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Make a fake testimonial!

Huckleberry Pie

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OK, here's the objective: Make a parody testimonial using this tool, or compose a scratch-made one. You can use GTA or some mock stuff - just keep the topic clean, though... God Bless and have fun! :lol:

Here's mine:

Thanks to Grand Theft Auto: Strawberryland, we've just launched our 5th website! It's just amazing. Thank You!

--Mark Smith

Two thumbs up!


Edited by Huckleberry Pie
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I made three...

I would like to personally thank you for your outstanding product. Oxygen saved my business. I can’t tell you how happy I am with Oxygen.

--Chris Turner

Nice work on your Evil. It's incredible. The more I use it, the more it impresses me.
I have gotten at leat 50 times the value from Book On How To Kill Jack Thompson. I made back the purchase price in just 48 hours! I would gladly pay over $600 for Book On How To Kill Jack Thompson.
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I was amazed at the quality of Dildo. If everyone could be as customer focused as you, life would be so much easier. You company is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100%

--Will Hariss

Joking, a clean one now

Thank you so much for your help. Teddy Bear is worth much more than I paid. Please feel free to include this on your website.

-- Female Bear

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I would also like to say thank you to all your staff. Saddam Hussein has really helped our business. We've seen amazing results already.

--Dave Powell

Vista saved my business. Thanks guys, keep up the good work! Thanks guys, keep up the good work!

--Steve Scanlon

Your mum has completely surpassed our expectations. I am completely blown away. Your mum has completely changed how I look at online business.

--Dave Cox

I am really satisfied with my double ender. Everything was above and beyond what I expected. It's all good. Really good.

--Ryan Scanlon

Best investment I've made this year. I would gladly pay over $600 for 12 month old mayonnaise. I love 12 month old mayonnaise.

--Susan Turner

I STRONGLY recommend cocaine to EVERYONE interested in running a successful online business! If everyone could be as customer focused as you, life would be so much easier. I don’t know how I ever worked without it.

--Anthony Cox

I wish I would have thought of it first. Purple Monkey Dishwasher has completely changed how I look at online business. I am completely blown away.

--John Brown

Edited by WRX22B1998
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Created without tool:

Your gnomes have saved my garden! They give more life to my garden and they keep little kids away! 5-STARS! I highly recommend these gnomes to anyone who needs life somewhere in their home! They're so popular that people are stealing them!

With tool:

I am really satisfied with my Picture frames. Thanks for the great service. Picture frames has really helped our business.

--John White

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I would like to personally thank you for your outstanding product. Pedal powered masturbation machine is awesome! I am really satisfied with my Pedal powered masturbation machine.

--Ryan Moore

Erm...yeah..this follows on from an MSN conversation i had with Connor...which preceded a crudely drawn picture of the product in question...

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Dude, your stuff is the bomb! I have gotten at leat 50 times the value from Penis. Very easy to use.

--Susan Phillip

I am really satisfied with my Pubic Hair. The very best. Man, this thing's getting better and better as I learn more about it.

--Julie Turner

Might go out and buy some of that ''Pubic Hair'' after hearing that.

Edited by Daniel.
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  • 2 weeks later...

chinese sex slaves has really helped our business. Thank you so much for your help. We've seen amazing results already.

--Fran Morriss

child rape is great. I don't know what else to say. Please feel free to include this on your website.

--Will Morriss

I didn't even need training. Thanks guys, keep up the good work! I STRONGLY recommend your mum to EVERYONE interested in running a successful brothel

--Elizabeth Scanlon

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You guys rock! 999 days of non-stop fucking saved my business. I like 999 days of non-stop fucking more and more each day because it makes my life a lot easier.

Thanks for the great service. Awesome! I have gotten at leat 50 times the value from anal licking.

Potasium Cyanide is the next killer ap. The more I use it, the more it impresses me. It's all good. Really good.

Cyanide is the next killer ap. Literally :lolbounce:

Edited by Gycu X
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I edited some bits myself, but most of it was made with the tool.

I can't say enough about loli. I will reccomend you to my collegues. The very best.


I am really satisfied with my yaoi. Awesome! It's really wonderful.

--Jack Thompson

I can’t tell you how happy I am with Hot Coffee. I am quite impressed with your level of customer service. I am completely blown away.


Hot Men XXX has completely surpassed our expectations. I would like to personally thank you for your outstanding magazine. Your company is great to work with.


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We were treated like royalty. Definitely worth the investment. I use chicken feet often.

--Sarah Scanlon

If everyone could be as customer focused as you, life would be so much easier. I like century old socks more and more each day because it makes my life a lot easier. I can’t tell you how happy I am with century old socks.

--Dave Johnson

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