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Awsum/funny stuff you do at school.


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When i was 4th grade, we drew a goal on the Teacher's chair.After 5 mins,all of us say GOAL!!

She was so excited they gave her sugar and water.

Similar to it, once we drew a dick.

Then when she sees it,she says i'll call the cleaner/helper.

And when he came,he said, OH YOU ACT LIKE YOU NEVER SEEN A DICK,with those words.


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When i was 4th grade, we drew a goal on the Teacher's chair.After 5 mins,all of us say GOAL!!

She was so excited they gave her sugar and water.

Similar to it, once we drew a dick.

Then when she sees it,she says i'll call the cleaner/helper.

And when he came,he said, OH YOU ACT LIKE YOU NEVER SEEN A DICK,with those words.


What? That made no sense.

Funny stuff? The occasional fake fart noises but that's all.

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at my school there was this sub teacher who we nicknamed "lap lady". basically once the class was settled and we were told what work to do etc, she would just continually do laps around the room. for the whole period (40min or whatever). it was pretty funny. at first we just tallied it up then at the end my friend was like "oh 36 a NEW HIGH SCORE".

another time that we had this teacher , he put a desk across the floor near where she walked all the time , and wrote on a bit of paper "WRONG WAY GO BACK". someone else did that on the other side of the room so she just started walking up and down the front of the room in this like 4 sq metre area lmao.

someone hid inside a rubbish bin (was empty i think) and someone else wheeled it inside the classroom, then they got some ghost mask or a goblin or something and gave it to the guy inside the bin. then the teacher came and he jumped out of the bin and screamed lol.

in the drama room, on the iMacs, we would always open all the programs (option + shift + a = apps menu, then command+a = select all, command+o = open). see the dock just fill up like mad and everything jumping up and down. then the teacher would try and close the programs one by one. XD. also we would press ctrl + option + command + 8. which makes the screen go inverted colours (black = white etc). the teacher thought the monitor was stuffed. really confuses me why apple would make a shortcut to invert the screen...

lol also there was this like goth lady sub-teacher. then she had our class, but came like 15 minutes after the bell "sorry i'm late i got locked in the darkroom". :lolbounce:

Edited by WRX22B1998
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i dunno, funny and awesome stuff are always there at the school everyday...

like while our teacher is teaching us some boring lesson, the chairs are disarranged and others go out without permission and making weird things along the corridor of the school... i love those memories in highschool. Another one is while waiting for our next teacher, we went to the canteen and we went back to the class later pretending that we are "surprised" by the arrival of our teacher. But despite the weird shits I did in my highschool, I still managed to maintain my grades.

Edited by Unnamed Noodle
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Well my 8th grade teacher and I had an awesome relationship - I basically made fun of him all day (jokingly, like he didn't care) by saying the most random shit and everybody in the class laughed. For example, this is one of the rants I would go on or something, I just sent it to him the other day: http://domenicf.com/capassocuomo/

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Funniest thing everyday: Ball flicking people, it's funny when they fall down in pain after being whacked in the testicles with a fast hand to them. One particular guy just looks funny all the time but even funnier when this happens.

My French teacher's unusual comments: "Why do French people spell things backwards? - DNA is ADN", "Reuda, oh, that's not French... Damn, Roue I mean"

My history teacher's attempts to tame the class, failure.

The depute rector's failure to do things correctly - i.e. more specifically the choice form sheets I got on Wednesday.

The name "Miss. Stalker", Religious and Moral Studies student teacher.

A girl called Rachel calls Paris and New York "Well, beastin!" and her "theme song" is radio static, it actually quite funny listening to her go on. Plus her smiley faces she draws are quite creepy yet funny. The mouth of it takes up the whole lower half of the circle, it usually has big eyes and ^ shaped eyebrows. In the eyes she puts the veins on it and the eyebrows she draws are quite thick and bushy. She's going to become a comedian one day. "My Lemon Cake turned out to be shit, literally!"

Edited by Thomas.
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We started a fire in the art class room once. We were trying to singe a canvas and ended up catching it on fire. The teacher was pretty cool about it <3 Mr. Banks.

The very next year she started a half a dozen fires during our African art lessons.

We had a Mrs. Hell and a S.Tingler, nothing as funny as Ms. Hoar or Mr. Gay

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I've only been excluded once. That was in primary for making a teacher bleed. She was pissing me off so I tripped her up and she started bleeding. I've always had a short temper, but when I was in yr 6 I never got as angry and now I still beat the shit out of people that annoy me, just don't show my anger to anyone else.

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