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Worst Game Ever!


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^ Oh yeah, Big Rigs. You can PASS THROUGH "solid" buildngs, FALL through bridges, and your oppenent NEVER MOVES. How and why are these games made, anyway? To make us sick of gaming? To promote a much better game?

How about Superman 64? Ha, that game is so pathetic, Superman Returns couldn't make up for it.

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Hahaha. 50 Cent and D-12 made a game. That is so f***ing sad.

I'm reading the Big Rigs review, what a joke. :lol:

The supposedly computer-controlled truck you're supposed to be racing against in the game never actually moves. It's right there next to you at the beginning of a race, but it has no purpose in the game. This is to say, actually, that none of the game's races have a purpose because there's no competition and no time limit. You win every single time. So unless you especially like seeing a winning-screen over and over again that reads "You're Winner!", there is absolutely no point in playing Big Rigs.
Edited by JOYA
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games like Pacific general and Strategic command. civilisation 2 wasnt so good either, too hard.

Mine is Max Payne and Max Payne 2...

For it's creepy levels. Like when Max vists his house 3 times, (one real, two in a dream), he sees the same damn people. His wife and baby... DEAD!!!

yes, the dreams are hard, u have to go thru that maze and stuff, but the rest of the game is excelent. I only wish I finished MP1. my use key doesnt work. :'(

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  Samiam2 said:
Mine is Max Payne and Max Payne 2...

For it's creepy levels. Like when Max vists his house 3 times, (one real, two in a dream), he sees the same damn people. His wife and baby... DEAD!!!

Creepy levels? You're kidding right? Sure, you heard some werid shit (like the baby crying) but you could just turn down the volume.

Worst game?

-Burnout 1 and 2 (The timer)

-Sould Calibur 1 and 2 and 3 (A 2D fighting game with 3D graphics, DOA beats this shit anyday)

-Any GTA clone (imagination, they should learn that)

-Tomb Raider: Angel or Darkness (There arnt any tombs, instead you're just running in some alleyways. Controls suck too)

Ive got a bigger list, I just dont feel like adding more

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  tommy vercetti guy said:
-Sould Calibur 1 and 2 and 3 (A 2D fighting game with 3D graphics, DOA beats this shit anyday)

-Any GTA clone (imagination, they should learn that)

-Tomb Raider: Angel or Darkness (There arnt any tombs, instead you're just running in some alleyways. Controls suck too)

Soul Caliber Series - Damn right. DOA is a much better game than SC. I have no clue why people think SC is the best fighting game. It has only weapon fighting, and after playing other fighting games like Street Fighter and DOA, that does not make a fighting game in my opinion.

GTA Clones - Most of them, but I still like the True Crime series and Saint's Row.

Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness - Believe me, you know the words "f***ing piece of horseshit"? WAY too generous.

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Like chris82 said about there's alot of games I hate,but GTa clones are pretty high up there;I totally agree with him but at the moment tekken 5 is my most hated.I've played all tekken and when tekken5 came out I was so happy but it was quite disappointing.

Edited by $GTA_4_LIFE_$
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Getaway pwned IMO.

I don't know what my least favourite game is, as I tend to only buy games I know I'd like. AOE3 sucked because it kept crashing, but apart from that it was good. True Crime NYC sucked though IMO, couldn't hold a candle to the LA version *points to name*

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Grand Theft Auto sucks ass. Its absolutely the worst game ever created.

wait for it...


ok ok GTA is the best and we all know that...I just wanted to post something different. I personally hate the whole Halo series...shitty shitty game.

I thought some of the "GTA Clone" games, as you guys call them, were pretty good but really no where close to GTA. If you guys dont remember...Driver was out pretty much the same time as GTA so it technically isnt a clone. GTA more or less stole their idea but kept their story type deal and made it into their own which is impossible to copy. I think all the Driver games were pretty fun but dont keep me entertained as long. True Crime seemed amazing at first but sorta turned out like shit, compared to GTA. The only semi-GTA clone game that is giving Rockstar a run for their money has to be SCARFACE, but they're still pretty different. I dont think SCARFACE will keep me entertained as long but there is tons of shit to do so I cant really say anything yet, still an amazing game and its about a 9/10 if GTA were to be 10/10, which it is in my book.

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  nick_kang said:
The Getaway pwned IMO.

I don't know what my least favourite game is, as I tend to only buy games I know I'd like. AOE3 sucked because it kept crashing, but apart from that it was good. True Crime NYC sucked though IMO, couldn't hold a candle to the LA version *points to name*

wtf, unbanned? :huh:

and GTA was released in 1997, driver was released in 1999

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