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What does thegtaplace mean to you?


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Well, to me, TheGTAPlace has been like my first website I joined, and is sort of like a home to me, although I don't really live on the net, it's a nice place to visit, and it also is where I became Moderator. This place is also a place where I get information from on GTA IV and many other things.

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It's the only forum I spend any time on, I started here a little over a year ago & just feel at home. I started looking

here for mods & general GTA, but since spent time talking to people around the world about anything from cars to

quantum physics (you KNOW who you are! :hi: ) to hacking various data files in SA.

Chris & staff have put a lot of work into making TGTAP as good as it is & the members are a good crew.

I'm here to stay.

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This is the best site eva!

It is my internetz home.This is my first too, and I don;t think I'll ever leave.This site has something magic, people here are friendly and you can have an intelligent conversation with almost everybody on the forums ...

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I agree with every one of the posts above :)

In other words, yes it is a great place to make yourself comfortable when you've had a rough day. I remember I had a few crappy days and after school I would hop onto TGTAP and catch up with the GTA discussion and eventually forget all my problems until I log off. It's really good if you're looking to kill heaps of time.

This isn't my first forum, but it's my first GTA forum :wub:

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TheGTAPlaceForums is really my most favorite site on the net. :worship: I love GTA and Rockstar so much that I can just forget about all my troubles relax catch up on GTA get to known other friendly people that like GTA from around the world aswell. This is my first forum and I will be here for who knows long, but I am always here at least once a day. If time expressing what I think about the topic. This is just the number one GTA fourm related site on todays net. Everyone on this site has there own qualitys and I respect them and you too. Great job and long live ROCKSTAR! :R*: Of course GTA. :D

Off Topic: GTA out in 6 days and I haven't even gotten a console yet. I'm going to whip something up today.

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GTA place is one of the most professional and organized site on the network. Not too complicated and the only site were I can sit naked! \m/

I like the people. Hardly any spammers or idiots running around saying stuff like "Oh look I have gameplay footage and new clips of IV!" etc.

Oh! we usd to have idiots like that, ther was this one retard who used to write all crap and say that his father used to work for rockstar and had told him all that stuff. But then his butt got whipped by the staff and kind members here.

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Finally, someone creates this topic! Believe it or not, The GTA Place was the first forum I joined, I've been coming to this place regularly since 2006 to check up on the latest GTA news. I mainly came here for news and cheats, and that time I had no idea what a forum was. I was a n00b when I joined the forums (weren't we all?) but then I got to know most of the people here and most of them know me. Here, I can just chill out, relax and discuss Grand Theft Auto with thousands of other GTA fans such as myself. This website is da bomb! And that's the truth. *Humps forums*

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I started off as a member on GTAF and I sometimes checked this site back then. When I had enough of GTAF, I had to get away so I came here. Ciaran was the one who got me join. TGTAP is now my main site I go on, it has great members and great staff, you don't get flamed to hell over the smallest thing. This the best place in my opinion

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TGTAP was the first forum I got really involved with (being a moderator etc).

I've been involved in (and often responsible for) most of the changes that have happened here over the past few years, so I feel quite attached to something I've put a lot into.

I'm sure a lot of you feel the same about putting a lot into this, not just staff.

Question - for those that have been here a long time, do you think the forums have improved since what they were like back in 2004/2005?

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TGTAP was the first forum I got really involved with (being a moderator etc).

I've been involved in (and often responsible for) most of the changes that have happened here over the past few years, so I feel quite attached to something I've put a lot into.

I'm sure a lot of you feel the same about putting a lot into this, not just staff.

Question - for those that have been here a long time, do you think the forums have improved since what they were like back in 2004/2005?

i can say yes... theres a lot of spammers (including me... <_< ) in the forums who sometimes challenged the authority of the staff... but at the end of day we're all pwned, some are gone, some improved (Dave ^_^ )... and when i came back on December 2007, i see a lot of new and more matured members here. Overall, the forums really improved a lot.

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