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What have we learnt from San Andreas?


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With the release of San Andreas and it's massive map with a deep story line which encounter issues we experience in reality, what has GTA San Andreas taught you as a whole? Example, the way CJ dates his girlfriends could change the way you look at dating when you step outside your front door, into the real world, or, that drugs are a real problem and you need to watch out for them when by your own. Anything like that.

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Interesting question! :coolthumbup:

  • You can work your way up from the bottom
  • Never quit trying
  • Just because you fail one time (or more!) doesn't mean that you are a failure
  • Sometimes things turn out differently from what you expect
  • Sometimes you have to change your strategy
  • You can't count on everyone you consider a friend
  • You can find help in unexpected places
  • The opportunity exists - but it's up to you to take action on it
  • You can overcome some very difficult obstacles
  • There is no 'instant gratification', work is involved in real successes

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  hypercoder said:
Interesting question! :coolthumbup:

  • You can work your way up from the bottom
  • Never quit trying
  • Just because you fail one time (or more!) doesn't mean that you are a failure
  • Sometimes things turn out differently from what you expect
  • Sometimes you have to change your strategy
  • You can't count on everyone you consider a friend
  • You can find help in unexpected places
  • The opportunity exists - but it's up to you to take action on it
  • You can overcome some very difficult obstacles
  • There is no 'instant gratification', work is involved in real successes

Agreed... Actually, one thing that I've learned from SA is that drugs can be a real pain in the butt for your group, gang or friends, since the GSF is anti-narcotic...

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  aznn said:
I guess that's something we've learned as well; the Pilot school pissed me off pretty bad when I first tried it :lol: now I look back on it and I laugh at myself :D

Although San Andreas is a pretty easy game to be honest.

yeah its an easy game, btw i really suck in flying, that Pilot school is a great challenge to me...

Edited by Ar-v the Nameless
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True that, never mess with the cops! They'll send wave after wave of officers fearlessly!


Never leave your car parked in the street if you don't want someone else driving it

Money isn't THAT easy to earn

Never rely on a loading a saved game system in real life...

And cars aren't that easy to steal!

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