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Last game bought...and why?

Urban Legend

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  Urban Legend said:
I havent bought a game in a long time...I got my eye on Scarface right now though. How bout you guys? :gappy:

:D I got Scarface as you know...ITS KICKASS. I thought it was supposed to come out October 8th so on the 6th I went to reserve it at Gamestop so I could get this kick ass poster of Toni, only reservers could get it, but I messed up the dates and found out that it was already out. So when I was at Best Buy I saw the collector's edition and I had to buy it and I dont regret it one bit. I was thinking about getting it ever since I heard about it a year or so ago because I really loved the movie, one of my favorites. Once I saw the collector's edition and read the back descriptions I just had to have it. MAKE SURE ALL OF YOU GET THIS GAME!!!

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  Original GTA Master said:
Why did you pre-order it? Its out now...

im 18 in about 3 months, thats why i havent got it yet. everywhere i go in the uk it seems you need i.d just to buy any game. theres a shop called GAME where you need to show i.d otherwise they cant sell you the game, and if they get caught, they get fined £5000 for EVERY GAME THEY SELL. ouch.

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  man united to the death said:
im 18 in about 3 months, thats why i havent got it yet. everywhere i go in the uk it seems you need i.d just to buy any game. theres a shop called GAME where you need to show i.d otherwise they cant sell you the game, and if they get caught, they get fined £5000 for EVERY GAME THEY SELL. ouch.

Yeah I understand that but a pre-order is ordering it before it is released...are you reserving a copy?

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I pre-ordered Guild Wars: Nightfall the other week. I have my eye on WoW, as GW is getting pretty damn boring, and I think Genocide plays WoW (where are ya).

There's currently no other games which interest me, because I like teh online games and I have no time avaliable. I'd buy LCS if it comes to PC though.

edit: still calling geno typhus rofl

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Last weekend I bought Driver and Croc Legend of the Gobbos which came to the grand total of £3 :D. I was setting out to buy Driver anyway as it looked cool but I saw Croc and memories of my child hood flooded back and it was £1.50 how could I say no? I played it over the weekend then got annoyed as the stupid crocidle kept jumping wierdly so for my personal sanity I stopped playing it

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I'm looking at Scarface and Bully right now but last game I got was LCS for PSP.And now i'm bored of all my games.I went to blockbuster to get Bully yesterday cause Figouredos(best "game and movie renter ever" place) doesn't get new games until like two months later.But anyways,they didn't have Bully,but then I saw Scarface,and it was gone too.So I got this war game.Something Ten Hammers.It's supposed to be great but it sucks.You move like PC sims which is "bad" etc.But I got to go now cause parents comin home like in 5 minutes.(they called.)

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