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General Chat


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So there was General, General Discussion and General Off Topic Chat. And now, I'll be the one taking the next step, making a General thread.

So... Talk about stuff here, rant your frustrations, tell us whatever you want, anything. Get to know how we're all like in real-life. I don't know if I'm being wise here making a topic like this but I feel the compulsion. So, enjoy... *Wields my fire shield* (In case some mod or admin flames me for creating a such a topic)

I don't know how to start, I'll leave it to someone else.

Edited by WiseGuyEddie
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Today, three Vietnamese kids ran past my house. Then they were chillin outside of my house! So I went in my room, loaded up my bb gun, and grabed a couple of blackcats(fireworks). Then I light them up and threw them at them. Once they started running away from the fireworks exploding right in there faces, I took a few shoots at each of them with my bb gun. Then I yelled "That will teach you to gently caress with Americans!" It was quite fun. :coolthumbup:

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Hold up, are those true? If they are, you're a gangster for real, that gives you low reputation. And what's a bb gun?

I called my teacher an idiot for giving me detention for whispering in class, and that earned me extra detention. I sooo wanna screw her up... *Starting to get worse in mathematics*

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Great, a super-mod (or forum security) didn't mind having this topic brought up.

So, how old are you guys? Tell us your character, life passions, dreams, or anything... I'm trying to keep this thread alive (by bumping once) here for the moment. But if no one's interested, I'll leave it alone.

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  SkY^ said:
bb gun = pellet gun.. I think

I saw a hated teacher at the store while I was in my car.. so I just started digging through the dashboard so she wouldnt see me.

I still dont like that bitch. Gave me a D :(

No, bb guns are usually air pumped guns that shoot little metallic balls, like this:[best pic I could find]


People use soft bb's to shoot at each other.


These are pellets for a pellet gun.


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Ok, I don't have a gun at the moment, but I am so sick of hearing about Hot Coffee. After 2 months, I just don't care anymore. Maybe Hillary could try not being a bitch. Maybe Jack Thompson could try taking his lips off her ass. Maybe Yee could stop allowing us to take embarassing freeze-frames of him on ABC with cock-eyes.

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It's quite a sad thing to hear that GTA's banned in Australia, huh? I mean, it's one of the huge countries in the world. It shouldn't have been banned anyway, the graphics are horrible, that makes the sex scenes look unrealistic.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Spasmodically_Insane said:
Including this post, ALL my posts in the 5 current forums I go to equal to the number 10101. Haha. Greatness. That is definetly awesome stuff.

Including this post, ALL my posts in the 5 current forums I go to equal to the number 10101. Haha. Greatness. That is definetly awesome stuff.

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Alright I'm bored so I'll take a little time to try explain his name... (I am NOT using a dictionary)

Insane - Everyone should know this. Just in case... In = Not. Sane = Normal. So, not normal.

Spasmodically - Yep, it's an adjective, I think it means 'for a short period of time'.

So in basic English, it's "not normal for a short period of time".

Spaz did a good job shortening that name, so salute him.

Edited by WiseGuyEddie
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