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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. I'm not a huge fan of Hip Hop but he was good on Vice City. RIP Mr Magic
  2. GTA Vice City Gameplay & Help Suggestions and Feedback If you have any suggestions or feedback please do not hesitate to post in here. It is recommended that you do post your problem or suggestion otherwise we cannot do anything about it. This topic is not for posting problems, feedback or suggestions about Grand Theft Auto Vice City or about Mods made for GTA Vice City - this is what this forum is made for. A log will be made of suggestions - along with the suggestion's status - and feedback. Suggestion and Feedback history: No History as of Sunday 27th September 2009
  3. But there are no longer any mods so the colour might as well be ideal. I like the colour but I'm not sure if others feel the same.
  4. What is Spoosh exactly? I can't find it at all on Google or TGTAP. If you want it installed correctly you might have to change some settings in your Anti-Virus program's options so that it allows you to access the download. If you want to use the file then you're going to have to change some settings but you can always change them back once you have finished making the download work on Vice City. N.B. Make a back-up of necessary game files before using mods.
  5. Yeah, quite a lot of my friends have LG Cookies but I have only used one once - to text my mum to say that I'm going to keyboard lessons. I think that using a touchscreen phone would be better than having a phone with a keypad because it takes much longer to text using a keypad phone rather than a touchscreen phone.
  6. Hey guys, I am looking for a new phone to buy, I do have a phone already but I've had it for a year and the 'unlimited texts' thing doesn't apply to it. Now, I've been looking around www.o2.co.uk and there are some good phones on there, these are the ones I was interested in: Samsung Tocco Lite: £89 - Click Here LG Cookie: £89 - Click Here The phone I bought last year is still around £60 in the shops but my phone has a massive scratch down the screen after I was rolling down a hill for a video. I don't know which one of those two to choose but both are similar - touch screen, same price, 3 megapixel camera, O2 etc. I want to keep with O2 because it gives my parents a discount on broadband - £60 less a year. I'll most likely be getting one of those phones in October, early October is most likely. Thomas.
  7. Welcome to the GTA Vice City Gameplay & Help Forum. Here, you can post your problems about Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Please post topics about GTA Vice City Mods in here. About this Forum The GTA Vice City & Help Forum enables you to post your problems regarding Vice City. Problems in the past have included problems with a particular mission, a game bug or glitch and topics looking for information. To save you from searching for an answer, here is a topic which will help you find information about a particular problem or topic in GTA Vice City: Click Here (incomplete) What is a forum boss? To find out more about who a forum boss is then please click here. What to do and what not to do Despite being the Forum Boss, I am not here to take charge of the forum, just to simply make sure that discussions are being 'discussed' properly without fighting, spam or off-topicness. I am not in charge of members and I am not a member of staff. The quality of the content in this forum is not just my responsibility but it is also your responsibility too. If a friendly discussion ends up into a debate with flaming then the topic will be closed and it will effectively be a ruined topic - please do not let this happen. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and people should not be flamed for stating it. Suggestions & Feedback If you have any suggestions on how the forum could be improved, please just drop a reply in the following topic: Feedback and Suggestion topic
  8. It took me a complete month to realise you replied. Oops... How did that go, getting your wisdom teeth removed?

  9. I'm going to be starting archery lessons in October for the Duke of Edinburgh Silver award, it should be fun but it's only for one month. I don't know if they do courses past the beginner's course, I assume they do. I haven't found anything yet for the volunteering because the award is so popular here and there are 6 high schools within Falkirk town and we only have around 15 charity shops. My friends and I are thinking about doing some fundraising or doing something about the local environment. For the skill I am going to be practicing my Keyboard skills for 12 months, should be easy.
  10. I'm slightly interested... I could always help with GTA Vice City or with the Serious Chat, I like posting in there.
  11. I know a lot of French so I find Spanish, Italian, European Portugueseand Catalan quite easy but Romanian is quite different from the otherLatin languages. For example: être (french): to be (je suis, tu es, il est, elle est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont, elles sont) essere (italian): to be (io sono, tu sei, lui è, nos siamo, vos siete, loro sono - the pronouns can be omitted) I know a bit of Danish but I can't really be bothered right now. Anyway, a smidge of French... I needn't practice, I just feel the need to write some. Salut ! J'adore parler le (?) français parce que c'est beau. Espagnol estmerde, sérieuxment. Je n'ai mangé pas mon dîner, Je le mangerai plustard. Je n'ai pas faim mais j'aimerais avoir des riz ou des soupe delentilles. Comment allez-vous ce soir ? Qu'est-ce que tu as mangé pour dîner ?
  12. C'est dommage que tout le monde parle l'anglais. C'est vraiment affreux. Anglais est merde a comparé au français, roumain, portugues et allemand mais c'est parce que je suis anglais. Héhé...
  13. Les traductions sont casse-pieds (ou agaçant, tu choisis). Spider-Vice, comment vas-tu?
  14. This has been waiting to happen for a while, I heard of Liam and Noel's fight before a show in France last night. I like some of Oasis's music but the band in reality does not have a lot of influence in Britain so it shan't have a huge impact - although enough to make it on to the news. It certainly will not have a huge impact at my school, most of my school, teachers and pupils inclusive, hate Oasis.
  15. It's, I think, how many times you have drowned in the water.
  16. I quite like the artwork, it reminds me of Vice City. Be patient, if they says it's coming very soon then it'll come very soon. Their version of 'very soon' may be different to what your version is. Also, the game may not come out in October but it means they might be making the game even more better.
  17. I don't know what 6th form is but I'm guessing it's further education in high school? I'm currently doing my Higher's in high school and I have at least 1 year left in school unless I want to stay on until S6 when I can take Advanced Higher things as long as I pass the Higher course in particular subjects. Advanced Higher is the level above Higher which is equivalent to the English A-levels. For Higher I picked the following subjects: Higher English - currently studying poetry, particular focus on metaphors, similes and mood. Higher Mathematics - currently doing Gradients of a Straight line Higher French - currently doing relationships and being a teenager Higher History - currently learning how to write 20 and 30 mark essays Higher Graphic Communication also called Higher Graphics - currently doing 2 point measured perspective drawings, sketching and modeling on the computers. The following subjects I could not choose Intermediate 2 Relgious and Moral Education - RE teacher is teaching us about morality as we've put up with religion most of our lives. Core Physical Education Core Social Education - currently doing 'moving away from house' since we are 1 year from moving away from our houses and owning our own one in Scots' Law. COPE (Certificate of Personal Effectiveness)- An award for skills subject. Apart from the final four subjects, were these subjects a good choice for the grades I got?
  18. I got mine on August 5th but what I've taken is equivelant to GCSE called Scottish Standard Grade. My school along with many other schools in Scotland take Standard Grades a year younger than most of the Scotland. My cousin and I are the same year at school but I have completed my GCSEs, he is halfway through. French: Grade 1 ( A ) History: Grade 2 ( B ) Graphic Communication: Grade 2 ( B ) English: Grade 2 ( B ) Biology: Grade 2 ( B ) Computing: Grade 2 ( B ) Maths: Grade 3 ( C ) Music: Grade 3 ( C )
  19. I got my GCSE results or equivalent thereof in Scotland about 3 weeks ago. Shall I post mine or would it be better to wait until you lot get your results? I'm chuffed about mine anyway Good Luck to anyone who gets or got any form of exam results this month.
  20. Steam, I think you should stop posting as much topics. Most of them ARE crap and uninteresting but some can be funny. I'd say that you should only post something if it's major news, not some uninteresting crap like that A.R.A.B video and what not. I'm saying this as a friend, cut it out for a while. Husky, he is mature for a 13 year old, you should see some of the conversations you can have with him on MSN, he goes on about computers, gadgets and sex. Husky, you used to be much like Steam, trust me, he will change to be better but you have to remember that he is a child compared to some members on here - like you, me, Chris, Gerard for example. I joined here when I was 12, although I was not like him, we all acted immature and got yelled at. No offence intended in this post.
  21. Ah, alright. I understand why the AboutMe page is a better idea right now. That's cool, I'll use that instead.
  22. I don't know if this has been suggested before but since we have quite a community of members who use Facebook, Twitter, Bebo and what not that it might be ideal to include something in the member's profile that would link up to the member's account on any of these sites. Although you wouldn't need to make the field link directly to that user's account, in fact, all you would need is a link. These sites are becoming increasingly popular so I thought that it might be a good idea. Thomas.
  23. When I try and edit the AIM address when you edit your profile, I tried removing the dash I had but I couldn't find the AIM text box in there - not that I have any interest with AIM, I much prefer MSN over it.
  24. Most of the reputation is abuse made by Steam. I'm only proud of about 3 out of 11.

  25. Yeah, I deleted you as friend soon after leaving the SFM. Forgot to re-add you when you came back :/

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