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2012: The Year The Internet Ends


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This is seriously worth watching.

Dylan Pattyn *, who is currently writing an article for Time Magazine on the issue, has official confirmation from sources within Bell Canada and is interviewing a marketing representative from TELUS who confirms the story and states that TELUS has already started blocking all websites that aren't in the subscription package for mobile Internet access. They could not confirm whether it would happen in 2012 because both stated it may actually happen sooner (as early as 2010). Interviews with these sources, more confirmation from other sources and more in-depth information on the issue is set to be published in Time Magazine soon.

What are your thoughts on this?

Do you think this will mean the end of the internet?

Edited by Daniel.
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If I'm understanding this right, they want to limit where we could go to on the internet...I don't really get how they could do that...People could already get free internet...so if they can't stop people from getting free access to the internet...how would they stop those same people from getting around this? I think this will just cause a rise in "theft".

Edited by Harwood Butcher
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It won't happen, quite simple, really. The Internet makes billions and billions of dollars, pounds, whatever your currency is, and restricting every single site will be a hugely pointless idea. It works, it makes money, and everyone uses it. There will be a massive backlash if they even consider proposing this idea, and I for one won't pay a fucking dime if this comes into effect. The subject of human rights will come up, and all the ISPs will back down. Records will probably be set for the amount of people who will sue these companies, even the ISP buildings could be in danger by people trying to blow them up. All types of crazy shit could happen. A very, very, bad, stupid, worthless, pointless idea this is.

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wow wtf...

yeah i heard about this sorta thing already happens like in china and stuff. i dont know if they would do it in australia, i mean, what's their reasoning behind it, like subscription internet? the point of it is freedom to go explore sites of any description, i dont think many people would be happy if they decided to do this.

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These guys are obviously really desperate for exposure. That chick's only there to maintain the attention of male audiences (the audiences who are most likely to give a damn)

I can see a motive for this happening, of course the companies would benefit, but soon... a company will emerge without the 'caps', nothing. It will be megahuge, get all the business, then everyone else would have to do it to be able to compete. Businesses are greedy, and would do anything for money, but in the longrun, it would be easier to stay as we are, as internet usage would plummet.

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Are her boobs awesome?


thats all you saw in the film isn't it? thats precisely why she's there to get morons like you to join their cause...

however if this does happen it will be over pretty much instantly, only the super rich (and super stupid) will use the internet then and like someone previously said another company will emerge with no charges excpet the current broadband charges and the big companies will then loose their customers and their profits

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