even check if you're from the US, and there's no age selection. So any non-US residents or those under 13 can still take the questionnaire. All the pricing options are in USD though so it's kinda irrelevant.
  18. Day 24: The mystery deepens as "Denise" heads back to Japan for supposed katana training!

    Will she really come back and chop everyone's cocks off? Stay tuned to TGTAP forums to find out!

  19. Try uploading it again, took away that pointless validation.

  21. Use sandpaper. Look in the preowned bins and on ebay etc.
  22. Actually it had only been 1 week but whatever. There's no limit on the number of files you can upload either. Once you have 3 approved mods you don't need to wait for approval on any more mods you upload.
  23. I think we had this thread a few years ago. Not a single member got low on everything IIRC. How fucked up is this community? I actually got low on all except the Avoidant category which I already knew I'd get high in. Been that way all my life for some reason.
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