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  rockstarrem said:
I'm glad that's happening for you now, it's all about Karma (even though I don't really believe in it good example :P), Rachael got what she deserved dude, and you did too.

That Racheal did FUCKING deserve it, god damn bitch. But you got better dude, you have a nice gang of friends(not a gang like "THIS MY CLICK BUUUOOOOY BETTER LEAVE MA HOOD" but a group gang). And a much better (and hotter) girlfriend.

Fucking Racheal even I have a prob with her :P

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  Chris said:
Heh, loads of people here don't have good social lives, and I guess I'm one of them - any GTA webmasters that are great socialisers?

Never really go out much and have a small group of friends back home and a small group at uni, never been popular or anything, and I'm not sporty so didn't make friends through clubs and after school stuff etc. So yeah. Pretty boring life at the moment, but hey, GTAIV keeps me occupied a lot of the time! :P

So this is why all the mods of GTAForums are so nerdy ? When I find Spuds one day i wanna kick the shit out of him,muthafucka banned me one thousand times for what he called 'profanity' .

Coming back to the topic,I'd say I have a normal social life,not to say perfect.

Edited by coffin dealer
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Mine is very confusing, I suffer from bad social anxiety as well and I can never think of things to say to people and because of that people find you creepy, quiet or a loner, I am also an angry person and everytihng pisses me off, because of these people that have done these things to me I've pretty much gave up on life and don't even try, I steal from convience stores, I break the law and I don't care, I'm not trying to be cool I'm just answering your question. I don't give a shit about what happens, I've been caught doing some shit and it doesn't even affect me because I just gave up, it's sad really, the kids in North America are all going to end up pushing and doing drugs.

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  Chris said:
Heh, loads of people here don't have good social lives, and I guess I'm one of them - any GTA webmasters that are great socialisers?

Never really go out much and have a small group of friends back home and a small group at uni, never been popular or anything, and I'm not sporty so didn't make friends through clubs and after school stuff etc. So yeah. Pretty boring life at the moment, but hey, GTAIV keeps me occupied a lot of the time! :P

What? Your friends with Rockstar and there inviting you to New York to play GTA! Sounds pretty fun to me hehe.

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  PJ-34 said:
Mine is very confusing, I suffer from bad social anxiety as well and I can never think of things to say to people and because of that people find you creepy, quiet or a loner, I am also an angry person and everytihng pisses me off, because of these people that have done these things to me I've pretty much gave up on life and don't even try, I steal from convience stores, I break the law and I don't care, I'm not trying to be cool I'm just answering your question. I don't give a shit about what happens, I've been caught doing some shit and it doesn't even affect me because I just gave up, it's sad really, the kids in North America are all going to end up pushing and doing drugs.

mine is something like that too,i'm trying to keep myself from killing someone but i'm already seeing me murdering motherfuckers in my dreams and seeing me sitting in a cell

i really don't wanna kill someone and spend rest of my life behind bars but it's the memories of chicks rejecting me because of nicer and richer guys and that builds my anger,so i'm a little scared of myself of what i might do cuz this life keeps pushing me

Edited by coffin dealer
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(6:45:33 PM) Mike: hey

(6:45:42 PM) Mike: maybe... you could give me advice

(6:45:53 PM) Domenic (rockstarrem): with

(6:45:54 PM) Mike: i mean if you feel up to it :)

(6:45:58 PM) Domenic (rockstarrem): with what?

(6:46:09 PM) Mike: well your good with girld right?

(6:46:14 PM) Mike: girls*

(6:46:16 PM) Domenic (rockstarrem): no actually

(6:46:17 PM) Domenic (rockstarrem): lol

(6:46:21 PM) Mike: oh sorry

(6:46:25 PM) Domenic (rockstarrem): its all good

(6:46:25 PM) Mike: wrong somenic then

(6:46:29 PM) Domenic (rockstarrem): haha yeah

(6:46:31 PM) Mike: domenic

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me+social life=hell freezing over

I have no social life here because i moved from an easy going two with a nice set up 2 a town that is all about money!I don't ask girls out because i know its about money!i can't afford 2 do anything here because my family is in a financial spot because my mom can't work and that leaves my dad 2 pay for everything so no cash flow although i do have friends here i can't really hang out anywhere outside

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^ then stay and post in TGTAP :P

me, i always stay here in my house, but i do have friends in my neighborhood... the good thing is, you don't need money to hang out with them. We make fun by just walking around, going to nearby places and talking about funny things. I'm contented with my social life, but sometimes, i want to have a girlfriend.

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I want a girlfriend too, but a good ( who's not a who' ) girl here is like the Silver Gorilla ... And those that are "good" w/e they have boyfriends or not interested in a realationship ... I remember a bad joke about this, I mean about beautiful/smart/perfect/sexy/hot etc. gf's, << Do you want to eat a shit by yourself or a cookie with your friends ? >> :| hope you get it. Kinda offtopic.

Now, school is almost over so I won't be seing many of my friends for more or less than 3 months ... I have few friends outside school, maybe 3 or 4 but that's it ...

Edited by Gycu X
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  Chris said:
  L-RiC said:
I can't make anyone into a friend unless I'm forced to be around them for awhile....and they're not total douchebags. So I can say bye-bye to my fantasy of meeting the perfect girl and screwing her within a week.

Russian Mail Order Brides :lolbounce:

By "perfect girl", I don't mean someone who's gonna run off with my older brother in between the wedding and the reception. :lol:

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  Chris said:
  L-RiC said:
I can't make anyone into a friend unless I'm forced to be around them for awhile....and they're not total douchebags. So I can say bye-bye to my fantasy of meeting the perfect girl and screwing her within a week.

Russian Mail Order Brides :lolbounce:

*Orders Ekaterina* :P It's funny how they manage to spell 'Russian' wrong yet they umm... aah... umm... uhh... umm... I have no comments.

I dunno, most of my friends just like graffiting on buses and once on my PE teacher's shoes...

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